Empowered Couples

The 5 Vital Elements For Sustaining LOVE Throughout the Years, Trials, and Seasons of Life: Episode 278



Love can feel simple and effortless in the beginning stages of a relationship, but it's not always easy to maintain that feeling over time. In this episode, we explore the 5 essential parts of love in a marriage that can help couples maintain and even grow their love for each other. We discuss how each part of love plays a crucial role in building a strong and mature relationship, and why neglecting any one of these parts can lead to challenges and struggles. We dive into the importance of passion and desire, friendship and companionship, safety and trust, shared experiences, and commitment in a marriage. We explore the common mistakes couples make in relationships and provide practical advice on how to nurture each part of love in a way that can strengthen a couple's bond. Whether you're in the early stages of a relationship or have been married for years, this episode will provide insights and tips to help you create a lasting and fulfilling marriage. Get the Making Up & Moving Forward guide here - get