Empowered Practice

Season 5 Episode 16: Gemini Full Moon



Welcome back to our sacred space together, Take a deep breath. Arrive. That is all that is required.  Today Toni + Jadi chat about the flurry of this season (pun intended), and how energetically/spiritually, we are really being called into silence, solitude, and reflection. It is a time of slowing down and simple pleasures (naps, reading a good book, cuddling, cooking).  This full moon comes as a prequel to the Solstice on December 21st. This is the darkest day of the year. And then we move toward lighter days again.  How does this resonate for you? What patterns have you noticed in your life lately that align with this? Or feel out of alignment?  Jadi + Toni share their favorite tools for being internal, and how to be with the discomfort that can and will arise when we get still enough. One of them is IFS - Internal Family Systems, a form of self therapy that is ever-growing in popularity for its simplicity and POWER.  May these practices serve you. May you experience the peace an