The Letters Page



Christopher Badell and Adam Rebottaro discuss characters and events from their hit game, Sentinels of the Multiverse, and answer fan questions regarding the past, present, and future of Sentinel Comics.


  • Episode 46 - Captain Cosmic & Infinitor

    05/12/2017 Duration: 02h14min

    We're back with an episode about brothers! Show Notes: Run Time: 2:14:22 It's been a month since we last recorded and we're thrilled to be back! We are also very excited about the release of the Starter Kit for Sentinel Comics: the Roleplaying Game! So many thrilling things. Also! This episode goes live the morning of Tuesday, December 5th. The deadline for getting your Cosmic Contest entries to us is tomorrow, Wednesday, December 6th! Very exciting. Let's get into the episode! (Many apologies for terrible British accents this episode.) We dig into the origin of Captain Cosmic, talking about the history of the brothers Lowsley and how Hugh got cosmic powers and Nigel just disappeared... Then, we're off to space to fight space threats! We go over a few of them before getting into the big stuff with Infinitor! It takes us 28 minutes to get to the reveal that Captain Cosmic and Infinitor are brothers... which has been common knowledge in this world since the release of the characters, but was a much bigger reve

  • Editor's Note #12

    30/11/2017 Duration: 01h11min

    An editor's note! About Things! So many things. Run Time: 1:11:18 Upcoming Schedule: December 5th: Captain Cosmic & Infinitor December 12th: Cosmic Contest December 19st: Cosmic Settings: Wagner Mars Base, Dok'Thorath, Celestial Tribunal, Enclave of the Endlings December 26th: Kaargra Warfang and the Bloodsworn Colosseum December 28th: Editor's Note #13 Topics of today's Editor's Note: Wager Master Guise Meta-Universes The Scholar Hermetic Leylines Magic Unity Chokepoint The Wraith Rook City The Chairman Holidays The nature of time Don't forget, the deadline for getting your Cosmic Contest entries in is Wednesday, December 6th!

  • Episode 45 - Biomancer

    28/11/2017 Duration: 01h04min

    A creepy podcast about a creepy fellow, indeed! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:04:32 "We make things up and then are surprised when you like them." We start off with the first appearance of Biomancer in Sentinel Comics, and then get into the deeper truth behind who Biomancer really was. The truth is out there! And it's in this episode, too. We cover Biomancer's overview in under fifteen minutes. It's your questions (starting about 14 minutes in) that bring out all the really interesting stuff. This episode is on the shorter side, but that makes sense, given how little time Biomancer spends in the spotlight. Right after the 32 minute mark, we get into a MAJOR story reveal. One of the things we've been sitting on forever. You'll know what episode to ask your follow-up questions in when you hear what we're talking about. Around 43 minutes in, we get a question that leads into a Tachyon story that we greatly enjoy. Time for another "Christopher and Adam talk through a comic book page by page" type story! Then, around t

  • Episode 44 - Blood Magic

    21/11/2017 Duration: 01h25min

    An episode on the vital essence of most living things in Sentinel Comics! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:25:30 (A quick note on run times - I've been asked to stop listing the minutes in just minutes for episodes that take over an hour, thus the new format! Just to be entirely clear, the first number is the number of hours, the central number is number of minutes beyond that hour, and the last number is the number of seconds beyond those minutes.) The overview portion of today's episode covers a lot of topics! Right off the bat, we recommend you check out the Deadline/Lifeline episode, as it has some Blood Magic hints. Then, we get into the Blood Countess and the Court of Blood. After that, we talk about Bugbear, who we previously introduced in the NightMist episode and further explored with the Naturalist episode - both also recommended listening. Then, you might think we'd get into Hermetic, but first we have to go down a weird rabbit trail first about time and then about spices and flavoring. Oh, and then alchem

  • Episode 43 - Urban Settings

    14/11/2017 Duration: 01h53min

    This is our very first settings episode, in which we talk about environments and locations from the world of Sentinel Comics! Show Notes: Run Time: 113:16 In today's episode, we cover Urban Settings such as: Megalopolis Freedom Tower Rook City Pike Industrial Complex San Alonso The Maerynian Refuge: Plavu'Col Mordengrad We start off by doing a quick rundown of each of these locations, and then we get into your questions! The Q&A portion of the episode begins about seven minutes into the episode. In the Megalopolis section, we answer a couple questions about banners seen in that fair city in the Sentinels of the Multiverse video game backgrounds. In answering the second of these questions right after the 32 minute mark, we reveal the truth about just what Funny Bunny means. Behold! Astounding. Then we go on for well over half an hour about a bit more Megalopolis stuff, and then on to Rook City questions. Around the 72 minute mark, we move on to San Alonso, the Maerynian Refuge, and finally Mordengrad! 

