Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 152: PRACTICAL Part 3 - How do you forgive when it feels like you will let yourself down?



What do you do when someone has hurt you in such a way it feels impossible to forgive them? Maybe you've been carrying the hurt for years. Maybe the hurt was done to you by someone you thought you could trust, somebody close to you. Here's the deal: forgiveness wasn't designed to release that person of the wrongdoing they did, God's justice and their repentance does that. Forgiveness was designed to set us FREE and remove the burden of festering bitterness from us. That is why Jesus told us to forgive 70 times 7, because God knew we would need to forgive to release us from the bondage of bitterness.    Monologue: Autumn tells of a small window of normalcy during a transition season in her family.  Message: After the break, Autumn describes reasons for forgiveness and Joseph's experience of forgiving his brothers during the famine in Egypt.  Question: “What is your suggestion for diving into the Word everyday?"  Praise Report: A listener shares how God has blessed her after obeying His call to move a thousand