The Todd Herman Show

A thing I should have done a long time back...share my live testimony Ep_804



Live speech: My Christian testimony: how I finally took the knee to God. From a live speech at Harborview Fellowship in beautiful Gig Harbor, Washington. have owed this to the Podcast Family for far too long: my Christian testimony on how I went from culturally Christian to goofy, libertarian maker-of-my-own-religion to God believer, Bible reader, church-goer, church funder . . . lapsing into being a guy who talked about God but didn’t even attend church, to what being a confessed Jesus-needer and now, a disciple of Jesus Christ. God tried many things with me: loving Christian friends, profitable success in business, two years off of needing to work, a radio show, a national radio presence and none of it worked. God finally let me live in the mess my pride built and, when I finally dropped to my knees to him I spoke words I didn’t know I could. This is the speech, from a terrific Christian faith community in Gig Harbor Washington, Harborview Fellowship, where I first share