Autumn Miles Podcast



Autumn Miles is a speaker, author, wife and mother. She's the founder and CEO of The Blush Network, the host of The Autumn Miles Show, the author of Appointed, and a premier contributor for The Blaze.


  • Episode 160: JOB Part 5 - The GREAT Encounter

    03/10/2023 Duration: 01h07min

    This is for those of you who are thinking, “God has abandoned me! I have been faithful, but God, I can't hear you.” You may be praying this: “God, WHERE ARE YOU? I need a word from You today, right now, because after facing ALL of this hardship, all of these trials, I need You now. Answer me, answer me!” Job wailed and cried and called out to God, he lamented for something to change for chapters on end. Job never prayed for his things back. He explicitly said, “Let the Almighty answer me” (Job 31:35). But finally, when God DID speak, Job was floored at what God Himself had to say to Job. And it was all that Job needed. What you need is an encounter with the Lord, so seek it until you get it.    Monologue: Autumn recounts what God does for her for her birthday each year, including special moments with her children.  Message: After the break, Autumn describes what God does in response to Job’s long lamentations for God to answer. Question: “When something bad happens to someone, my friends tell me it must be be

  • Episode 159: JOB Part 4 - How Transparent Are We Allowed to Be Before God?

    26/09/2023 Duration: 01h07min

    Can we really tell Him all we think? Does this sound like you: you’ve been putting up a face before your friends, pretending that things are better than they actually are. You’ve withheld telling your true feelings to others, out of fear for what they would think of you. You’re going through the motions of the day without really digging deep into the reality of what you’re experiencing. If you are doing this to those close to you, odds are, you may be doing this to God about what you’re really feeling, too. God will NEVER think less of you because you have feelings of anger, sadness, confusion, and other unpretty emotions – that is the human experience! Job was described to have not sinned while he LAMENTED before the Lord. David did the same thing in Psalms. Speaking truth is never a sin! God wants to hear your heart, believer. All of it.   Monologue: Autumn shares a story of how her son, Jude, simultaneously relieves and shocks her in the midst of a crazy season.  Message: After the break, Autumn dissects h

  • Episode 158: JOB Part 3 - Who or What Does the Enemy’s Roar Sound Like?

    19/09/2023 Duration: 01h16min

    You have heard that the enemy roams like a roaring Lion seeking those he would devour, but practically, what does that look like or sound like? (1 Peter 5:8) Sometimes, it can look like illness in your body or even your friends turning on you. What you are facing right now is REAL. But even as you wade through whatever your friends or even your spouse is telling you, CLING to the Lord. Because if God is in control of all of it. God knows that your faith can withstand it, because He has measured it.    Monologue: Autumn talks of her family’s traditions and celebrations for the fall.  Message: After the break, Autumn shows how each person closest to Job not only couldn’t understand his circumstances, but they gave him poor advice. However, Job kept his faith and was rewarded for it. Question: “How do you talk to your young kids about death and heaven in a way that makes sense to them?"  Praise Report: A listener shares what God did for them when their mother passed after a long, hardfought life.    Bible Refere

  • Episode 157: JOB Part 2 - When ALL HELL LITERALLY Breaks Loose in Your Life

    12/09/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    Are you in shock because of a sudden trial you didn’t see coming, or maybe 4? Well, this episode will encourage you! You will find yourself relating the most to Job, as his servants tell him he has lost all his wealth, all his ways of consecrating himself and his family, and all his children. What do you even do? In this second part of the JOB series, Autumn studies Job's response to receiving news that all his worst nightmares came true at the same time and what we as believers can take comfort in.   Monologue: Autumn sagas her and her daughter’s last homecoming dress shopping experience from this past weekend.  Message: After the break, Autumn studies what Job’s response to facing the severe tragedy of losing everything he held close can teach believers today. Question: “I don’t know how to talk to my friend who always thinks God is punishing her for something she did. If anything ever goes wrong for her in life, she thinks it’s God’s punishment. What would you tell her?"  Praise Report: A listener shares h

  • Episode 156: JOB Part 1 - Why does God choose the faithful to suffer?

    05/09/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    Today, we begin part one of the book of JOB, maybe one of the hardest books in the Bible to process. Autumn will unpack the hardship allowed in his life and the why behind it. Job faced nightmare upon nightmare upon nightmare. How could God have let such terrible things happen to a man who was found blameless, upright, fearing God, turning away evil, and faithful enough to be known in heaven as a celebrity of faith? When you ask yourself, “God, where are you in all of this?” When you begin to question, “Am I doing this for me, or am I doing this for God?” When your faith is beginning to seem not worth it anymore, this is the time to fight for it the most. The enemy’s goal is to separate you from God, but God chose you for this because of your faith. Cling to the Lord. He knows, and He is at the end of this nightmare you’ve found yourself facing.   Monologue: Autumn shares how she and Eddie teach their wizened faith to their kids’ young minds.  Message: After the break, Autumn unpacks who Job was, why he was c

  • Episode 155: What to Do When You Have Been Faithful to the Lord and Your Prayer Still Isn’t Answered.

