The Todd Herman Show

The contempt the ruling class feels for us spills over to the black sheep of the ruling class Episode 800


Synopsis, it’s not hatred it’s contempt. We cannot control their contempt, we can control our response, which must be founded on God’s Word. We have to forgive them with a sincere heart, a willing heart . . . God, however, does not have to do anything of the sort and I cannot speak for God, I can point out again that everything The Party does is opposed to God., Jr. when he criticized their masters at Pfizer. I believe FOX News bosses demonstrated it when they took Tucker’s Show off their network--more on that in Episode 801--and I think the ratings show millions of people agree with me. As we continue to get documents that prove beyond any doubt the bosses of entire countries knew the mRNA didn’t do anything to stop Covid but still went on to issue Needle-Rape Diktats, we see their contempt in full, naked ugliness. With the advent of turbo cancers in record numbers after the introd