The Letters Page

Interlude 8 - Post-Gen Con Wrap-up and Retrospective



We are still exhausted from Gen Con, but let's talk about how that show went! Show Notes: Run Time: 39:44 Christopher and Adam spend the first 7 minutes of the show just talking about how Gen Con went, especially the Letters Page Live panel. Spoilers: it went REALLY well.  Just before the 5 minute mark, Christopher forgets the name of the musical instrument he played at the Letters Page Live panel. It's the melodica, dummy. The bulk of this interlude is getting to the questions that we brought to Gen Con to answer live, which are mostly general questions about both the world of Sentinel Comics and even this show. Shortly after the 10 minute mark, we have a question for our producer Trevor! We had intended on asking this question live when Trevor was there in the room with us, but instead, he was kind enough to record an answer separately. But we cannot allow him to release all of our secrets! On to the schedule of upcoming episodes! September 5th: Haka September 12th: Ambuscade/Stuntman September 14th: Inte