    29/08/2023 Duration: 49min

    You are a prayer powerhouse. You pray for your friends to have kids, you pray for your friends to get financial peace, you pray for your sister and her husband to get a house and the right rates, and their prayers that you’ve prayed with them are answered. You are faithful to the Lord, you tithe, you go to church, you’re righteous, you serve at church, and you’ve been praying for something for FOREVER. But your prayer hasn’t happened yet. For some reason, your prayer hasn’t been answered yet, and you have sat by and watched those around you get their prayers answered except for yours. What is up with that? Know that you are not the only one to have experienced this. Zacharias and Elizabeth have been in your shoes, on their knees, in petition before the Lord to answer their prayer for a child. The thing is, God didn’t answer them immediately. Rather, God delayed answering so that He could give them ABUNDANTLY MORE than they could have ever thought or imagined. Don’t stop putting your petition before the Lord,

  • Episode 154: Don’t go into that new season dragging the “old” things with you.

    22/08/2023 Duration: 58min

    In between seasons, it is SO important that you handle the old season to prepare for the new season. God has prepared you and the next season, but you must also do your part. The Israelites had to destroy the old things that were left by other nations in the Promised Land, so that they could embrace the new season of settling into the Promised Land. What happened when they didn’t? The things that Israel didn’t destroy and didn’t take the opportunity to do became thorns in their sides and pricks in their eyes. Take the opportunity NOW to handle and dispossess the old season so you can embrace the new season.    Monologue: Autumn talks about how buying school supplies for her kids this year went.  Message: After the break, Autumn describes how believers are called to dispossess the old and things from the past in order to move forward into the new season, as keeping those things will hurt and harm believers in the new season, and the importance of placing memory stones as God brings you through the new season.

  • Episode 153: PRACTICAL Part 4 - How do you move forward when facing a MAJOR block?

    15/08/2023 Duration: 01h06min

    God has called you to do something, but there’s a problem: you’re BLOCKED. You are facing insecurity in yourself, you have enemies calling you names, your friends have turned against you, or literal obstacles are blocking your way to keep going forward. These blocks or stops are no stranger to God. In fact, you may not even realize He led you there to gain wisdom from facing the blocks.  Moses faced the same things in his lifetime, and we as believers will all face the same ones probably multiple times in our lives! So HOW do we move forward? We stand against them, and God acts. We obey His Word, and God acts. If God has led you there, He will move you past those blocks.   Monologue: Autumn recites a sweet senior ceremony moment from her kids’ high school.  Message: After the break, Autumn defines the four types of Red Seas that Moses faced and believers will ultimately face throughout our lives.  Question: “How did you know it was God telling you that the “wrong direction” was actually the right way?"  Prais

  • Episode 152: PRACTICAL Part 3 - How do you forgive when it feels like you will let yourself down?

    08/08/2023 Duration: 59min

    What do you do when someone has hurt you in such a way it feels impossible to forgive them? Maybe you've been carrying the hurt for years. Maybe the hurt was done to you by someone you thought you could trust, somebody close to you. Here's the deal: forgiveness wasn't designed to release that person of the wrongdoing they did, God's justice and their repentance does that. Forgiveness was designed to set us FREE and remove the burden of festering bitterness from us. That is why Jesus told us to forgive 70 times 7, because God knew we would need to forgive to release us from the bondage of bitterness.    Monologue: Autumn tells of a small window of normalcy during a transition season in her family.  Message: After the break, Autumn describes reasons for forgiveness and Joseph's experience of forgiving his brothers during the famine in Egypt.  Question: “What is your suggestion for diving into the Word everyday?"  Praise Report: A listener shares how God has blessed her after obeying His call to move a thousand

  • Episode 151: PRACTICAL Part 2: How Do You PRACTICALLY Wait?

    01/08/2023 Duration: 01h07min

    Have you been waiting for something God has promised you? HOW have you been waiting? God has made promises in Scripture, and we can trust that He STILL makes promises and delivers His promises today. Abraham waited 25 years for God's promise to be fulfilled to him, and along the way, he lost his trust and even tried to do it himself. Even though Abraham messed up, God still confirmed and reconfirmed His promises to Abraham and that He WILL deliver on those promises. We also can wait on God in spirit, rather than wait on "it" in flesh.     Monologue: Autumn recounts an unbelievable experience with a women's prison worship event. Message: After the break, Autumn relays two different ways of waiting and the two different means of waiting. Are you waiting on that “thing” promised to you, or are you waiting on God to deliver on His promises to you? And, are you waiting in the flesh or in the Spirit?  Question: “What do you do when a friend from the past comes back into your life and you aren’t the same person as b

  • Episode 150: PRACTICAL Part 1 - It’s TIME to LET ”IT” GO!

