Empowered Couples



Ignite your day with inspiring and authentic interviews with EmPowered Couples that will help you design your own version of what it means to be an Empowered couple. We believe that we can all be thriving physically, financially and spiritually while strengthening our partnership.We are honored to be your hosts, The Freemans, we are authors of the book The New Power Couple, speakers, and Social Entrepreneurs. Alright, here we go.


  • Set Your Marriage Up For Success With 3 Simple Habits: Episode 270

    27/12/2022 Duration: 24min

    When you get down to it, your life is not made up of big exciting events, it’s actually all the tiny moments that make up the large majority of your life. That being said, are these moments fun, playful, connected, or intentional? Or do you fall trap to them being mundane, frustrating, disconnected, or checked out?  In this episode you will hear 3 daily, weekly, and monthly habits to put in place so that your relationship can be successful by having all these small moments be meaningful. The small moments can only be mastered by small habits, so we invite you to commit to these as you start your new year! As a bonus, hear our word for the year and talk with your partner about the intention word you both want to set for your new year ahead!   Resources For Your Relationship: Find all of the best next steps to contionue the growth within your relationship here.

  • Our 1st Year as Parents: How Our Marriage Has Changed, What’s Felt Hardest, and What Keep Us United: Episode 269

    20/12/2022 Duration: 36min

    For those of you that are parents, did that make your marriage more difficult or bring you both together? This could be asked about any challenge that you face as a couple, but parenting is definitely unique, at least it has been for us! We polled parents and found that it often changed their marriage in some common ways: they felt they became roommates, it was hard to make time for each other, more conflicts around different parenting styles, feeling of losing their identity, and the division of labor seemed unequal. This episode is about us completing our first year as parents since Skye was born on Dec 21st, 2021. This has been the hardest year of our marriage, even though there were other outside forces at work beyond being parents. So in the end of the year fashion where lots of reflection happens; we are sharing about how this first year our parents have changed us, felt difficult, and keeps us united.   Resources For Your Relationship: Get The Communication Mastery Bundle course for you and your partn

  • 6 Pieces of Wisdom For an Even Better Marriage & Life Next Year: Episode 268

    13/12/2022 Duration: 33min

    The end of the year is always a time for reflection. Typically this is about personal and professional events and how we would have liked them to go differently. This is also a prefect time to reflect on your relationship with your partner. We will all face challenges in life and it is the same in a marriage. Though every challenge is an opportunity, you will never see it if you do not take time to reflect and uncover what that is. In this episode you will hear our own reflections of this past year and the wisdom we took away from the challenges we faced in our own life and marriage. You will get 6 pieces of wisdom that you can utilize to change your perspective on the challenges that you faced, and how to use it to set a new course into the new year.    Resources For Your Relationship: Get The Communication Mastery Bundle course for you and your partner to grow closer together, communicate more effectively, and fight smarter! As a listener get $50 off with the code: 50bundle You can also sign-up for a 2-on-

  • Wanting Your Partner to Change VS Accepting Them as They Are: Episode 267

    06/12/2022 Duration: 34min

    It’s likely that you have said one of these two things to your partner. “Why don’t you just accept me for who I am” or “I really need you to change this _____”. At some point in your relationship you will find yourselves getting more upset about things that your partner does, says, or ways they show up for you. Of course relationships are about supporting the needs of the other person but a big question arises at this junction… Where is the line of accepting my partner the way they are versus being able to ask for a change to be made.  This is a thin line between resigning yourself to things continuing to not serve you or the relationship and constantly asking your partner to be different. This is especially when it comes to who they are as a person and their base personality traits.  In this episode you will understand where this line is between change and acceptance so that at the end of the day you both are able to feel accepted as the person you are and be on a healthy path to growing into even better peo

  • The Harm of Hijacking the Conversation to Air Out Your Own Frustrations: Episode 265

    22/11/2022 Duration: 13min

    Have you never had that feeling of being perplexed and thrown off guard when you tried to bring something up to your partner? You might have had a recent upset, an event that you were frustrated by, or another emotion that you needed to express to your partner. Within a few seconds your partner dumps all their own upsets and frustrations at you; even going as far as to compare how their pain is worse than yours!  This is an “emotional hijack” that makes the conversation all about them and leaves you feeling stunned, caught off guard, that it’s unfair, and even selfish of them. What makes matters worse is that you had a positive intention to communicate openly and often vulnerably with them. After this, why would you even want to bring up anything in the future?  In this episode you will hear about the reasons this dynamic happens and what is really going on for them to take over your conversation. Then you will hear 2 things that can be done differently so that you do not lose faith and trust in each other to

