The Todd Herman Show



Todd Herman pledges to tell the truth, honor your intelligence, and fight back against crony capitalists weekdays 3pm to 6pm on AM 770 KTTH.


  • In honor of Tucker Carlson - some questions FOX News hosts are probably not allowed to ask Episode 807

    04/05/2023 Duration: 45min

    In honor of Tucker Carlson: some questions FOX News hosts are probably not allowed to askIn honor of Tucker Calrson, let’s ask some questions that may no longer be allowed on FOX News Glenn Beck says Rupert Murdoch banned him from speaking about God. What else is banned? An article in Semafor indicates that, about two weeks before FOX News ended Tucker Carlson’s show, Rupert Murdoch and his son both talked with the Dictator of Ukraine; he was very upset about Tucker’s questioning of our endless commitment to Ukraine and about Zalensky outlawing opposition parties, seizing media properties and General Austin lying about Russia’s state of troop readiness. Did the Dictator of Ukraine help get Tucker’s Show canceled? Is mention of George Soros okay, again? Can FOX hosts criticize Mitch McConnell? Will FOX News be airing more of the January 6th evidence? That’s a few questions, I have many more . . . What does God say? Matthew 10:21-3321 “Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will

  • 5 Minute Focus: Remarkably stupid questions welcome pointedly sharp responses (delivered in as much love as the Spirit will give us). Ep_805

    04/05/2023 Duration: 06min

    Alan’s Soaps coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price.BiOptimizers promo code TODD for 10% off your order.Bonefroghttps://bonefrog.usEnter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capitalbulwarkcapitalmgmt.comAct now and get Bulwark Capital’s “Common Cents Investing” guide FREE. My Pillowhttps://mypillow.comUse code TODD for Closeout pricing on all All Season Slippers.Patriot Mobile free activation today with offer code HERMAN. Visit or call 878-PATRIOT. GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet seen on Google more with your worldclass website! RuffGreens your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, simply cover shipping. Visit or call 877-MYDOG-64. SOTA Weight Losshttps://sotaweightloss.comSOTA Weight Loss is, say it with me now, STATE OF THE ART!Texas SuperFoodhttps://texassuperfood.comTexas SuperFood is

  • RFK Jr the possibly disqualifying information Episode 803

    03/05/2023 Duration: 51min

    RFK, Jr., the possibly disqualifying information. Last week, Charlie Kirk shared his notion of RFK, Jr. as President Trump’s VP candidate. We had some fun talking about it. Today, we examine the very deep downside of RFK, Jr. Aside from taking on the criminal bosses of Big Pharma and his apparently recent purple-pilling about how The Party is using the lie of a Climate Catastrophe to install profitable tyranny, RFK Jr., has said some pretty horrendous things, like putting people in prison for not backing his climate positions to his indefensible support of Hillary Clinton and his back-slapping the murderous Dictator of Washington, Jay Inslee. There is a lot here and a fantastic journalist named Michael Tracey has compiled a huge volume of background we will share today. All of this said, I would love to see President Trump in a second term, or Governor DeSantis in a first term, put RFK Jr., in chare of dismantling the FDA and CDC. Episode 803 linksA master-class on quick but potent research by Michael Tracey.

  • A thing I should have done a long time back...share my live testimony Ep_804

    03/05/2023 Duration: 54min

    Live speech: My Christian testimony: how I finally took the knee to God. From a live speech at Harborview Fellowship in beautiful Gig Harbor, Washington. have owed this to the Podcast Family for far too long: my Christian testimony on how I went from culturally Christian to goofy, libertarian maker-of-my-own-religion to God believer, Bible reader, church-goer, church funder . . . lapsing into being a guy who talked about God but didn’t even attend church, to what being a confessed Jesus-needer and now, a disciple of Jesus Christ. God tried many things with me: loving Christian friends, profitable success in business, two years off of needing to work, a radio show, a national radio presence and none of it worked. God finally let me live in the mess my pride built and, when I finally dropped to my knees to him I spoke words I didn’t know I could. This is the speech, from a terrific Christian faith community in Gig Harbor Washington, Harborview Fellowship, where I first share

  • 5 Minute Focus: A thing I should have done a long time back: share my live testimony. .and the testimonies of RFK. Jr disqualify Ep_802