    25/07/2023 Duration: 01h06min

    Pharaoh relied so heavily on the Israelites in Egypt, that he could not fathom letting God’s people go. Pharaoh was enslaved to the comfort the Israelites brought him so much, that it required God’s mighty hand to compel him to let them go. God called him to let them go, and Pharaoh didn’t want to do the work to function without them. If God has called YOU to let go of something, and you haven’t given it to the Lord out of fear of the discomfort it might cause you to be without it, that thing has become your master. Pharaoh is not as different from us than we might think, but we still have the choice to let whatever that thing is go.    Monologue: Autumn delights in a recent moment with her son, Moses, teaching her with such authority how to fish. Message: After the break, Autumn brings the practical to how to let go and lay down something that God has called believers to let go, calling back to Pharaoh in the book of Exodus when he was called to let God’s people go. Question: “What do you recommend when your

  • Episode 149: Don’t Reject the Raven of God’s Provision

    18/07/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    Elijah was faithful, but he was STILL in the drought that fell over Israel. But he did not have to suffer, because God provides for those who are His. Sometimes, His provision is through a crazy, strange thing, like ravens. If Elijah REJECTED the ravens that God provided to bring him food, Elijah would not have survived. Don’t reject the provision God is placing before you because it looks different to you, unexpected, or even unwanted.   Monologue: Autumn describes a blessing that caused an initially unsettling quietness during the dog days of summer at the Miles’ home. Message: After the break, Autumn reminds believers that droughts, deficits, or the loudness of the world does not mean that believers have to suffer with it, because while the rest of the world is lacking, God is a God of provision. Question: “What are some of the purposes of using anointing oil, how does one get some, and what does using anointing oil do?"  Praise Report: Autumn shares a sweet story about her daughter’s gift of prophecy.   

  • Episode 148: HOLY Part 3 - How exactly do I “be Holy?”

    11/07/2023 Duration: 50min

    The Pharisees had it backwards when they only APPEARED holy but were EMPTY on the inside. God's holiness calls YOU to “be Holy” because He is Holy. While that is intimidating, it is best to know the difference between religion and true holiness. Religion focuses on, "don't do this," and "don't do that," but walking in holiness is seeking the Holy Spirit and doing the right thing that God is at the center of. Make sure you get the difference between holiness and religion.    Monologue: Autumn recalls her family's Independence Day activities and an ironic moment with a family relative. Message: After the break, Autumn differentiates being holy and being religious and describes exactly what God calls believers to do concerning His holiness. Question: “What do you do when your church has told you you ask for too much prayer?"  Praise Report: A listener shares how they are celebrating three years sobers of all substances.    Bible References: 1 Peter 1:13-16, 2:9 Leviticus 11:44-45 Galatians 2:20-21 *All verses ar

  • Episode 147: HOLY Part 2 - God wants to have a Holy Ground moment with you

    04/07/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    When was the last time you chose stillness with the Spirit of God over the phone ringing, scrolling social media, kids yelling, or some other thing that keeps you busy? We, as believers, NEED to have holy ground moments with God more regularly than we actually have them. These holy ground moments are moments we are in the presence of the Lord, and there is something so special about them, we CANNOT afford to neglect the call of His voice. So put the phone down, and enter that holy ground moment with Him.   Monologue: Autumn shares how she got her husband hooked on a fascinating Netflix show he was hesitant to watch at first. Message: After the break, Autumn extracts the details from the two instances of holy ground in the Bible for how believers can find God’s presence. Question: “What should I know about spiritual warfare manifesting in my home, and how should I approach this now that it is happening right in front of me?"  Praise Report: A listener shares how in the midst of a health scare, God allowed for

  • Episode 146: HOLY Part 1 - God’s HOLINESS is HIS WHY!

