The Letters Page



Christopher Badell and Adam Rebottaro discuss characters and events from their hit game, Sentinels of the Multiverse, and answer fan questions regarding the past, present, and future of Sentinel Comics.


  • Episode 32 - RevoCorp and "Friends"

    22/08/2017 Duration: 01h30min

    Corporate shenanigans! Ready to meet the CEO and more? It's time to talk about RevoCorp! Show Notes: Run Time: 90:18 We dig pretty deep into untold tales and history to reveal the RevoCorp story. This is all stuff that happens on the sidelines (for the most part) of the Multiverse, but we'll cover how it ends up impacting the world of Sentinel Comics. The Q&A section features people questioning our lies. It's good to see that we're getting that message through. Also, last week's question in the Spoilers section was from Matchstickman. Sorry for making that clear in that episode! We hope that Matchstickman can forgive us. And also forgive us for what Adam does in this episode. Sorry for the brief show notes today - we just got back from Gen Con yesterday and are still recovering. Speaking of Gen Con, next Tuesday's episode will be the recording of the First Annual Gen Con Live! The Thursday after that, we'll release a "Gen Con Retrospective" interlude. And then back to the regularly scheduled hero and vil

  • Episode 31 - Visionary

    15/08/2017 Duration: 01h45min

    Time travel and psychic shenanigans! The many forms of Vanessa Long! Show Notes: Run Time: 105:49 We deal with multiple realities - and multiple Vanessa Longs (Vanessas Long?) in the first ten minutes, so buckle up! Brief show notes today, because: Gen Con!  So, we promised a link to the Lazer Ryders Soundtrack in the show notes. Here it is on Spotify. It's also available on Bandcamp. Not sure if there's a better place to get it, but those are both pretty legit! Also, for a sample, check out the song Trevor chose for our episode-ending music. The questions segment has a bunch of nonsense about Biomancer's creations, the Cult of Gloom, and even the kingdom of Cooltopia? I don't know what's happening with our own podcast these days.  In the future section, we have two spoiler sections. The last bit of the Sentinel Tactics future is spoilers (from 95:30 to 96:35), and the entire Sentinel Comics RPG timeline segment is also spoilers. (from 97:09 to 99:20).  As mentioned, we're already at Gen Con! If you'll be at

  • Episode 30 - Akash'Bhuta and Akash'Others!

    08/08/2017 Duration: 01h58min

    Akash'Bhuta, Akash'Thriya, and more! Show Notes: Run Time: 118:27 This show covers more time than any other episode. It's also one of our longest episodes! Appropriate. Around 5:40, we posit that this episode won't be longer than the Argent Adept episode. We were wrong. But just barely! Still, we shouldn't have been surprised. It takes us about half an hour to go through the first couple hundred million years. Then, we start slowing down, only covering thousands or even hundreds of years at a time. Bear with us! We eventually get more into the blow-by-blow stuff that happens in the pages of Sentinel Comics. Recommended listening: the Argent Adept episode, and the Naturalist episode. At the beginning of the question section - around 45 minutes in - we clear up a thing that we straight up did wrong. We have officially said before the Akash'Bhuta's first appearance was in Prime Wardens #1. There is no way that's correct. Her first appearance was in Virtuoso of the Void #12, and we even know that! We were shocke

  • Episode 29 - The Argent Adept

    01/08/2017 Duration: 01h57min

    Buckle in, folks! We're going to meet a bunch of Virtuosos of the Void today, as well as delving into the Void itself! Show Notes: Run Time: 117:59   In the first portion of the podcast, we go through the history of the Argent Adept's appearances in the pages of Sentinel Comics, from his origin in the Toll of Destiny limited series, through the Virtuoso of the Void ongoing series. We cover a ton of stories at a pretty breakneck pace, as we had SO MANY fantastic questions that we wanted to make sure to let your wonderful input shine, you lovely listeners! We finish that entire overview in about half an hour! The majority of the rest of the episode is questions! Shortly after the 40 minute mark, Christopher gets real passionate about music. This speaks to why/how Argent Adept was created. Heck, we both go into even more music stuff in the next 5-10 minutes after that. Just after 80 minutes in, we talk about the cross-over promo card we made with Worldbuilder's Charity. You can get that card - in normal card fo

