Empowered Practice

Season 5 Episode 12: Pisces Full Moon



Welcome back!! It's so nice to be gathering together in community after a month-long break. One of the topics Toni and Jadi often talk about is the importance of REST. Sleep and leisure are also important SEPARATE categories of self-care and wellbeing. And we both felt the effects of having a month of space to really feel into how these cosmic shifts are impacting on personal, community, and global levels! In this episode we cover: 1. Pisces Full Moon + Sun in Libra - this is the CULMINATION of lessons learned over the past 6 months. Think back to March; what are the primary themes that you have been working with? What feels like it is ready to be released? What feels complete? 2. We share the biggest lessons we've learned over the past month - juicccccyyyyy - and we talk about the importance of celebrating, asking for what we would love to receive, manifesting intentions, and being ok with UNRESOLVED conversations 3. Toni gives us a deep dive into IFS (internal family systems) and Jadi shares about her Womx