    27/06/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    God is holy. His holiness is why He acts. His holiness is behind every one of His decisions. Whatever He asks of you, know it has been filtered through HIS GREAT HOLINESS. We have watered down His holiness. If we follow the “cool” trend of church culture it belittles the majestic culture of the throne room of God. If we don’t worship the holiness of God, and we worship something other than a Holy God, other little gods will take His place that is rightfully His.   Monologue: Autumn proves with a comedic story how her son is truly only 14 years old and not as mature as he looks, despite almost everyone’s best guesses. Message: After the break, Autumn unpacks a scene in Revelation that depicts a picture of heaven declaring God’s holiness. Question: “I’m so afraid to send our kids to public school with the state our world is in. I know they can’t be shielded from everything forever, and I don’t want to make a decision based out of fear. How do you talk to your kids about living in this world but not conforming t

  • Episode 145: Q&A with Autumn on Uncertainty, Awkwardness, and Doubt

    20/06/2023 Duration: 36min

    Join Autumn as she answers YOUR questions and discusses topics like: church after divorce, how to know what you’re good at for the body of Christ, outgrowing friendships, and doubting and deconstructing faith.    Bible References: Hebrews 10:23-25 1 Corinthians 12:1-13 Mark 9:17-24   Links from the show BOOKS:  SPEAKING:  MERCH:   If you have a question for Autumn, testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at    Join us on social media! Facebook:  Instagram:  Click here to join our weekly and monthly newsletters and get updates on our podcast and exclusive content!

  • Episode 144: Where YOUR Possibility Ends, HIS Begins

    13/06/2023 Duration: 54min

    What have you stopped believing for? What word from the Lord has exhausted all your faith because it just doesn’t seem to be happening? Do you think you are too old, too far gone, that you’re too broken, or that the thing has already passed you by? If you believe God has forgotten about you, THAT IS NOT THE CASE! He WILL do what he said, just the same as He provided Sarah and the Shunammite woman their dreams and tested them for theirs. It WILL be well.   Monologue: Autumn recalls a sweet, teary-eyed moment between her daughters. Message: After the break, Autumn points out the resemblance between Sarah from Genesis and the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4 and their story of God’s provision for dreams they thought too far gone from them. Question: “It’s really hard for me to focus and understand the Bible a lot of the time. Do you have any suggestions for how to read the Bible better?"  Praise Report: A listener shares how God had told her that her dead marriage will be alive and well, and she is joyful to report

  • Episode 143: Whatever He says, DO IT!

    06/06/2023 Duration: 58min

    It is finally getting into the summer months, and you are DRAGGING yourself into it. Maybe you’re depleted of hope, maybe you’re depleted of energy and you just need a nap. Maybe your faith is struggling. Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed with work, being at home with the kids, or something else. But the LORD is IN your midst. The mother of Jesus knew who was in the midst of the wedding in Cana, but so many others didn’t think He would even care. But you know what? He does. He cares about your EVERY need. You have but to ask Him for His overflow, and do what He tells you to do.    Monologue: Autumn chronicles her recent NRB trip and how God was moving within and around the trip. Message: After the break, Autumn pulls wisdom from the wedding in Cana from the book of John and how believers can approach God with any need, big or small. Question: “Recently a friend from church said they needed prayer for healing but only if I could guarantee my prayer would work.  How do you respond to that?"  Praise Report: A li

  • Episode 142: God stations HIS deliverance in UNLIKELY places

    30/05/2023 Duration: 59min

    If you are struggling in some sort of crisis, KNOW that God has placed unlikely vessels of deliverance often times in the very place of your struggle. In a health crisis, God has an ally fighting for your healing. In financial ruin, God has a friend rallying for your relief. In an unlikely situation, God placed Jael behind enemy lines to defeat the commander of the Canaanite army oppressing Israel, ultimately leading to the victory of the nation of Israel. In YOUR oppression, God has placed allies where you do not see to PAVE A WAY for your victory, and nobody even knows about it.    Monologue: Autumn chats about school coming to an end and the ages of her babies. Message: After the break, Autumn elaborates on how God hides His allies behind enemy lines, without anybody else knowing about it, referencing Jael in the story of Deborah and Barak. Question: “You recently spoke on finding our supernatural gifts on your podcast. How can we find out what our gifts are?"  Praise Report: A listener shares how her neph

  • Episode 141: IT IS TIME to intimidate what is intimidating you!

    23/05/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    Deborah and Barak and the nation of Israel faced NO LESS than nine hundred iron chariots, which seemed IMPOSSIBLE to defeat. It was intimidating and had intimidated Israel for 20 years. Israel gave in to defeat. We all have iron chariots that intimidate us. What iron chariots in your head are you scared of? Don’t love oppressed one second longer.   Monologue: Autumn discusses new things she has tried recently, namely her iconic nails. Message: After the break, Autumn emboldens Christ followers to face their iron chariots, just as Deborah did for Barak. Question: “How do you not feel like a failure when your kids run away from God?"  Praise Report: A listener shares how God has put their life back together better than it was before.   Bible References: Judges 1:27-36, 4:1-17 Proverbs 3:5-6 Exodus 33:15 *All verses are from the NASB1995 Bible translation.   Links from the show BOOKS: SPEAKING: MERCH:   If you have a question for

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