  • Episode 42 - Spite

    07/11/2017 Duration: 01h53min

    Of all the villains we've talked about so far, this one is possibly the most evil. Show Notes: Run Time: 113:40 To reiterate what we mention in content warning at the very start of the episode, you might not want to listen to this episode with your kids. Or, at least, pre-screen this episode for content. Spite's pretty awful. In this episode, we reference both The Wraith's episode and GloomWeaver's episode. They're both pretty important to what's going on here, so you should probably check them out, if you haven't already. We start the question segment just after half an hour into the episode, but we spend the first couple minutes just talking about Spite before actually reading any of your questions. Yeah, that sounds like us. A bit after 45 minutes in, we talk about a misleading quote on a card and how the flavor text actually comes from a much earlier comic than the art depicted on a card, and why we did that thing. Not an error! But it sure looks like one. A couple minutes after the hour mark, Christophe

  • Episode 41 - Wager Master

    31/10/2017 Duration: 01h43min

    An episode about a nonsensical character who has too much power for anyone's good! Show Notes: Run Time: 103:16 Right off the bat, we talk about Cosmic Contest - want more info? Listen to last week's Editor's Note! Then, right off the bat, we hit the ground running with the story told in Wager Master's first appearance in Sentinel Comics! From there, we cover many other Wager Master stories. He's such a scamp! Also, terribly evil, mostly through forcing people to play his dangerous and destructive games. We begin considering your questions about 44 minutes into the episode, starting off with us getting an issue number wrong, once again. Can you trust anything we say? Unlikely! And then we're back to even more long stories. That's what we do! This may be our most "stories and stories and stories" episode so far. The future section begins a bit after the 95 minute mark, and in it, we finally reveal the names our two primary post-Multiverse realities! Next week is the long-overdue Spite episode. Happy Halloween

  • Editor's Note #11

    26/10/2017 Duration: 01h28min

    Yet another Editor's Note on all manner of things! Run Time: 88:39 Topics of today's Editor's Note: Other podcasts that we have claimed to do Baseball Virtuosos of the Void nicknames Absolute Zero Science! Haka La Comodora La Paradoja Magnifica The canon of the Sentinel Comics RPG La Capitan Christopher and Adam's "personas" A Limerick Boba tea Chrono-Ranger Chopping down doors CON Progeny The Host If you skipped the Fanatic and Apostate episodes after the warning at the start of those stories, you'll want to skip from the 42 minute mark until the 55 minute mark. Goofs Dark Watch Proletariat RevoCorp & Revenant Parse Doctors Caleb Greene Apostate Beverages Cosmic Contest Here is a link to the PDF you can fill out with your guesses about how the Cosmic Contest goes. When you do, please e-mail it to us at Also! Here's a link to the Legends of Sleepy Hollow Kickstarter. Worth checking out! We both like the game a bunch. Upcoming Schedule: November 7th: Spite November 14

  • Episode 40 - Guise

    24/10/2017 Duration: 01h49min

    Our first episode with a special guest, invited or otherwise! Show Notes: Run Time: 109:14 Our long awaited Episode 40 is here, and wow is it a strange one! We'd like to apologize right now for being so mean to Guise in this episode. He took us by surprise. We don't deal with being surprised by wise-cracking shapeshifters in our recording space very gracefully, apparently. We take our time with the Overview segment this time, as we've got a bunch of stories to tell that don't really come out in the card game other than in little hints here and there. Also, we cover quite a few stories in the more in-depth, line-by-line way. No spoilers as to what we're talking about here, though! Gotta find out by listening! Anyway, as a result, we don't get to the Questions segment until a few minutes past an hour into the episode. Whew! Lots of good questions! From lots of great people! We get called out about not being good at counting pool balls in a question just before 71 minutes in. Yup, we goofed. Then back to more s

  • Episode 39 - The Scholar

    17/10/2017 Duration: 01h41min

    A pharmacist, an apothecary, a teacher, and more! It's The Scholar! Show Notes: Run Time: 101:36 Everyone should go to Adam's Halloween party. Except Christopher. There are a lot of rabbit trails in today's episode, but that's mostly because The Scholar's story does a fair bit of wandering. Also, it features some depressing bits, so we wander to keep from getting too down. Fastest transition to the Questions section ever! We end the Overview segment only 8 minutes in! At the 11 minute mark, we field a Powerhound question about us messing up published issue numbers again. And! To be fair! We did mess it up. *sad trombone sound* But not entirely! That's worth something, right? Right? Look, we give a slight hint about a Sentinel Comics RPG Starter Kit as a result, so hopefully that makes up for it. Finally, right around 25 minutes in, we get into the proper tale of The Scholar's backstory. His way-back-story, really. Buckle up! Just after 34 minutes in, Adam claims that a "soda" is a "tincture". It is not. Oh w

