The Letters Page

Episode 35 - The Southwest Sentinels / Void Guard



Let's talk about the Southwest Sentinels! And then Void Guard! Show Notes: Run Time: 198:12 This is our longest and strangest episode ever. By far. In a lot of ways. Our fault for doing an episode about four different characters covering two teams. Also, no interlude this Thursday - we packed everything into this one episode.  Knowing that this episode would go long, right off the bat, we ask Trevor to get aggressive with the edits. And yet, still, this episode is so many hours long. What happened? Oh geeze. We're sorry? So, we mention in the first few minutes that last week we had a huge spike of new listeners on Wednesday. That Wednesday was our highest download day of all time. What?! Why? If you're a new listener who joined us last Wednesday, let us know where you came from, please! Tweet at us here, or e-mail us at Let us know what brought you to The Letters Page! We're excited to have all you fantastic listeners, old and new alike! Then we start going blow by blow thro