  • Why Marriages Become Bland and How to Keep it Feeling Fresh: Episode 264

    15/11/2022 Duration: 18min

    Food that is “bland” isn’t bad or inedible, it just lacks any zest or real flavor. Marriage can take on a similar feeling too, it’s not that anything is a major problem, but you are not feeling any real zest, excitement, or even newness.  As you will hear in this episode, all relationships will find themselves in this type of season for some specific reasons. You will also hear some examples, that might even be happening for you now, that signify that you need to take these steps to bring in some freshness, newness, and intentionally to your zest for life and each other!   Resources For Your Relationship: Watch our FREE WebClass on: The 5 Steps to Fully Repair After an Argument so you reconnect in minutes (Instead of Hours, Days, Weeks). Watch our free webclass on: End the Battle for Fairness to align relationship roles, reduce overwhelm, and be a united team again. Order our book, The Argument Hangover, and get over $200 of free bonus gifts (like the mini course and a 90 minute training).

  • Answering 5 of the Best Marriage Questions We’ve Been Asked Lately: Episode 263

    08/11/2022 Duration: 26min

    This is a bit of a celebration episode for us personally… Just in the past week this podcast broke into the Top 20 relationship podcasts on Apple, we went over 100,000 followers on Instagram, and we had over 500 couples join the Fight Smarter Weblcass! (by the way if you missed the weblcass you can watch it again with this link) As you can imagine for us, we are very proud and excited, plus we have been receiving SO many questions from all the new couples in this relationship ecosystem. So this episode is focused on the 5 top questions we have been receiving over DMs and through emails from all this new activity.  We are doing this in part so that the one thing WE KNOW, you can come to know too… That most couples are really dealing with the same kinds of challenges. Though the circumstances and emotional responses might be different, many of the relationship themes are the same. This is so that you know you are not alone in what you go through!   Resources For Your Relationship: If you missed the Fight Smart

  • “That wasn’t my intention!” The Difference Between Arguing For Intent vs Understanding Impact: Episode 262

    31/10/2022 Duration: 19min

    Have you ever tried to validate your position during an argument by saying “Oh but that wasn’t my intention”? Have you noticed how that doesn’t help at all? At least in that moment, because it is not the right time. It shows the need to understand the big difference between intent and impact.  In this episode you will hear about how intention doesn’t matter in these moments and the more you fight for explaining it, the further down you will go into conflict. You will hear how to switch into acknowledging impact, which is the most important, and only thing, to do when your partner has emotion present.   Resources For Your Relationship: Join our LIVE FREE WebClass on Nov. 3rd, 2022 - Fight Smarter: Prevent Unnecessary Arguments, Deescalate Emotional Triggers, and Repiar Faster as a Couple.    If that date has already passed then watch the replay WebClass on: The 5 Steps to Fully Repair After an Argument So You Reconnect in Minutes (Instead of Hours, Days, Weeks). Pick a time to watch it here.

  • 4 Differences We See Between Couples Who Struggle and Those Who Thrive: Episode 261

    25/10/2022 Duration: 26min

    Though you, and every other couple, face different challenges in your life and marriage; why do some struggle and some thrive? Struggling doesn’t mean that you are just facing a challenge, because everyone will. Struggle then is the experience you have while facing a challenge.  Of all the couples we talk to and coach, we have seen patterns between those that experience disconnection, anxiety, and tension and those that maintain connection, togetherness and being a team during challenging times. In this episode you will hear 4 differences that we have seen between couples that “struggle versus those that thrive”. By knowing these differences, you will be able to implement a few simple things to move out of a state of struggling to one of progress and growth.   Resources For Your Relationship: Join our LIVE FREE WebClass on Nov. 3rd, 2022 - Fight Smarter: Prevent Unnecessary Arguments, Deescalate Emotional Triggers, and Repiar Faster as a Couple.    If that date has already passed then watch the replay WebClas

