Stevie Says Social Podcast

Three Ways to Be More Social on Social Media



Media and traditional advertising has always given businesses the opportunity to distribute a message to an audience. Social media ain’t traditional media, though. And treating it as such by *just* pushing out content, ads and talking about yourself is one of the BIGGEST mistakes a business can make.Why?Well, it’s called SOCIAL media for a reason.Its real power lies in the opportunity it gives your business to connect DIRECTLY with your potential clients. Once you know who your ideal client is, social media allows you to find where they’re hanging out online, to connect with them and to have REAL, two way conversations with them.Over time, that allows you to develop a relationship with them and – if you provide them with value – for them to like, know and trust you enough to want to do business with you.With that said, in this episode, I am giving you three top tips for putting the ‘social’ into your social media efforts.Full show notes for all episodes can be found at