Empowered Couples

4 Things Couples Forget to Do After Years Together (That Are Crucial to Connection!): Episode 289



Do you ever wish that you were back in that infamous "honeymoon" stage of your marriage? Believe us we understdand why we hear this from couples. You want to be in that feeling of newness, optimism, passion, and infinite possibilites with a true partner at your side. There is something to honor about this stage but the reality is that this is not just a short window of time that you cannot get back. It's just that you were doing a bunch of things unconsciously that were leading to this feeling of marrital bliss. In this episode you will be enlightened hearing these 4 things that you just forget to do after being together for years. In some situations it's not that you even forgot but they you never realized you were doing them in the forst place. But now you can relaize what these actions are and consciously bring them into your life to add to increaes your connection, optimism, and feeling of possibility!    Resources For Your Relationship: NEW REPAIR GUIDE: A step-by-step guide to repairing after an argumen