  • Interlude 7 - Nemeses

    27/07/2017 Duration: 01h23min

    The longest interlude we've ever recorded, by far! So many questions answered! The name of this episode is most certainly not "Lightning Round". Show Notes: Run Time: 83:50 We cover tons of characters in this episode. A ridiculous amount of them. And almost as many different stories. Ready for hopping all over the place? Strap in - it's going to be a bumpy ride! Just after the 50 minute mark, Adam and Christopher have a debate about who would win in a fight between two villains, and Adam actually convinces Christopher! It's a surprising outcome for everyone. Rather than listing all the characters we talked about, here's a list of the things we didn't talk about, even though we did get questions about them! Galactra Quetzalcoatl Major Flay Seer Idolator Revenant Green Grosser Blood Countess Zhu Long All Slaughterhouse Six members Those characters all do count as Nemeses, but their stories have to wait for the episodes they are important in, so feel free to ask more questions about them. Here's the next mont

  • Episode 28 - The Ennead

    25/07/2017 Duration: 01h12min

    Let's talk about NINE villains! Nine times the goodness! Show Notes: Run Time: 72:47 There's a lot of rambling nonsense and nonsensical rambling in this episode, but there's also a lot of good story! Just before the ten minute mark, Adam divulges his scale of animal evilness, from most evil to least evil. So, that's probably a useful thing for all of you out there in internet land. Then, a bit after the fifteen minute mark, The Ennead start taking over Egypt, and we talk for the next 5-10 minutes about how locked down that whole situation was. Right after the 26 minute mark, we tell a few but very minor story about Set after The Ennead event. I'm calling it out here because I really like the story. It's not an important story, but it's fun. Just how many times do we say "reservoir" in this episode? Right before 34 minutes in, we do a "and then they all died" bit THAT IS TOTALLY TRUE. They all died. Period. The next thing we do is answer a question - our first question of the episode - in which we reveal a re

  • Episode 27 - Ra

    18/07/2017 Duration: 01h46min

    Is Ra the true Egyptian God of the Sun, or just a madman with the power of fire? Or, is he something else entirely? Show Notes: Run Time: 106:57 We start with a quick overview of who Ra is, and then start breaking down his long and somewhat convoluted story. Let's dig right in. In the first ten minutes of the show, we reveal Ra as a villain (of sorts) and then kill him off (sort of), and not at all as a joke! And it's not even the most exciting ten minutes of the show! Starting just before the seventeen minute mark, Adam attempts to name all nine of The Ennead. He does... OK. More on those folks next week! Around 28 minute in, we start getting into just HOW all of this Egyptian mythology stuff has been translated into modern Sentinel Comics. Lots of great questions in today's episode, with a ton of story stuff covered entirely in the Q&A segment. At 55 minutes, we get a question that sparks a REALLY long answer with a ton of story. Enjoy! Wow, this is a long episode. Whew! Lots of big reveals in the futu

  • Episode 26 - Plague Rat

    11/07/2017 Duration: 01h16min

    An episode about a slavering rat beast! Show Notes: Run Time: 76:10 Just a warning: we rehash some old jokes this show. We're out of material, folks. You heard it here! We're already washed up. But there are also some actual reveals in this episode! Like Plague Rat's real human name from before he was fully rattened! This is an episode of cautionary tales and important life lessons. Brush your teeth. Don't play in the sewers. Don't do drugs. Or crime. Stay in school, kids. We go from drug dealer, to rat beast, to infectious rat beast, to captured rat beast... look, a lot happens with Plague Rat, actually. You'll just have to listen to the episode! And we have a decently long Q&A segment today! Lots of fun stuff there. Good questions. Strange answers. And even a few twists! And we wrap up with a glimmer of hope for the future. Next week is Ra!

