


Where Entrepreneurs Come to Grow


  • Congratulations 0n Catching Covid. Good for you! And have you ever been transformed? You are a transformed person

    28/01/2024 Duration: 17min

    Yes I got an upgrade end it wasn't something that I was looking forward to.  Some years ago when I was doing a lot more flying from time to time I would get a upgrade to first class. Unfortunately those days seem to have passed me by,  and the upgrade was very simply that my feeling sick condition was upgraded from cold to Covid. Well that got me to thinking because most things that happen to be in life I try to see them in greater context and see if I can't upgrade them to lessons to learn or perhaps things to appreciate its greater care and intensity. So let's give it a try.  That miserable cold that I've been battling for four or five days is more than that and so the battle goes on but the stakes are higher but I'm in good shape for that I'm grateful and blessed and perhaps you can learn something from my story today. Thanks Stan

  • What do you do when you have a bad cold but you still have to be on the radio?

    25/01/2024 Duration: 15min

     Yes and some of you may have heard me on my video cast and now all of you hear me and I don't sound very good, or maybe you think I sound a little bit better, and that's often the way things go. I came back from Arizona with too long plane rides and somewhere in between I must've caught a cold because yesterday it hit me strong and striking.  And so that led to the question what do you do when you have a Thursday program scheduled and you don't have a substitute and you're supposed to be on the radio. Well that reminded me a little bit of some of the things that often times came to me when I was in this situation before. What do you say when you can hardly talk and every time you do it hurts and even after all of that struggle and runny nose and the congestion and chills, how can you perform at your best for your audience. May I share some stories of what often times came to my mind when I was in this kind of situation before because the more I remember it the better my advice is not only for when I have a c

  • Maybe it's time for a little bit more Cowboy Way of thinkin" and an intro to Nashville Cowboy singer Greg Hager

    20/01/2024 Duration: 23min

     Well we have just about finished up our week at the historic and delightful White Stallion Ranch in Tucson Arizona.  Not only did we have course enjoy the wonderful weather and all of the things you can do at one of the premier guest ranches in the country... But we also did a bit of business by signing up five new podcast programs that will start this late winter in spring and I know that you'll be interested in almost all of them. And we did what is called The Cowboy Up podcast and recorded an interview while he was on the touring road with Nashville singer Greg Hager. And in our conversation he gave me a line that I had to write down and I had to talk about... You see there are people with a cowboy way of thinkin' and others that are not. And since I'm a fan and a historian and a lover of the Western tradition that got me to thinking about cowboy thinkin... And with your permission I'd like to share some of that thinkin with you and then like to hear from you and what you think. And make sure you go to Gr

  • Still back on the ranch which is a good place in space... And let me help you find good places and Spaces in your life and business starting now

    18/01/2024 Duration: 23min

    Guess what, I found even more people who want to be buried on White Stallion Ranch, that's where they want their ashes to lay in the dust or blow in the wind. You see the ranch is a good space to be and many of us who come to this place not only have the adventure of the horse riding, the open skies, the beauty of the mountains and the ruggedness of the Desert, we also find a place it is good for our spirit indeed perhaps for our very soul. And please let me then discuss some thing you need to know that might be helpful for you to have a better life in 24... You need to be looking for, or perhaps creating good Places and Spaces that will help you be at your best, where your mind body and spirit can be addressed, and where you are open to the fact that perhaps the universe just might be on your side. And then you need a place where you can demonstrate your wisdom insight in truth and tell your story.  Because you will never be all you can be until you learn how to tell your story and figure out how your story

  • It's cold out there and please bury my ashes at the White Stallion Ranch ...

    15/01/2024 Duration: 16min

    ... And maybe it's time for you to have a true inner cowboy experience. I have left some of the places where it's really cold out and it was a nice bright sunshiny day almost shirt sleeves day  in southern Arizona.  And I return to one of my favorite places.  Often when Karen sensed that I was a little bit out of sorts she would say to me, "Stan why don't you just go to the ranch today and maybe even stay overnight." That was not her way I'm just getting me out of the house, which is probably a good thing for her and for me sometime, but you knew that when I went out to the ranch it had a soothing almost spiritual effect on me and I always return in a better frame of mind and spirit. But I'm back but this time it's because I'm going to record the number of brand new podcast on the western tradition and the cowboy legends and lore ... And they also think it helped me to make a decision which I've been thinking about and something that even though I would have no idea about it would please me, So with your perm

  • Be careful it's a hot mic world and there's something you need to know today in life and business. Welcome to the marketing life!

    11/01/2024 Duration: 12min

    Be careful it's a hot mic world and the microphone is always on Something you need to know today It happens all the time today and it even happens to people who should know better and probably do. But they forget what is really true, and that is the microphone is always on. Well as an old radio guy let me tell you some stories about that and about what happened yesterday. That's not what's important. What's important is for you to understand that if you are in the business of life today that the way you will be successful is by remembering that you indeed need to learn how to live what we call the marketing life. Let me describe it for you and then tell you how I can help you and then give you an offer to help you be a bit of a guru and perhaps a teacher and marketer too.

