Empowered Couples

Red Flags That Signal a Change is Needed in Your Marriage: Episode 281



Red flags in regards to relationships are warning signs. But often these warning signs are spoken about as a reflection into the past as a reason to have gotten out of the relationship earlier.  Though this is a fine practice if you are dating or even engaged, when it comes to a committed marriage, these red flags signify something different. These red flags are not reasons for you to leave the marriage at all, these are signs you want to be on the lookout for throughout your years together to help signal you both about the patterns that need to shift in your relationship together.  In this episode you will hear which red flags you should be on the lookout for and then come together to figure out what needs to shift between the two of you. You will get examples of types of changes to make for each red flag so that you are constantly on the same page, growing closer together, and better managing the challenges that arise in life.   Resources For Your Relationship: NEW REPAIR GUIDE: A step-by-step guide to repa