
What do you do when you have a bad cold but you still have to be on the radio?



 Yes and some of you may have heard me on my video cast and now all of you hear me and I don't sound very good, or maybe you think I sound a little bit better, and that's often the way things go. I came back from Arizona with too long plane rides and somewhere in between I must've caught a cold because yesterday it hit me strong and striking.  And so that led to the question what do you do when you have a Thursday program scheduled and you don't have a substitute and you're supposed to be on the radio. Well that reminded me a little bit of some of the things that often times came to me when I was in this situation before. What do you say when you can hardly talk and every time you do it hurts and even after all of that struggle and runny nose and the congestion and chills, how can you perform at your best for your audience. May I share some stories of what often times came to my mind when I was in this kind of situation before because the more I remember it the better my advice is not only for when I have a c