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Episode 39 - The Scholar



A pharmacist, an apothecary, a teacher, and more! It's The Scholar! Show Notes: Run Time: 101:36 Everyone should go to Adam's Halloween party. Except Christopher. There are a lot of rabbit trails in today's episode, but that's mostly because The Scholar's story does a fair bit of wandering. Also, it features some depressing bits, so we wander to keep from getting too down. Fastest transition to the Questions section ever! We end the Overview segment only 8 minutes in! At the 11 minute mark, we field a Powerhound question about us messing up published issue numbers again. And! To be fair! We did mess it up. *sad trombone sound* But not entirely! That's worth something, right? Right? Look, we give a slight hint about a Sentinel Comics RPG Starter Kit as a result, so hopefully that makes up for it. Finally, right around 25 minutes in, we get into the proper tale of The Scholar's backstory. His way-back-story, really. Buckle up! Just after 34 minutes in, Adam claims that a "soda" is a "tincture". It is not. Oh w