  • IF There's no pressure there is no power... What in the world does that mean

    09/01/2024 Duration: 15min

     someone has argued that there is no such thing as modern or contemporary wisdom.  If it truly qualifies as wisdom it has been around a long time and is often times found in olden ancient sources.  Well today my lesson is from a book that's 99 years old and it has been very helpful to me in dealing with the pressures of modern life right now. So with your permission may I take a few minutes to talk about pressure and power because we're going to need it because 24 is going to be a most challenging year and it will not likely be a better year and so how can we be better people better business men and women and better in what we do and how we serve others by the end of this year. Perhaps we start by welcoming some pressure challenges and difficulties into our life starting now. Stan

  • In 2024 let's do something that will make you better maybe even transformational and powerful and ..And then we will tell you why you also need to learn how to do a Super Bowl commercial.

    05/01/2024 Duration: 14min

    2024 will not be a very good year unless something radically almost transformationally happens because somebody does something or becomes really better in the leadership of our institutions and government. Well my friends that probably is not going to happen. What we had in 23 is probably the same bad stuff that we we'll have in 24. Maybe worse! So we have to with renewed determination and perhaps a greeting and grinding of teeth say, if it's to be it's truly up to me. So let me begin by asking you to take a transformational audit of your life right now, And then learn something that will help you in your career in business and that is how to do a Super Bowl commercial.

  • It's already a tough year but you can be better you can make an impact, and let me tell you how to start

    04/01/2024 Duration: 19min

    This will be a challenging year.  There are too many things going wrong and there are two few things people or institutions that you can trust... So it will be tough. I know that personally but I also know that part of it is my fault and it'll be a tough year for you some of it will also be your fault. But often times we have to understand with sometime just called Kairos.  A Greek originated word that means crisis but also means opportunity ..... One of the secrets of successful living is to seek to be good enough for smart enough or tough enough to turn a crisis into the opportunity. I hope I can do that for myself and perhaps for you and so in a little bit of self talk this program with all of its ideas and energy is directed back toward me,  because it's about something that I know quite a bit about but often times don't know how to do it, It's that powerful word impact...So forget your fuzzy purpose statement in mission messages and all of the other metrics that you do. Define the word IMPACT for you and

  • 0:07 / 15:52 OK we made it. The New Year's and were still alive Think about a few aspirations but remember that

    02/01/2024 Duration: 15min

    ,,,It's probably not going to be a very good year, in fact it could be quite bleak and difficult.  So let me just suggest forget the resolutions and just have a few simple personal aspirations that will at least give you a better sense of yourself and perhaps help you to express yourself better. This is the year that you become quite good at self expression and how you speak how you perform, even how you dress and learn how to be a bit of an actor, know how to use the radio stuff and maybe even the camera and video in your life work and business for sure. Every business is going to need somebody or someone or maybe more than one to be the audio team for all of the business communication marketing and advertising.  The journalist and writers are getting fired thanks to AI but the same companies are hiring audio teams. See, you learn more here by accident than most places by design in this program is no exception. Thanks Stan

  • He did not live out a Happy New Year but on New Year's Eve he wrote out this prayer

    31/12/2023 Duration: 16min

    I confess that I have seen a lot of New Year's Eve days come and go and of course I have far more in my past than I certainly have in my future. And of course I've forgotten most of them but I do remember at least two of them, and one I did not like very much when I was young but I've come to appreciate it more and more... But there was another years ago when I lived in Europe and listen to the BBC on New Year's Eve and heard a poem and a prayer that touched me deeply, and it's one that I always think about at this time every year. May I share it with you this evening. Thanks Stan

  • Yesterday was one of the worst days of my life so let's talk about Taylor Swift! Here's the story!

    29/12/2023 Duration: 17min

    Well the title tells the tale, at 4 o'clock in the morning I was having a great start to the day and everything seem to be going OK, even better than OK and by 4 o'clock in the afternoon I was going through the darkness of one of the worst days of my life. So I will have to spend a lot of time to recover and I plan to do that. But I knew very little about her until I discovered that Taylor Swift is not only a popstar but a real model of entrepreneurial and life success and so I decided to talk about her instead today. So let's do that! Stan

  • In 24 you will have a lot of mystery stuff in your life. Get used to it. Living and embracing mystery is the key to success. Let me tell you the story!

    27/12/2023 Duration: 16min

     I know that many of the professionals are saying, Stan your title is to long ... They should be short sharp into the point.  I know that but sometimes like every rule they should be broken and I Believe that I should tell you just exactly what I'm seeking to do to help you. Because this will help you. If you take time to think about it the Christmas story and in fact the entire Christmas celebration is all about things that are mysterious. Some of them are even what would be called miraculous which means it's a mystery and you can't understand it or how it could've happened.  And we don't like mysteries ... we like to solve the problems, the puzzles, and know for sure what's going to happen and what's up, But my friend that's not going to happen. The world is full of mysterious things some of them very good and some of them very bad. Life is difficult and often it is a mystery... So indeed get used to it and perhaps even begin to enjoy it, embrace it, and even use it to become bolder and braver and more conf

  • One of my favorite times of the season, Christmas Day Eve! And some blessings just for you!

