Empowered Practice

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries: Tools for these times



Hello Everyone, Thank you for continuing to return to these conversations with Toni and Jadi! We love holding this space and sharing the resources that we've accumulated in our journeys as helpers (Holistic Mental Wellness, Social Work). Eclipse energy can be intense; Aries is most certainly INTENSE. Take a breath. Pause. Get clear on where you are going and why in your daily actions. Some of the tools that help us: 1. Miracle Question (from Solution Focused Therapy): https://positivepsychology.com/miracle-question/ 2. Daily/regular self-check ins: What are my goals? Whats important in the process? What is the outcome? Would I be ok with not accomplishing said outcome? What would happen? Does this goal still matter to me? 3. VIA character strengths quiz: https://www.viacharacter.org/ - get clear on the values that matter most to you - does your work/hobbies/relationships nourish these values? Provide opportunities to express them? With so much love, Toni + Jadi Connect: Toni: @parksholistichealth (se