Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 156: JOB Part 1 - Why does God choose the faithful to suffer?



Today, we begin part one of the book of JOB, maybe one of the hardest books in the Bible to process. Autumn will unpack the hardship allowed in his life and the why behind it. Job faced nightmare upon nightmare upon nightmare. How could God have let such terrible things happen to a man who was found blameless, upright, fearing God, turning away evil, and faithful enough to be known in heaven as a celebrity of faith? When you ask yourself, “God, where are you in all of this?” When you begin to question, “Am I doing this for me, or am I doing this for God?” When your faith is beginning to seem not worth it anymore, this is the time to fight for it the most. The enemy’s goal is to separate you from God, but God chose you for this because of your faith. Cling to the Lord. He knows, and He is at the end of this nightmare you’ve found yourself facing.   Monologue: Autumn shares how she and Eddie teach their wizened faith to their kids’ young minds.  Message: After the break, Autumn unpacks who Job was, why he was c