    25/12/2023 Duration: 07min

    Yes, it is indeed one of the best times of the season for me. It's Christmas Day Eve. Almost all of the celebrating and present giving and too much eating is done. And most people are tired and kind of glad that the season is just about over, but also there are thoughts about the time that just passed and perhaps am wondering about what is to come now. And that is heightened by the fact that 2024 is before us and it looks like it will be a challenging year for most of us. I know it will be for me. So maybe you can join me in just a few thoughts, and I would love to hear from you, about the state of mind heart and spirit that we need for the season that is before us at this stage in our lives. Thanks Stan

  • Yes ... Wouldn't you like to be a cowboy for Christmas ... Isn't there a little bit of inner cowboy in all of us. So today we're going to talk about the cowboy way of life. Don't miss it!

    20/12/2023 Duration: 29min

    I remember every year starting to look at the seers Christmas catalog that came usually just before Thanksgiving.  End it truly was what they often cold in the wishbook.  And since our family was kind of poor we knew we weren't going to get everything on our wishes. I do remember when I asked for a cowboy hat and the play double pistol set that would shoot off paper caps and go bang.   Just like Roy Rogers and all of my heroes that I saw on television in the movies.  To my wonderful amusement and amazement I got it and it is still one of my favorite pictures in my long list of Christmas memories. Well today I introduce my new friend and partner who is a world-class expert on the western way of life and about the life of the cowboy.  So let me introduce you to Stuart of True West magazine who has stories to tell about the lore and legends and even more what it was really like to live the life of a cowboy.  Perhaps today we need a lot more people who believe in and live out the cowboy code in life and business.

  • Would you like to be touched by an angel -- a story for the Christmas season just for you!

    18/12/2023 Duration: 15min

    This is a story that came to me a number of years ago and it's based on the popular and still famous television program entitled, Would you like to be touched by an angel? So in this interpretation of three angel stories from the Christmas story I try to perhaps bring some words of inspiration and comfort by thinking what might have happened or what would happen if we today right now on planet Earth were touched , Thanks for joining me and listening to the story and perhaps sharing some of your own. Stan

  • Maybe at this Christmas time we should learn to sing a song of defiance!

    16/12/2023 Duration: 13min

    I have to confess and of course it's no secret to the people who know me is that there's a little bit of a defiant spirit within me. I Like to be different. Needless to say this sometimes drives my wife crazy and so I try and tone it down but that's who I am. And maybe that's why I have always found this to be my favorite Christmas song that I like to sing and particularly sing the last words as loud as I can. I often say that God asked us to make a joyful noise and since I'm not often times in tune or on key I'll just take it as my joyful noise. Heard a podcast this past week that really helped me to understand because they share the truth that perhaps we all need to learn, maybe even write, maybe from time to time sing songs of defiance. I am going to do more of that and it just so happened that my favorite song for Christmas is very much a song of defiance ... And thanks to my friends at Seedbed communications for the inspiration. Thanks Stan

  • Hanukkah Hamas and Abraham Heschel let's see if we can bring those together!

    13/12/2023 Duration: 17min

    Most likely you have heard of Hanukkah and you certanily have heard of Hamas... One is a wonderful celebration and the other is an evil from the pit of hell ,,, but they are connected in a strange way ...  ..and one commentator said that if Hamas had known more. about Hanukkah they might have reconsidered the move which is now hopefully leading to their destruction. But that brings me on me to one of my heroes ...Abraham Joshua Heschel. and that is what my story is about and about how you and I should live our life from the beginning but certainly starting now! Thanks Stan

  • Notice - College graduates are encouraged not to apply for this position or opportunity!

    11/12/2023 Duration: 20min

    In my organization I could not care less what your education is about or what your degree is in.  Right now such a degree does not indicate that you can do anything worthwhile to help our business grow and to serve my clients and customers. And more and more businesses are discovering at this time of crisis as we have found out that some of the elite colleges in universities are morally spiritually and intellectually bankrupt... And to go to an institution of higher education may be very bad for you.  So that's just my way to start a conversation with a little bit of a rant but I believe some things that are profoundly true and I would love to hear from you.  So let's see where this conversation leads us both into making some decisions about what is true worthwhile and what we should do in the year and future before us. Thanks Stan

  • Now it's time for you to be on the radio so please join me, because I can help you now!

    09/12/2023 Duration: 13min

    You will not be able to be a master leader or even a mediocre entrepreneur if you do not learn how to use the modern media, so that you can teach others, attract others, help others, and encourage them to buy from you, vote for you, follow you, and give you some time and attention so that you can tell your story and encourage them to tell yours. Please remember that nothing happens in sales or relationships or even transactions until your story and their story connect. We are in the business of helping you reach and grow your audience and help your business grow and perhaps even to have a touch of immortality. Thanks Stan

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