
It's already a tough year but you can be better you can make an impact, and let me tell you how to start



This will be a challenging year.  There are too many things going wrong and there are two few things people or institutions that you can trust... So it will be tough. I know that personally but I also know that part of it is my fault and it'll be a tough year for you some of it will also be your fault. But often times we have to understand with sometime just called Kairos.  A Greek originated word that means crisis but also means opportunity ..... One of the secrets of successful living is to seek to be good enough for smart enough or tough enough to turn a crisis into the opportunity. I hope I can do that for myself and perhaps for you and so in a little bit of self talk this program with all of its ideas and energy is directed back toward me,  because it's about something that I know quite a bit about but often times don't know how to do it, It's that powerful word impact...So forget your fuzzy purpose statement in mission messages and all of the other metrics that you do. Define the word IMPACT for you and