  • Episode 38 - Apostate

    10/10/2017 Duration: 01h48min

    Like last week, another character with wings and a sword! Unlike last week, this one's a villain! Show Notes: Run Time: 108:51 Much like the Fanatic episode, we recommend not listening to more than the first 5 minutes of this episode if knowing the truth of Fanatic and Apostate would ruin the characters for you. We do brief overview type stuff before getting into the dark truths of Apostate, but after that, all bets are off. Next week, we'll get away from all this stuff and dig into a character who has had his hands in more of the Multiverse than you might assume! Around 9 minutes in, we accidentally do a preview of what the episode on Biomancer will sound like. I'm so sorry. Just after the 24 minute mark, we learn that Adam doesn't care for Christopher's singing. Jerk. 49 minutes in, we get to your questions! A bit after the 90 minute mark, Christopher attempts to craft an analogy using gelatin. It goes poorly. Everyone ends up the worse for it.  Lots of great info in this episode - we hope it further expla

  • Episode 37 - Fanatic

    03/10/2017 Duration: 01h26min

    It's everyone's favorite avenging angel! Show Notes: Run Time: 86:49 This is a big one, folks. Not a super long one, but a big one, nonetheless. The first sixteen minutes of the podcast are focused on covering who Fanatic is, how she grew up, how her powers manifested, and a couple of her early notable stories. Then, we give a notable disclaimer that I'm going to reiterate here: if knowing the nitty-gritty truth of Fanatic would in some way ruin the character for you, stop listening after the 16 minute mark. Just call it a day and pick up with another episode. Probably not next week, as that's Apostate, so we'll be going even deeper into divine spoilers territory, but the week after that is The Scholar and then Guise after that, so those are fair game. Anyway, point is, you have to decide for yourself if you want to know Fanatic's truth better than she does, or if you want to keep living by faith alone. Up to you. I'm keeping the show notes pretty brief today, so as to not put any spoilers in the text for fo

  • Editor's Note #10

    28/09/2017 Duration: 49min

    It's the first ever Editor's Note! This is where we fill in the corners and answer any lingering questions. Run Time: 49:15 Upcoming Schedule: October 3rd: Fanatic October 10th: Apostate October 17th: The Scholar October 24th: Guise October 26th: Editor's Note #11 October 31st: Wager Master Topics of today's Editor's Note: Haka La Comodora Slaughterhouse Six Ambuscade Chrono-Ranger Writhe The Idealist La Capitan With the posting of this Editor's Note, you have under 24 hours to get in your Fanatic questions! Not to worry, though, we already have well over a hundred Fanatic questions received so far...

  • Episode 36 - La Capitan / La Comodora

    26/09/2017 Duration: 01h59min

    Avast, ye mangy bilge-rats! It's about time for some temporal piracy! Show Notes: Run Time: 119:15 Managed to keep this one just barely under 2 hours! Sorry about last week! We start by announcing that Interludes are dead - long live Editor's Notes! They will be about the same, but we'll no longer do Thursday episodes with in-depth story content, such as the Slaughterhouse Six Interlude. As promised a bit after five minutes in, here's the chart we drew up about Maria Helena's appearances in time: For those who cannot read my handwriting (and, let's be honest, I can barely read it), down the left side of the image are the various stages of Maria Helena: Young Maria Helena Very Early La Capitan Early La Capitan Late La Capitan Very Late La Capitan Early La Comodora Late Comodora Then, there are 9 points in time listed (with red words) along the timeline (the blue line). Those red labels, from left to right are: 16th Century Spain Face on Mount Rushmore First Appearance Southwest Sentinels #1 & #3 VotM

  • Episode 35 - The Southwest Sentinels / Void Guard

    19/09/2017 Duration: 03h18min

    Let's talk about the Southwest Sentinels! And then Void Guard! Show Notes: Run Time: 198:12 This is our longest and strangest episode ever. By far. In a lot of ways. Our fault for doing an episode about four different characters covering two teams. Also, no interlude this Thursday - we packed everything into this one episode.  Knowing that this episode would go long, right off the bat, we ask Trevor to get aggressive with the edits. And yet, still, this episode is so many hours long. What happened? Oh geeze. We're sorry? So, we mention in the first few minutes that last week we had a huge spike of new listeners on Wednesday. That Wednesday was our highest download day of all time. What?! Why? If you're a new listener who joined us last Wednesday, let us know where you came from, please! Tweet at us here, or e-mail us at Let us know what brought you to The Letters Page! We're excited to have all you fantastic listeners, old and new alike! Then we start going blow by blow thro

