Empowered Practice

Season 6 Episode 1: Cancer Full Moon



Hello Beloved Community, Happy New Year! Thank you for being here, many of you have been with us since the beginning almost 4 years ago! Thank you, we love you, and we feel you in each of these sweet virtual gathering we have together. In this episode: Toni + Jadi discuss what has been present in the transition from 2021 to 2022. While we have both felt an energetic shift from exhaustion to the peering in of cracks of light guiding the way, we acknowledge that may not (YET) be the case for you. Stay with it. Keep breathing. Keep trusting. Keep showing up for yourself.  We share our favorite water-sign cancerian practices, including baths, sprucing up the home, cozying, and RESTING.  We talk about the many ways that rest can express itself and how futile it can be to compare to others.  As this is the sign of the Moon and the moon represents the Mother/Feminine, we spend quite a bit of time focused on how the mothering energy can present itself and practices that can support it such as:  1.