The Letters Page

First Annual Letters Page Live, from Gen Con 2017



Want to hear what happened at Gen Con 2017? Here's your chance! We had a blast at our first live episode of The Letters Page! We couldn't have asked for a better audience. So many fun things! Also, if you'd rather see what happened in this Letters Page Live episode, check out this video! Besides the entire gang of Adam, Christopher, Trevor, and even Paul, we also were graced by the presence of Christopher's brother Anthony, who wrote and performed the "Christopher and Adam reading letters to you" song. Anthony added a lot to this live episode.   Now, on to the few actual show notes for this episode! Show Notes: Run Time: 118:33 First thing first! As Trevor mentions in the intro to the episode, there are a lot of spoilers. We're not going to tag them all individually. Just know that wading into this episode means getting into SPOILERS territory! Next, you'll notice that Christopher's voice sounds more awful than usual. He used it up by the end of the first day of Gen Con. What you hear is all he has left. Bu