Stevie Says Social Podcast



If youre a Business Owner or Marketer looking to #LiftYourSocialMediaGame, this is the podcast for you!Get killer trainings on all things Social Media, Content and Digital Marketing. Stand out from the crowd, attract more followers, and most importantly convert those followers into clients + customers. From my own behind-the-scenes insights and no BS strategies to interviews with successful business owners to show you what REALLY works, youll get the roadmap, cheat sheets and secret strategies you need to nail your socials, grow your business and have fun doing it!


  • Five Ridiculously Awesome Social Media Ideas From Bali

    27/08/2018 Duration: 18min

    If you’ve been following along on my Instagram, you’ll know that I’ve just spent two months in paradise aka Bali. In between sunset drinks, margaritas every day and spending weekends at beach clubs - yes, that’s the truth, and yes, I REALLY REALLY now need to stop drinking cocktails, get healthy and get back into a routine - I had quite a lot of time to think.After having far too much time to think and spending far too much time eating my breakfasts, lunches and dinners in full - and empty - restaurants and cafes from Seminyak to Canggu, I decided to put together a podcast episode on some of the things that the FULL ones are doing well.Because, frankly? They are nailing it, and the reason that they are doing so really comes back to understanding and leveraging some very basic - but often overlooked social media and marketing concepts.So, let’s get back to basics and go through five things that I have seen Bali restaurants, bars and cafes really get right - with examples that you can apply within your OWN busi

  • DIY Video Marketing Tips for Facebook and Instagram with Nicky Felton, Play Creative

    21/08/2018 Duration: 48min

    In this episode, we dive into DIY video marketing tips for Facebook and Instagram.Nicky Felton is the co-founder of Play Creative, a storytelling focused video production company. In this episode, we get her insights into EVERYTHING video.ShownotesAn in-depth rundown of different types of video across Facebook and Instagram; including the Facebook Newsfeed, Facebook Live, Instagram Stories and IGTV;Our predictions on the future of IGTV;Some awesome content ideas for producing your own video content;The power of a short 'About Us' video for social media;Ways to use your iPhone to create video content, including the slow mo, time lapse and stop motion functions;A secret Harry Potter-eque trick with the Boomerang app;Apps to use for DIY'ing your video content, including Go Pro Quik, iMovie and Rippl;Tools required [and tools you DON'T require].Links + ResourcesFacebook: @playcreativenzWebsite: show notes for all epi

  • Facebook Ads | Facebook Ad Targeting Changes

    14/08/2018 Duration: 19min

    As one of the most targeted forms of advertising available anywhere, Facebook ads is at the very top of my list when it comes to paid marketing options - both on and off Facebook.If you aren’t familiar with Facebook ads, or you would like a bit of a 101 overview, please head back to the  Facebook 101 episode, which is a fabulous overview of the Facebook ads platform.In this episode, we are going to dive specifically into Facebook targeting, and in particular, some Facebook ad targeting changes that have come into effect over the past couple of weeks.Full show notes for all episodes can be found at more?

  • How to Start a Successful Youtube Channel for Your Business with Louise Henry, Solopreneur Sidesick

    30/07/2018 Duration: 31min

    Ever wanted to start a successful Youtube channel for your business, but you’ve been unsure where on earth to start?Or perhaps you haven’t even considered Youtube, but when I tell you that it’s the second BIGGEST search engine after Google [aka a huge opportunity for getting your business searched by new eyeballs] you start paying a little more attention?Either way, this episode is for you!In episode 31 of the Stevie Says Social podcast, I interview Louise Henry of Solopreneur Sidekick. Louise has committed to producing two episodes a week on Youtube to market her business online and as someone in the trenches, she was the PERFECT person to speak to about how to get started!Links + ResourcesHG Logitech c920 webcam.ATR USB MicrophoneQuicktimeiMovieTools:Keywords EverywhereFull show notes for all episodes can be found at more?

  • Social Media and Content Collaborations with Jess Ruhfus, Collabosaurus

    24/07/2018 Duration: 23min

    There are a few strategies that I think have the ability to completely supercharge your social media, marketing and entire business. One of those is, without a doubt, social media and content marketing collaborations.Within 6 months of starting to do this, I was able to quit my full-time job and start my business with a fully booked roster of clients.I have never 'pitched' for work in the traditional sense since.So yeah, collaborations work and I'm pretty damn passionate about them.Chatting about all things collaboration marketing on the podcast, then, was a complete no brainer.And when I decided that I wanted to that, Jess Ruhfus was the obvious choice of person to chat to.As the Head Cheese and Founder at Collabosauras, Jess is the queen of collaboration marketing.Links + ResourcesTo check out Collabosauras, head to show notes for all episodes can be found at more?

