Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 155: What to Do When You Have Been Faithful to the Lord and Your Prayer Still Isn’t Answered.



You are a prayer powerhouse. You pray for your friends to have kids, you pray for your friends to get financial peace, you pray for your sister and her husband to get a house and the right rates, and their prayers that you’ve prayed with them are answered. You are faithful to the Lord, you tithe, you go to church, you’re righteous, you serve at church, and you’ve been praying for something for FOREVER. But your prayer hasn’t happened yet. For some reason, your prayer hasn’t been answered yet, and you have sat by and watched those around you get their prayers answered except for yours. What is up with that? Know that you are not the only one to have experienced this. Zacharias and Elizabeth have been in your shoes, on their knees, in petition before the Lord to answer their prayer for a child. The thing is, God didn’t answer them immediately. Rather, God delayed answering so that He could give them ABUNDANTLY MORE than they could have ever thought or imagined. Don’t stop putting your petition before the Lord,