    03/05/2023 Duration: 07min

    A thing I should have done a long time back: share my live testimony. . . and the testimonies of RFK. Jr over the past two decades seem to disqualify him from any consideration as Trump’s VP pick --- however, there is one huge way RFK Jr. could serve the Country: put him in charge of dismantling the FDA and CDC. Alan’s Soaps coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price.BiOptimizers promo code TODD for 10% off your order.Bonefroghttps://bonefrog.usEnter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capitalbulwarkcapitalmgmt.comAct now and get Bulwark Capital’s “Common Cents Investing” guide FREE. My Pillowhttps://mypillow.comUse code TODD for Closeout pricing on all All Season Slippers.Patriot Mobile free activation today with offer code HERMAN. Visit or call 878-PATRIOT. GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet seen on Google more with your worl

  • The contempt the ruling class feels for us spills over to the black sheep of the ruling class Episode 800

    02/05/2023 Duration: 52min, it’s not hatred it’s contempt. We cannot control their contempt, we can control our response, which must be founded on God’s Word. We have to forgive them with a sincere heart, a willing heart . . . God, however, does not have to do anything of the sort and I cannot speak for God, I can point out again that everything The Party does is opposed to God., Jr. when he criticized their masters at Pfizer. I believe FOX News bosses demonstrated it when they took Tucker’s Show off their network--more on that in Episode 801--and I think the ratings show millions of people agree with me. As we continue to get documents that prove beyond any doubt the bosses of entire countries knew the mRNA didn’t do anything to stop Covid but still went on to issue Needle-Rape Diktats, we see their contempt in full, naked ugliness. With the advent of turbo cancers in record numbers after the introd

  • FOX News after Tucker: is THIS what got him booted?  Episode 801

    02/05/2023 Duration: 54min

    What made FOX drop their most viewed and most influential host? Glenn Beck suggests it might be due to Tucker Carlson invoking God in a speech; Glenn says Rupert Murdoch ordered him to stop mentioning the God of the Universe on FOX News. Tucker’s video that continues to rack up views that surpass in numbers his FOX News Show, says it’s rare to hear truth on any news shows. FOX News is now trailing the lowly Chris Hayes on MSNBC! So, what really happened? Let’s employ our favorite tool, pattern recognition. When I did that, I came up with the following theory: Tucker broke the big rule about performing as a conservative Republican TV host . . . Tucker Carlson REFUSED to perform, let alone to perform as a conservative Republican TV Host. Said another way, Tucker’s show had become the Washington Generals beating the Harlem Globetrotters and we can’t have that . . What does God say? Matthew 10:33 33 But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.Episode 801 Links -ANALYSIS: The Rip

  • 5 Minute Focus: It’s not hate they feel for us, it’s contempt. We cannot fall for the trap. Ep-799

    02/05/2023 Duration: 06min

    It’s not hate they feel for us, it’s contempt. We cannot fall for the trap.ABC News showed it when they bragged about censoring RFK Jr., when he criticized ABC’s bosses at Pfizer; the Fauxch does it as he pretends he never wanted lockdowns of schools. FOX News bosses showed it when they removed Tucker’s Show. Alan’s Soaps coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price.BiOptimizers promo code TODD for 10% off your order.Bonefroghttps://bonefrog.usEnter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capitalbulwarkcapitalmgmt.comAct now and get Bulwark Capital’s “Common Cents Investing” guide FREE. My Pillowhttps://mypillow.comUse code TODD for Closeout pricing on all All Season Slippers.Patriot Mobile free activation today with offer code HERMAN. Visit or call 878-PATRIOT. GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet seen on Google more with your worldc

  • The gender-jackers cannot convince or scare us, so they play to exhaust us. Episode 798

    01/05/2023 Duration: 54min

    The gender-jackers cannot convince or scare us, so they play to exhaust us. The Gay Everywhere approach was one of the most brilliant, well executed steps in the run-up to our cold war level Cultural Revolution of today. The tactic was to fool people into believing 20% of the population was same-sex attracted and to make middle-America so sick and tired of hearing the word “gay”, they would finally shut-up and give the Sexual Left what they wanted. It worked.The Satanic and profitable industry of gender-jacking is using the same tactic, but it is far worse. The Party is destroying the bodies, minds and souls of children and they are trying to exhaust us. We cannot tire. We cannot waiver. We must take refuge in God’s strength and love as we refuse to negotiate with the Devil. What does God say? The Lord made us man and woman. He instructed us to have children. Genesis 1:26-2826 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in t

  • The Democrat’s strange, new respect for ethics is actually a plan to functionally dissolve the Supreme Court.  Episode 799