  • Episode 25 - Chrono-Ranger

    04/07/2017 Duration: 01h23min

    Today is an American holiday, so we're going to talk about an All-American hero! Show Notes: Run Time: 83:50 Look forward to all manner of voices from Adam in today's episode! About 10 minutes in, we introduce the robot named CON. And yes, we will explain CON in this episode. It's about time! At the 20-minute mark, Adam refers to human flesh as, "Delicious, delicious flesh." We just want to mention right now: we do not support or advocate cannibalism. Adam does not consume human flesh and he does not think of it is actually delicious. That line about delicious flesh was from Plague Rat's point of view. Right after that, we explain how time travel works. So, that's cool. Around the 47-minute mark, we say that Chrono-Ranger mostly acts in the main canon timeline just after saying that he act in a bunch of different timelines. Turns out, both are true. In the bulk of Sentinel Comics, he's doing stuff in the primary timeline, but in his occasional solo limited series, he shows up in and alters many different tim

  • Interlude 6 - Maintenance Mode

    29/06/2017 Duration: 28min

    Let's make some excuses! Show Notes: Run Time: 28:36 Since we got immediately down to business on Tuesday's Deadline/Lifeline episode, this interlude is a good deal more... fast and loose. Things we cover in this interlude: The Wraith and Ermine Chokepoint or Choke? Our brothers Gen Con (Dark) Visionary James Bowie David Bowie Knives K.N.Y.F.E.s Paige Huntlys (Paiges Huntly?) Sergeant Steel Stargent Seal Animals Also, as promised, here's an art! How do we get through ALL OF THAT in under half an hour? Guess you'll just have to listen to the whole thing to find out! Oh, also, the very exciting upcoming schedule! July 4th: Chrono-Ranger July 11th: Plague Rat July 18th: RA! July 25th: The Ennead July 27th: Interlude - Nemeses August 1st: Argent Adept Things are really heating up here on the Letters Page! And not just because it's a hot summer here in St. Louis. But also because of that!

  • Episode 24 - Deadline / Lifeline

    27/06/2017 Duration: 01h26min

    Tarogath... the destroyer? Or savior? Or just all-around jerk? You decide! Show Notes: Run Time: 86:29 This is a no-nonsense episode! (Meaning we only engage in minimal nonsense.) It's not the longest episode we've recorded, but it might be the most jam-packed with exciting info! We start off by talking about the Enclave of the Endling, including proper pronunciation of the names of many Endlings and their fallen races. Got questions about the Enclave of the Endlings? Submit a question! We'll do an Interlude on the Enclave some day. More info on blood magic and vampires and such today, around the 23 minute mark. And in the questions, as well! Shortly after that, we actually delve into more of the details of the OblivAeon event than we've revealed before. Makes sense, as Tarogath is rather important to that event! Just after 41 minutes in, Christopher said, "Tarogath, who became the villain Deadline, who then became the villain Lifeline." (Italics for emphasis.) Definitely meant hero there. Just talking too f

  • Episode 23 - The Naturalist

    20/06/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    Today, we talk about Michael Conteh of Conteh Energy Corporation! Surely, that's where you know him from, right? Show Notes: Run Time: 61:31 Right in the beginning, we mention that The Operative will come up later in the podcast. And then we follow-through on that promise! We talk about stuff between The Naturalist and The Organization - which does happen to involve The Operative - just after the six minute mark. Lots of exciting things in today's episode, including space adventures, business take-overs, and even the origin of Akash'Thriya! The Naturalist has to deal with Equity early on, but we'll also hear from the Slaughterhouse Six - lots of people want to kill The Naturalist, apparently. As we have done before and we will certainly do again, we discuss how unsettling birds are in this episode. Listen to the few minutes leading up to the 30 minute mark for that gem. I'm certain it'll come up again in the future. The future holds a lot for The Naturalist, but we can't spoil TOO much for now - lots of stor