  • Interlude 9 - Slaughterhouse Six

    14/09/2017 Duration: 01h32min

    A team of villains, led (sort of?) by Ambuscade! Let's learn more!     Show Notes:   Run Time: 92:50   This interlude is pretty much just an entire episode. Yes, we're aware we need to revisit what we're calling interludes. We'll explore that on next Thursday's... whatever it is we call it. But, yeah, this has a ton of story, including some major reveals!   We start off by talking about Ambuscade, Re-Volt, Desert Eagle, Ray Manta, Magman, and Glamour. We do some backstory and overview stuff. Then! It's time for your questions, which we kick off by digging into the biggest reveal of the whole Slaughterhouse Six story.   The questions are mostly organized by character, but they do jump around a little bit. You'll figure it out - I believe in you!   About 72 minutes in, a conspiracy theorist leads us down a twisting trail of what the future will hold with AI and such. Christopher reveals his secrets. Some of them, at least.   Upon this episode going live, you still have a few hours left to get in your questions

  • Episode 34 - Ambuscade/Stuntman

    12/09/2017 Duration: 02h02min

    Ansel G. Moreau is a famous movie star! He does his own stunts! Show Notes: Run Time: 123:04 Shockingly, this is the longest episode we've ever done! Man, that Ansel G. Moreau really loves to steal the scene. We apologize right off the bat for the quality and quantity of bad French accents in today's episode. We're so, so sorry. After the Ambuscade story stuff in the first 25 minutes, we get into a fun Mainstay and Ansel story that both Adam and Christopher end up having too much fun with on the air. It takes almost as much time as everything else that leads up to just that one story. 40 minutes in, we get into spoilers for OblivAeon territory, but we're just spilling the beans now! Have we spoiled that info before? We don't know... but we're doing it anyway! This episode is full of ups and downs. Then, we get right into your questions! Of which there are many! In the Q&A portion, we talk a lot more about Ansel G. Moreau's film career, his connection to RevoCorp, and indulge in a decent amount of listene

  • Episode 33 - Haka

    05/09/2017 Duration: 01h41min

    Our big friendly fighting friend... it's Haka! Show Notes: Run Time: 102:01 We get right into it on this one, as we've got a lot to talk about. Within the first few minutes, we're already into the backstory of Aata Wakawarewa! As a result of us digging right in, we manage to get through the Haka overview, from backstory to OblivAeon, in 25 minutes! On to your questions! We had a lot of fun in the Questions section, because we got so many great questions! Haka has a lot of great stories, and we're happy to recount them. Shortly after the 75 minute mark, we have our first call out of the episode to any of the strange meta-question nonsense things that goes on in these episodes. And shortly after that, we dive right into the nonsense. After that dip into silliness, things start getting a bit more serious, and the questions and answers after the 80 minute mark start a turn for the worse. Around 88 minutes in, we read a question that leads to the answer of "how the heck is Haka doing what he does?" We go into the

  • Interlude 8 - Post-Gen Con Wrap-up and Retrospective

    31/08/2017 Duration: 39min

    We are still exhausted from Gen Con, but let's talk about how that show went! Show Notes: Run Time: 39:44 Christopher and Adam spend the first 7 minutes of the show just talking about how Gen Con went, especially the Letters Page Live panel. Spoilers: it went REALLY well.  Just before the 5 minute mark, Christopher forgets the name of the musical instrument he played at the Letters Page Live panel. It's the melodica, dummy. The bulk of this interlude is getting to the questions that we brought to Gen Con to answer live, which are mostly general questions about both the world of Sentinel Comics and even this show. Shortly after the 10 minute mark, we have a question for our producer Trevor! We had intended on asking this question live when Trevor was there in the room with us, but instead, he was kind enough to record an answer separately. But we cannot allow him to release all of our secrets! On to the schedule of upcoming episodes! September 5th: Haka September 12th: Ambuscade/Stuntman September 14th: Inte

  • First Annual Letters Page Live, from Gen Con 2017

    29/08/2017 Duration: 01h58min

    Want to hear what happened at Gen Con 2017? Here's your chance! We had a blast at our first live episode of The Letters Page! We couldn't have asked for a better audience. So many fun things! Also, if you'd rather see what happened in this Letters Page Live episode, check out this video! Besides the entire gang of Adam, Christopher, Trevor, and even Paul, we also were graced by the presence of Christopher's brother Anthony, who wrote and performed the "Christopher and Adam reading letters to you" song. Anthony added a lot to this live episode.   Now, on to the few actual show notes for this episode! Show Notes: Run Time: 118:33 First thing first! As Trevor mentions in the intro to the episode, there are a lot of spoilers. We're not going to tag them all individually. Just know that wading into this episode means getting into SPOILERS territory! Next, you'll notice that Christopher's voice sounds more awful than usual. He used it up by the end of the first day of Gen Con. What you hear is all he has left. Bu

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