Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 144: Where YOUR Possibility Ends, HIS Begins



What have you stopped believing for? What word from the Lord has exhausted all your faith because it just doesn’t seem to be happening? Do you think you are too old, too far gone, that you’re too broken, or that the thing has already passed you by? If you believe God has forgotten about you, THAT IS NOT THE CASE! He WILL do what he said, just the same as He provided Sarah and the Shunammite woman their dreams and tested them for theirs. It WILL be well.   Monologue: Autumn recalls a sweet, teary-eyed moment between her daughters. Message: After the break, Autumn points out the resemblance between Sarah from Genesis and the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4 and their story of God’s provision for dreams they thought too far gone from them. Question: “It’s really hard for me to focus and understand the Bible a lot of the time. Do you have any suggestions for how to read the Bible better?"  Praise Report: A listener shares how God had told her that her dead marriage will be alive and well, and she is joyful to report