  • Episode 22 - F.I.L.T.E.R., The Block, & Sergeant Steel

    13/06/2017 Duration: 01h07min

    Let's talk about a shady organization that reaches throughout the Multiverse! Show Notes: Run Time: 67:07 At the beginning of the podcast, Christopher predicts that this episode will have a run time of an hour and twelve minutes. Turns out, didn't even make it that long! This episode, we cover F.I.L.T.E.R. in all of its incarnations, get into The Block - the extradimensional F.I.L.T.E.R. prison and HQ, and also talk about the story of Sergeant Steel and his Steel Squadron! Just before the 17 minute mark, we mention that the K.N.Y.F.E. episode is essential listening for the story we're about to tell. If you haven't listened to that one yet, go do so! We get to introduce the character of Felix Stone in this episode! Exciting times. (We also dispose of him. Whoops! Spoilers.) You also get to learn of A.C.R.O.N.Y.M.! As promised, here is the Time-Crazed Prisoner from The Block: As we mention at the end of the episode, the next few recordings are all going to happen pretty quickly. Paul and I will be out of town

  • Episode 21 - K.N.Y.F.E.

    06/06/2017 Duration: 55min

    She's tough, she's Scottish, and she's got energy powers! It's Agent Paige Huntly: A.K.A. the hero known as K.N.Y.F.E.! Show Notes: Run Time: 55:34 First thing first! We're both older - but certainly no wiser - than we were last episode! Happy Birthday to us. We first introduced the character of Paige Huntly in last week's Chokepoint episode, as their stories intertwine before Agent Huntly ever becomes K.N.Y.F.E. When we get to the Progeny fight, we go into a bit of a discussion on whether Progeny's head flying away is cool or silly. Who is right? You decide! And then we're off to SPACE! Lots of great stuff about alternate realities, people being awful, her Scottish-ness, and even more in the questions section. Get your questions about F.I.L.T.E.R., Sergeant Steel, and The Block now! Also, this episode's post-credits bit is the longest one ever, I think!

  • Episode 20 - Chokepoint

    30/05/2017 Duration: 01h11min

    Today, we talk about the tech-bending villain Chokepoint! Show Notes: Run Time: 71:03 Right off the bat, we discuss the Iconclad Project and how it took on young Evelyn Moore as in her infancy. You might recall the Ironclad Project from the Bunker episode! Around thirteen minutes in, we talk about The Block, and then a few minutes later, we introduce the F.I.L.T.E.R. Agent Paige Huntly. More on her next week, and more on FILTER and The Block the week after that! We get through her entire backstory without digging into the Termi-Nation story... but not to worry! We do a HUGE section in the Q&A portion of the podcast all about Termi-Nation. Adam reads a letter from the Cult of Gloom. After the episode, we went to the hospital, but they don't deal with that sort of thing. So, he'll probably be fine.  Listeners! Tomorrow (May 31st) is Adam's birthday! Two days after that (June 2nd) is Christopher's birthday! For our birthdays, please send us questions about F.I.L.T.E.R., Sergeant Steel, and The Block! Next w

  • Interlude 5 - Dark Watch

    25/05/2017 Duration: 32min

    A team of misfits and shady characters who have to protect each other in a city - and a world - that's safe for no one! It's time to talk Dark Watch. Show Notes: Run Time: 32:01 A very brief overview before jumping right in on your questions! Also, here's the upcoming episode release schedule! May 30th: Chokepoint June 6th: K.N.Y.F.E. June 13th: Sergeant Steel & F.I.L.T.E.R. June 20th: The Naturalist June 27th: Deadline/Lifeline June 29th: Interlude - Maintenance Mode! July 4th: Chrono-Ranger Whew! Get those Chokepoint & K.N.Y.F.E. questions in TODAY! See you soon!