  • 3 Things Women Need to Work on in Marriage Right Now: Episode 260

    20/10/2022 Duration: 18min

    A part of a thriving relationship depends on the work done by each partner to grow individually. You have heard common phrases like your “wealth grows at the extent you grow” and this could be said about your relationship as well. As much as it takes using the right skills and tools as a couple, it all starts with your own willingness to progress on your own individual path of growth.  In this episode you will hear 3 things that women need to work on in marriage right now. This is coming from the most common things we are hearing from couples in our own private coaching every day. Men and women do ‘deal with’ different challenges and even general patterns within a marriage; so get ready to help advance the growth for all women in their respective relationships! Let’s go…   Resources For Your Relationship: Start your relationship growth now with The Communication Mastery Bundle course for you and your partner to grow closer together, communicate more effectively, and fight smarter!    You can also sign-up for

  • 3 Things Men Need to Work on in Marriage Right Now: Episode 259

    18/10/2022 Duration: 20min

    A part of a thriving relationship depends on the work done by each partner to grow individually. You have heard common phrases like your “wealth grows at the extent you grow” and this could be said about your relationship as well. As much as it takes using the right skills and tools as a couple, it all starts with your own willingness to progress on your own individual path of growth.  In this episode you will hear 3 things that men need to work on in marriage right now. This is coming from the most common things we are hearing from couples in our own private coaching every day. Men and women do ‘deal with’ different challenges and even general patterns within a marriage; so get ready to help advance the growth for all men in their respective relationships! Let’s go…   Resources For Your Relationship: Start your relationship growth now with The Communication Mastery Bundle course for you and your partner to grow closer together, communicate more effectively, and fight smarter!    You can also sign-up for a 2

  • The Biggest Communication Mistake That Turns Conversations Into Conflicts: Episode 258

    11/10/2022 Duration: 12min

    We are just off hosting the Couples Workshop in Arizona yesterday, and this was one of the biggest takeaways from the ½ day in person event. Communication seems easy when you only think of it as “verbalizing what you are thinking”. But this often leads to the biggest communication mistake that turns simple conversations into an argument.  In this episode we will give you the inside look at the most effective communication tool that we teach at the Couples Workshop and in our coaching. By changing your very first sentence to your partner you can stay on the same team together and support each other in fulfilling your relationship needs and wants!   Resources For Your Relationship: Order our book, The Argument Hangover, and get over $200 of free bonus gifts (like the mini course and a 90 minute training) You can also sign-up for a 2-on-2 Relationship Breakthrough Session here

  • When Life Is Hitting You With a Lot of Hard Stuff at Once: Episode 257

    06/10/2022 Duration: 08min

    Do you feel like life is piling things onto you and your partner right now? There are defintely seasons where a lot of hard things can hit you all at once which really makes it difficult to stay positive and stay connected as a team. In this solo episode you will hear from Jocelyn to get two things to do in seasons like these. Everything, even challenges, are temporary. But use these two things so you can stay connected until the ride is over!    Resources For Your Relationship: Watch our FREE WebClass on: The 5 Steps to Fully Repair After an Argument So You Reconnect in Minutes (Instead of Hours, Days, Weeks). Pick a time to watch it here.   Order our book, The Argument Hangover, and get over $200 of free bonus gifts (like the mini course and a 90 minute training) You can also sign-up for a 2-on-2 Relationship Breakthrough Session here

  • Why the Past Gets Brought Up Mid-Argument: Episode 256

    04/10/2022 Duration: 21min

    Here you are having a slightly tension filled conversation with your partner, then out of nowhere they bring up something from the past! “You did the same thing last week” or “this is exactly what you do, you don’t respect me”.  One of the most common things we hear that escalates things quickly is the past being brought up. This is not just random however, this is an indication of a few things. In this episode we’re going to share FOUR of the most common things this indicates and all 4 could really strike a chord, so be sure to listen all the way to the end!   Resources For Your Relationship: There are 3 SPOTS for Couples to take the #1 Relationship Assessment in the world and do a Results Analysis Call privately with us. Couples say, “that was the most clarifying 1 hour we’ve spent in a long time.” To snag one of these 3 spots for only $147 (a MAJOR discount), either text or email us before they’re gone. Text: 602-321-5652 or email connect@newpowercouples.com   If that date is already past then you can sign