  • SEO Basics for Small Business with Karlie Plowman, Technobird

    16/07/2018 Duration: 44min

    In this episode, we are diving into the basics of SEO for small businesses with special guest Karlie Plowman from Technobird.If you're a small business that's guilty of sticking your head in the sand when it comes to all things SEO and putting it in the too hard basket, I feel ya. I used to be there myself.It was, quite frankly, all a little bit overwhelming and so I stuck to posting on social and, when it came to digital marketing, leaving it at that.Now?It's a different story.Organic Google search is hands down my biggest traffic source, I derive a couple of leads a day from it, and that's a number which is growing every single day. I LOVE SEO.And all of this came about by making a conscious effort to put a little time into learning the rope. Now, I'm no guru - that's Karlie - but I have strung enough knowledge together to get me some tangible results and now I just want to know more!So, this podcast is kinda selfish. It's for me, as well as for you.And it's a KILLER

  • Facebook Ads 101 | Beyond the Boost

    03/07/2018 Duration: 31min

    Facebook advertising is so hot right now.EVERYONE is banging on about it.But WHY? What’s all the fuss about?Before getting into the nitty-gritty technical stuff, let's break it down and find out how it is that Facebook ads came to be the new holy grail of online marketing.There’s three contributing factors.In this episode, we'll be talking about Facebook advertising, what it is, why it's so amazing and a bit of a Facebook Ads for dummies 101.Full show notes for all episodes can be found at more?

  • Six Common Social Media Mistakes and How to Avoid Making Them

    25/06/2018 Duration: 12min

    Social media can be TOUGH.There’s so much to learn and get right. It can be tough to feel like you’ve really got a handle on things and you’re not making mistakes.But, don’t worry guys - I've got your back.In this episode, we cover a few common social media mistakes you need to avoid making plus a few home truths to know too, and I’m here to tell you exactly what they are.Full show notes for all episodes can be found at more?

  • Starting with Why and Launching an Online Program (and Business) You're Proud Of with Alex Richardson, Duo Pilates

    21/06/2018 Duration: 48min

    In today’s episode, I interview Alex Richardson. Alex is the owner of Duo Pilates and creator of the soon to be (re)launched 12 week online pilates program, ‘The Duo Pilates Method’.In this episode, we discuss:Alex’s story, and her journey from being a nurse to starting her own Pilates studio;The law of attraction and the impact it had on Alex’s decision to start a business;The importance of mindset in the early stages of business ownership;How setting up systems and processes has given Alex the freedom to leave the business;Alex’s decision to leverage her time and start an online business + the mistakes she made when she first launched;The CRITICAL importance of knowing your purpose and how it transformed Alex’s business;How to incorporate your purposes into everything you do;And more!Full show notes for all episodes can be found at more?

  • Branding and Social Media for Small Business | How to Think Like a Lifestyle Brand with Girl Friday IP

    14/06/2018 Duration: 42min

    If you're a small business looking to build your business, let me give you a hot tip - nailing your branding first and then your social media efforts will get you most of the way there.Fi from Girl Friday IP is someone who has leveraged both of these things to build a kick-ass business.As a service provider in a typically unsexy industry, Fi's 'think like a lifestyle' brand philosophy has provided her year old business with traction - referrals, business, exposure and recognition - that would never have been possible had she just done what every other IP firm does.Full show notes for all episodes can be found at more?

  • How to Achieve Anything You Want

    11/06/2018 Duration: 14min

    Ever sat at home on a Friday night, content with your life and your 9 – 5 but with a niggling feeling in the back of your mind wondering - is this all there is?Or wondered where all of the hopes and goals you *used* to have have gone, buried under bills and debts and obligations? Or maybe dreamed of doing more, but flopped on the couch at the end of a long work day exhausted and unsure of where to even start?I have, and it sucks.When you're in that place, looking forward to where you think you might like to be is overwhelming - especially when the distance between here and there seems just too big.Often, you just don’t know where to start – so you don’t.In this episode, I go through some steps you can take to, quite literally, achieve anything you want.Full show notes for all episodes can be found at more?

  • How to Run a Successful Social Media Competition

    06/06/2018 Duration: 30min

    In this episode, we cover how to run a social media competition for your business with social media competition expert, Sukina Harrison of Origami Globe.We will cover the following:The three best ways to supercharge your social media efforts;The reasons for running a social media competition;A step-by-step overview to running a social media competition;The importance of planning your social media competition in advance;How long a high-value social media competition should ideally run for;How to prepare for a competition;What to do during a competition;What to do after a competition is closed;Apps to consider using;The legalities and rules for running competitions on all of the major platforms;And much more.Full show notes for all episodes can be found at more?

  • How to Build Your Personal Brand Online With Social Media

    03/06/2018 Duration: 19min

    Whether you’ve heard of ‘personal brand’ or not, the truth is that you already have one.Personal brand simply means your reputation.How you are perceived in the eyes of others.What people think and say about you when you’re not around.And in 2018 it’s not just what people are saying about you when you’re not in the room that matters. It’s what people are saying about you online. Or in some cases, what they’re NOT saying.Full show notes for all episodes can be found at more?

