The Todd Herman Show

60 Minutes defeats itself with their Ray Epps J6 rewrite Episode 792



While Tucker is busy taking bids on his services--can’t wait to hear how much money get gets!--someone has to report on the continuing effort of the Mockingbird Media to pretend there is no reason to want to know more about Ray Epps. I volunteer. It’s simple. People who went to D.C. and stood on the lawn have had the FBI roll-up heavy to their houses and frog-march them. Meanwhile, Epps, Scaffolding Man, the guys who took down the government barriers and signs designed to stop people from entering the Capitol are all walking around free. This cannot be made to make sense no matter how much air-time 60 Minutes donates to Epps. NOT WANTED: The guy tearing down this barrier. Image from NOT WANTED: The guy who spent hours on a scaffolding, yelling through a bullhorn, telling people to “keep moving forward.” Image from Revolver.newsWhat does God say? Romans 13:1-14 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been ins