  • What Men Don’t Understand About Women: Episode 255

    29/09/2022 Duration: 20min

    Men, there is something you don’t understand about your female partners… Being completely honest here, this is something that women might forget in the moment as well. When women don’t understand this about themselves then they don’t communicate in the best way or request what it is they need so that it can be received by their male partners. Men, without understanding this need that women have, you will easily invalidate them and easily escalate the conversation into a triggering conflict. In this episode you will (both) understand this need that women have and be able to communicate about it in a healthy way that brings you into more harmony individually and as a couple.    Resources For Your Relationship: Sign-up for a 2-on-2 Relationship Breakthrough Session here For those that live in and around Arizona, this is your last opportunity for the in person Couples Workshop event on Sunday Oct 9th. Seats for this live event are limited so check the details and register here!

  • What Women Don’t Understand About Men: Episode 254

    27/09/2022 Duration: 23min

    Women, there is something you don’t understand about your male partners… Being completely honest here, this is something most men don’t even understand about themselves! When men don’t understand this about themselves then they cannot even communicate or request what it is they need and default to shutting down, being silent, or even leaving the physical space without so much as a word about what is happening.  Women, without understanding this need that men have, you will take it personally and do the opposite actions that are needed to help; pushing your male partner further away or shutting down even more. In this episode you will (both) understand this need that men have and be able to communicate about it in a healthy way that brings you into more harmony individually and as a couple.   Resources For Your Relationship: Sign-up for a 2-on-2 Relationship Breakthrough Session here For those that live in and around Arizona, this is your last opportunity for the in person Couples Workshop event on Sunday O

  • Establishing Your Family Values and Evaluating Your Priorities Together: Episode 253

    20/09/2022 Duration: 28min

    If you have ever felt that you needed to make a difficult decision or that you have been in the same place in your marriage longer than you’ve wanted, you likely need to identify your values and adjust your priorities! Now this can be a very seasonal thing, even core values can adjust based on the season you are coming out of or wanting to enter into! Sometimes it even involves rearranging your core values to one’s that are more important to you right now. But this can be a hard conversation because it takes getting clarity as well as being willing to ask hard conversions, be honest with yourself, and change some habits.  In this episode you will hear the exercise we use to redefine our values in each season and align our priorities with those values. We are going through that season in our marriage right now and we will share our current values, our new priorities and this exercise that we put up on our frig!   Resources For Your Relationship: Get the Values and Priorities Exercise as a BONUS in The Communi

  • All Challenges Are Temporary But You Decide the Time (lesson from hardest month in my life): Episode 252

    15/09/2022 Duration: 14min

    After going through the most challenging month of my life, which of course had a major impact on Jocelyn as we went through it together, this is one of the major lessons I learned. Though you experience different challenges and varying degrees of emotional stress around them, the fact remains that challenges themselves are temporary. This realization was a major turning point during this time.  In this solo episode you will hear about two distinct aspects of circumstantial challenges, you will feel some relief and optimism for any challenge you are currently facing, but also you will understand the decision point that you can make to turn it all around in your favor.   Resources For Your Relationship: Battle For Fairness Marriage WebClass September 15th —> OnlineCouplesWorkshops.com Let’s end “The Battle for Fairness” in relationship roles, overcoming resentment, and reducing overwhelm in your partnership. If that date is passed then you can sign-up for a 2-on-2 Relationship Breakthrough Session here

  • Marriage Vows Renewal Exercise (recreating new promises on our anniversary): Episode 251

    13/09/2022 Duration: 23min

    Do you remember your wedding vows, could you tell us what they are and more importantly if you have been keeping them? Sorry if that feels like a bold and challenging question, but the point is that many of us have forgotten what we promised our spouse at the start of the marriage!  There are a few reasons this happens, tune into the episode to hear what those are. But the more important thing is to ongoingly remake your promises to each other to be a match to the next season of life together and for the individual people you are becoming.  It was our anniversary this past weekend, and the practice of recreating our promises with each other is something we do each year. In this episode we will share with you the exercise we do and share with you the promises we just made with each other. Then you can do the same with your partner and create the future you truly desire for your marriage!   Resources For Your Relationship: Battle For Fairness Marriage WebClass September 15th —> OnlineCouplesWorkshops.com Let’s

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