  • Episode 19 - The Freedom Five!

    23/05/2017 Duration: 01h08min

    It's everyone's favorite team of heroes! Show Notes: Run Time: 68:52 We talk about every published incarnation of the Freedom Five and the Freedom Four, and often go down rabbit trails of nonsense, philosophy, or sometimes outright lies. Enjoy! Lots of callbacks to previous episodes today, but also a good deal of call-forwards! We hint at the contents of the episodes of Haka, Ambuscade, the Slaughterhouse Six, and more! The Q&A section in this episode is particularly robust, as well! IMPORTANT! Starting exactly at 58 minutes and 10 seconds into the episode, we start talking about major story spoilers! If you don't want story spoilers for the Sentinel Comics RPG timeline as they're things you'll get to play through, please skip from 58:10 to 63:40.  As we mentioned last week, we still have the demographic survey going, so if you haven't gotten a chance to answer it yet, please do! Help us grow the Letters Page! On Thursday, there will be a Dark Watch Interlude! Also, next week, we're recording both the Ch

  • Episode 18 - Unity

    16/05/2017 Duration: 01h08min

    It everyone's favorite robot builder: Unity!   Show Notes: Run Time: 68:10 First thing, right off the bat, we talk about a survey. This is a link to that survey! Please do take a moment to fill it out, as it will help us grow and improve The Letters Page.  Then, we're on to talk about television! Because that's what this show is about! Adam requested just after 12 minutes into the podcast that I put his address in the show notes. No one tell him that I'm not doing that. Just trust me; it's for the best. We talk about Unity's parents' history a bit, and how her mom was injured during the Yom Kippur War. At about twenty minutes in, we quickly give away that during the OblivAeon event, Unity builds a massive T. Rex bot. It's pretty dang cool.  And then! We go right to questions! Flying in the face of tradition! What is even happening?! Lots of great info in today's Q&A segment. We're getting more and more free with information. Which is good! Just after the 28 minute mark, we go into a bit of Unity's naming

  • Episode 17 - The Vengeful Five

    09/05/2017 Duration: 01h32min

    A dastardly episode about Baron Blade, Freight Train, Ermine, Proletariat, and Friction!   Show Notes Run Time: 92:42 The longest episode yet! I know that this is a podcast about characters from a fictional comic book series, but we start off by talking about the weather. A bunch. So, that's fun! Just before the four minute mark, we explain the format that we're using this episode, since we're covering a bunch of characters with overlapping stories. A thing we don't mention but is very true: this episode references a TON of other episodes. In a lot of ways, the Vengeful Five are a product of their opponents, so there's a lot of "inside baseball" talk in this episode. First we mention Baron Blade... and point out that he's got an episode all of his own! Check it out. Then, we move on to Fright Train. You might want to listen to the Bunker episode if you haven't yet, as Fright Train and Bunker have a shared history. (The Baron Blade episode is also relevant to Bunker's backstory. As is the Setback episode!) The

  • Episode 16 - Absolute Zero

    02/05/2017 Duration: 01h27min

    Today, we talk about a character with as depressing a name as his backstory! Hooray? Show Notes: Run Time: 87:33 Right off the bat, we get started with the story of the FIRST Absolute Zero! Surprise! Just after the 3 minute mark, we lose our highly focused train of thought and devolve into madness, discussing the difference in scariness between Nazis and Nazi Ghosts. And then what to do about ghosts. We do this for... minutes. And then return to the backstory of the first Absolute Zero. There's no excuse for our behavior. We do get into some of the backstory of the Golden Age of Sentinel Comics in the first fifteen minutes of this episode. We also goof around a bit.  Then! We finally get into Absolute Zero. The Absolute Zero you all know and love, that is. At 19:28, I get ahead of myself and talk about a thing that I wanted to save for the Q&A portion... but it didn't get cut, so you get to hear what it sounds like when I change my mind on something I'm saying! Yay? Behind the scenes! Around the 25 minut

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