    01/05/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    The Democrat’s strange, new respect for ethics is actually a plan to functionally dissolve the Supreme Court. Rush Limbaugh, (God rest him), discovered and named the “strange, new respect phenomena.” This was when the Mockingbird Media found new respect for a Republican after the Republican “evolved” on an issue. Think of Mitt Romney, whom the Mockingbirds once considered a psychopath who went around giving people cancer; now, Mitt is an elder statesman, a sober, caring public servant. The Democrats now have a strange, new respect for ethics . . . but only related to the Supreme Court and only as regards the so-called conservatives. While I think we all agree the justices should report when people who have given them a lot of money or employ their spouses have a case before the Court, the specter of the Democrat Party pretending to revere ethics is brutally and offensively hilarious. So, what’s their end-game? It’s about delegitimizing the Court so they can run on the issue of packing it with as many communis

  • 5 Minute Focus: Where we are in the Cultural Revolution. Exhausted by hearing the nonsense word “transgender”? Ep_797

    30/04/2023 Duration: 06min

    Where we are in the Cultural RevolutionIf you are exhausted by hearing the nonsense word “transgender” you are exactly where the communists want you and the Democrat’s strange, new respect for ethicsAlan’s Soaps coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price.BiOptimizers promo code TODD for 10% off your order.Bonefroghttps://bonefrog.usEnter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capitalbulwarkcapitalmgmt.comAct now and get Bulwark Capital’s “Common Cents Investing” guide FREE. My Pillowhttps://mypillow.comUse code TODD for Closeout pricing on all All Season Slippers.Patriot Mobile free activation today with offer code HERMAN. Visit or call 878-PATRIOT. GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet seen on Google more with your worldclass website! RuffGreens your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, simply cover

  • POTUS election 2024 comes down to three things: Does the State own the children? Will the Civil War become hot? Episode 795

    28/04/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    It’s stupefying, but not surprising, that America is considering another four years under a corrupt regime headed by a senile con artist who is also a likely pedophile. It’s not just Republicans who don’t want that. The Everyone knows Joe Biden is demented, able to be propped up for bursts of awareness and energy only a few times a year using God-knows-what animating properties to achieve the illusion of awareness which is why the people who run This is the election where we decide if America exists as anything but a memory. The themes don’t get any bigger: does The Party own your kids? Will the American Cold Civil War become hot? What will be the new Covid for 2024, the invented crisis? - On kids:

  • How will The Party try to rig the economy for the 2024 Election, Zach Abraham joins Episode 796

    28/04/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    How will The Party try to rig the economy for the 2024 election? Here’s one way: The FigureHead was caused to make people with good credit pay more for loans so people with bad credit pay less. If only there was a clue as to why they did that. Home prices see biggest annual drop in over a decade: Report. No, most Democrats will not be able to understand why this is a bad idea. Afterall, John Cusack thinks this is capitalism. Will the leftists at Google start to sniff the grift now that Google has paused the San Jose mega-campus project, and have no plan to restart construction? What does God say? Exodus 22:14 If anything is borrowed, it should be paid back. If what is borrowed is lost or injured, full restitution must be made.Psalm 37:21 The wicked borrows but does not pay back, but the righteous is generous and gives.1 Timothy 5:8 But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. Biden Raises Costs for Home

  • 5 Minute Focus: POTUS election 2024 comes down to three things Zach Abraham on how The Party will try to rig the economy Ep_794

    28/04/2023 Duration: 06min

    Alan’s Soaps coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price.BiOptimizers promo code TODD for 10% off your order.Bonefroghttps://bonefrog.usEnter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capitalbulwarkcapitalmgmt.comAct now and get Bulwark Capital’s “Common Cents Investing” guide FREE. My Pillowhttps://mypillow.comUse code TODD for Closeout pricing on all All Season Slippers.Patriot Mobile free activation today with offer code HERMAN. Visit or call 878-PATRIOT. GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet seen on Google more with your worldclass website! RuffGreens your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, simply cover shipping. Visit or call 877-MYDOG-64. SOTA Weight Losshttps://sotaweightloss.comSOTA Weight Loss is, say it with me now, STATE OF THE ART!Texas SuperFoodhttps://texassuperfood.comTexas SuperFood is

  • 60 Minutes defeats itself with their Ray Epps J6 rewrite Episode 792

    27/04/2023 Duration: 58min

    While Tucker is busy taking bids on his services--can’t wait to hear how much money get gets!--someone has to report on the continuing effort of the Mockingbird Media to pretend there is no reason to want to know more about Ray Epps. I volunteer. It’s simple. People who went to D.C. and stood on the lawn have had the FBI roll-up heavy to their houses and frog-march them. Meanwhile, Epps, Scaffolding Man, the guys who took down the government barriers and signs designed to stop people from entering the Capitol are all walking around free. This cannot be made to make sense no matter how much air-time 60 Minutes donates to Epps. NOT WANTED: The guy tearing down this barrier. Image from NOT WANTED: The guy who spent hours on a scaffolding, yelling through a bullhorn, telling people to “keep moving forward.” Image from Revolver.newsWhat does God say? Romans 13:1-14 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been ins

