The Todd Herman Show

The Democrat’s strange, new respect for ethics is actually a plan to functionally dissolve the Supreme Court.  Episode 799



The Democrat’s strange, new respect for ethics is actually a plan to functionally dissolve the Supreme Court. Rush Limbaugh, (God rest him), discovered and named the “strange, new respect phenomena.” This was when the Mockingbird Media found new respect for a Republican after the Republican “evolved” on an issue. Think of Mitt Romney, whom the Mockingbirds once considered a psychopath who went around giving people cancer; now, Mitt is an elder statesman, a sober, caring public servant. The Democrats now have a strange, new respect for ethics . . . but only related to the Supreme Court and only as regards the so-called conservatives. While I think we all agree the justices should report when people who have given them a lot of money or employ their spouses have a case before the Court, the specter of the Democrat Party pretending to revere ethics is brutally and offensively hilarious. So, what’s their end-game? It’s about delegitimizing the Court so they can run on the issue of packing it with as many communis