Empowered Couples

Debriefing Our Own Argument in the Airport to Uncover the Real Root Cause: Episode 280



At this point you know that arguments are going to happen. It’s not the right goal to try and not have them. It’s all about the repair. Now a big problem that you have likely experienced yourself is that when you try and come back to the conversation, it just escalates and you relive the whole argument. Now you are probably even more angry and frustrated with each other.  So in this episode we take you through an argument we just had 3 days ago while we were at the airport coming back from a trip. This one we did not keep from escalating and disconnecting us for over 24 hours. But then we did debrief our argument to find the root cause and resolve it together. You will authentically hear from us the mistakes even we made, but how you can debrief after an argument so that you too can shorten your argument hangovers and be able to learn the value lessons from an argument and change the patterns for the future! MAKE SURE YOU GET THE NEW REPAIR GUIDE: A step-by-step guide to repairing after an argument; to ensure