  • A Kennedy is running for President and the corrupt media pretends they don't care Episode 793

    27/04/2023 Duration: 50min

    A Kennedy is running for President and the corrupt media pretends they don’t careIt’s not likely any of us would vote for a Kennedy. It’s important, though that RFK, Jr.’s voice be amplified into the ears of Democrats, so the part of their brains not yet controlled by MSNBC and TikTok might remember how it sounds to hear a man speak of God, not to check a box in a speech, but because he believes. It’s important Democrats confront themselves with their role in censoring ideas and expressions of worry, data and information and that they are forced to understand they now work for Big Pharma. Democrats must be held to mental account for the harms they created by keeping the medically useless, politically targeted, deadly, Blackrock and Vanguard enriching lockdowns of churches, “schools” and small business in place for two-years.What does God say? God is a free speech supporter; He invented free speech. Yes, He is also the inventor of accountability and He will hold us all to account.Charles Spurgeon on How to Use

  • 5 Minute Focus:60 Minutes Ray Epps rewrite is a self-own and the corrupt media ignores a Kennedy running for President. Ep_791

    27/04/2023 Duration: 05min

    Alan’s Soaps coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price.BiOptimizers promo code TODD for 10% off your order.Bonefroghttps://bonefrog.usEnter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capitalbulwarkcapitalmgmt.comAct now and get Bulwark Capital’s “Common Cents Investing” guide FREE. My Pillowhttps://mypillow.comUse code TODD for Closeout pricing on all All Season Slippers.Patriot Mobile free activation today with offer code HERMAN. Visit or call 878-PATRIOT. GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet seen on Google more with your worldclass website! RuffGreens your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, simply cover shipping. Visit or call 877-MYDOG-64. SOTA Weight Losshttps://sotaweightloss.comSOTA Weight Loss is, say it with me now, STATE OF THE ART!Texas SuperFoodhttps://texassuperfood.comTexas SuperFood is

  • A prediction about Tucker Carlson and If I was the Devil 2023 version Episode 789

    26/04/2023 Duration: 55min

    A prediction about Tucker Carlson and “If I were the Devil”, 2023 version Let’s remember from a good teacher--and great radio man--the Devil is real and he seeks to devour us. Let’s also remember God has already won, and we can be in victory with Him. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”― Sun Tzu, The Art of War“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905. From the series Great Ideas of Western Man.Shannon M., Washington, ILTodd:I've been listening to your podcast for a few months now and subscribed because I appreciate your Christ-centered analysis of current events. Your careful choice of words and direct confrontation of evil and subversive movements resonates with me. That is why I am wondering why you keep using K

  • God used the lockdowns for His glory and these 10 things happened today in America and no one noticed Episode 790

    26/04/2023 Duration: 47min

    God used the lockdowns for His glory and these 10 things happened today in America and no one noticed. Thank God, they happen every day. Though the Wall Street Journal pretends it was the Covid flu itself that caused it, rather than the medically useless, deadly, politically targeted lockdowns, the WSJ has an otherwise encouraging article about young people opening their hearts and minds to God. I hope pastors and lay disciple-makers will use this moment to reach out to these young people to bring them into the Body of Christ because, while their hearts are open, the people the Journal interviewed all seem to want to have God, but not His people, His Word, His Church and as such cannot have a relationship with Him. Still, people are being awakened every day. It is on that topic--beautiful thing that happen every day--I want to spend the last bit of the ‘Cast discussing, for the Light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it. .What does God say? Psalm 46:10 10 He says, “Be still, and know th

  • 5 Minute Focus: A prediction about Tucker Carlson and 10 things that happened in America today with few people noticing Ep_788

    25/04/2023 Duration: 05min

    Alan’s Soaps coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price.BiOptimizers promo code TODD for 10% off your order.Bonefroghttps://bonefrog.usEnter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capitalbulwarkcapitalmgmt.comAct now and get Bulwark Capital’s “Common Cents Investing” guide FREE. My Pillowhttps://mypillow.comUse code TODD for Closeout pricing on all All Season Slippers.Patriot Mobile free activation today with offer code HERMAN. Visit or call 878-PATRIOT. GreenHaven Interactivehttps://greenhaveninteractive.comGet seen on Google more with your worldclass website! RuffGreens your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, simply cover shipping. Visit or call 877-MYDOG-64. SOTA Weight Losshttps://sotaweightloss.comSOTA Weight Loss is, say it with me now, STATE OF THE ART!Texas SuperFoodhttps://texassuperfood.comTexas SuperFood is

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