The Todd Herman Show

The gender-jackers cannot convince or scare us, so they play to exhaust us. Episode 798



The gender-jackers cannot convince or scare us, so they play to exhaust us. The Gay Everywhere approach was one of the most brilliant, well executed steps in the run-up to our cold war level Cultural Revolution of today. The tactic was to fool people into believing 20% of the population was same-sex attracted and to make middle-America so sick and tired of hearing the word “gay”, they would finally shut-up and give the Sexual Left what they wanted. It worked.The Satanic and profitable industry of gender-jacking is using the same tactic, but it is far worse. The Party is destroying the bodies, minds and souls of children and they are trying to exhaust us. We cannot tire. We cannot waiver. We must take refuge in God’s strength and love as we refuse to negotiate with the Devil. What does God say? The Lord made us man and woman. He instructed us to have children. Genesis 1:26-2826 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in t