Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 154: Don’t go into that new season dragging the “old” things with you.



In between seasons, it is SO important that you handle the old season to prepare for the new season. God has prepared you and the next season, but you must also do your part. The Israelites had to destroy the old things that were left by other nations in the Promised Land, so that they could embrace the new season of settling into the Promised Land. What happened when they didn’t? The things that Israel didn’t destroy and didn’t take the opportunity to do became thorns in their sides and pricks in their eyes. Take the opportunity NOW to handle and dispossess the old season so you can embrace the new season.    Monologue: Autumn talks about how buying school supplies for her kids this year went.  Message: After the break, Autumn describes how believers are called to dispossess the old and things from the past in order to move forward into the new season, as keeping those things will hurt and harm believers in the new season, and the importance of placing memory stones as God brings you through the new season.