  • How to Acquire and Retain Customers for your eCommerce Business with Social Media (with Lucy Bloomfield)

    31/05/2018 Duration: 33min

    Do you want to know how to grow your eCommerce business using social media?More specifically, do you want to know how to acquire new customers plus nurture and retain your existing ones from someone who has done it all before?If so, you're in luck.In this episode, I interview Lucy Bloomfield. Lucy built her own eCommerce business, Trefiel, from 0 to 10,000 customers, with 40% customer retention, in just 18 months.We discuss how she successfully leveraged social media and other digital marketing activities to build her business.Full show notes for all episodes can be found at more?

  • Why Creating Connection is the Key to Social Media Success

    20/05/2018 Duration: 15min

    Buckle in guys, because in this episode we're going deep.Sure, I know you’ve got a biz and you’re bloody busy and time is ticking and you’re all like JUST TELL ME HOW TO MAKE SOME GODDAMN MONEY THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA DAMMIT.I get it.We’re ALL spinning our wheels, and when it it comes to social we just want to crack the damn code - and quickly, because we have a million other things to do.The thing is though, that all of the lazy, so-called ‘quick win’ social media stuff you might have tried in the past hasn’t WORKED, has it?Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here.Full show notes for all episodes can be found at more?

  • Three Ways to Be More Social on Social Media

    20/05/2018 Duration: 14min

    Media and traditional advertising has always given businesses the opportunity to distribute a message to an audience. Social media ain’t traditional media, though. And treating it as such by *just* pushing out content, ads and talking about yourself is one of the BIGGEST mistakes a business can make.Why?Well, it’s called SOCIAL media for a reason.Its real power lies in the opportunity it gives your business to connect DIRECTLY with your potential clients. Once you know who your ideal client is, social media allows you to find where they’re hanging out online, to connect with them and to have REAL, two way conversations with them.Over time, that allows you to develop a relationship with them and – if you provide them with value – for them to like, know and trust you enough to want to do business with you.With that said, in this episode, I am giving you three top tips for putting the ‘social’ into your social media efforts.Full show notes for all episodes can be found at

  • Good Karma Business | There's Enough 'Yoga' to Go Around

    20/05/2018 Duration: 09min

    One thing I’m really super passionate about is that we are all, as small business owners, in this together.Whether we’re all working in digital marketing, or copywriting, or real estate, or whatever, I truly believe that it’s by supporting each other that we succeed.NOT by competing.Not by looking over the fence and comparing.And certainly not by tearing others down.I call it good karma business, that's what we'll be chatting about in this episode.Full show notes for all episodes can be found at more?

  • Email Marketing Tips for Beginners with Two Girls and a Laptop

    19/05/2018 Duration: 27min

    This episode is all about email marketing tips for beginners, with the lovely Helen and Jacqui from Two Girls and a Laptop.In this episode, we chat all about:The importance of NOT putting all of your eggs in the social media basket;How social media and email marketing can work beautifully together;Practical email marketing tips for beginners;The one thing that you need to be doing to supercharge your subscribers;The biggest mistake Helen and Jacqui made when they first got into email marketing;A cool little email tool for growing email subscriber numbers on your website;What to include on your email opt in form (and what NOT to include);Where to include an opt in form on your website;How valuable every single subscriber is on your email list - in dollars;Tips for communicating with your email list once you have subscribers on board;What a welcome sequence is and why it's important;What a normal email unsubscribe rate is and how to minimise it;What a normal open rate is;And much more!Full show notes for a

  • How to Find and Hire a Social Media Manager

    17/05/2018 Duration: 21min

    If you've been DIY'ing your social media, but you're ready to find and hire a social media manager - a GOOD social media manager - this is the episode for you.Today, we're covering seven red flags to look for when hiring someone to manage the socials for your business.Here goes.Full show notes for all episodes can be found at more?

  • Social Media for Real Estate Agents with Sherrie Storor

    14/05/2018 Duration: 36min

    Social media marketing represents an enormous opportunity for real estate agents wanting to build their personal brand and market their listings online.Unfortunately, a 2015 study by Hubspot shows that although real estate agents posted more on social media than any other industry, the engagement that they received on those posts was the lowest.Not a great result.It means that there is enormous scope and opportunity to stand out if you are a real estate agent that knows how to leverage social media in the right away - by helping, adding value and providing interesting, relevant information that your target audience welcomes - rather than simply promoting listings and sales.In this episode, I interview Sherrie Storor, one of Brisbane's leading real estate agents and now also a real estate coach teaching others in the industry how to build their best lives.This episode will especially helpful not just to real estate agents, but to anyone working in a service-based industry.Full show notes for all episodes

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