Stevie Says Social Podcast

How to Achieve Anything You Want



Ever sat at home on a Friday night, content with your life and your 9 – 5 but with a niggling feeling in the back of your mind wondering - is this all there is?Or wondered where all of the hopes and goals you *used* to have have gone, buried under bills and debts and obligations? Or maybe dreamed of doing more, but flopped on the couch at the end of a long work day exhausted and unsure of where to even start?I have, and it sucks.When you're in that place, looking forward to where you think you might like to be is overwhelming - especially when the distance between here and there seems just too big.Often, you just don’t know where to start – so you don’t.In this episode, I go through some steps you can take to, quite literally, achieve anything you want.Full show notes for all episodes can be found at more?