The Todd Herman Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 609:39:49
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Todd Herman pledges to tell the truth, honor your intelligence, and fight back against crony capitalists weekdays 3pm to 6pm on AM 770 KTTH.


  • U2s Lead Singer is funding fellow climate swindlers trying to steal South Dakota farmland using Eminent Domain Episode 899

    16/06/2023 Duration: 54min

    U2’s Lead Singer is funding fellow climate swindlers trying to steal South Dakota farmland using Eminent Domain. Brandei Schaefbauer, South Dakota State Representative joins us.In the name of the Climate Cult, and on behalf of a huge cartel called Summit Climate Solutions, over 100 hundred family farms in South Dakota are at risk of being condemned--read: stolen--using Eminent Domain. “Republican” donors and office holders are actively involved in this attempted theft, and South Dakota’s governor, Kristi Noem who ran on property rights has refused to do anything to stop Summit Climate Solutions from stealing farmer’s land. But, she likes to go to D.C. to talk about property rights. This entire swindle is to steal farm land to build a pipeline to run carbon dioxide--the gas we exhale, the gas plants use as fuel--across several states to sequester it in rock. The people behind this are some of the richest in the world and some of the most tyrannically leftist. For instance, according to documents I obtained fro

  • Zach Abraham: what just happened in the markets-what the kink porn on the white house lawn tells us Episode 900

    16/06/2023 Duration: 59min

    Zach Abraham on what just happened in the markets and what the kink porn on the white house lawn tells us about the coming economic storm. Zach Abraham says the chaos economy is at such a precarious point, he is selling any stocks that go up and buying bonds. He’s very clear, Zach is not telling us he knows the future, he is explaining that there is no logical or mathematical reason for stocks of companies losing massive amounts of money to continue going up while companies with solid fundamentals and tons of clear cash-flow are down. But, there is a reason it’s happening. As Zach says, “as a nation’s morality goes, so goes its economy.” I called it the “transing of the American economy.” A nation where people have been spiritually captured into pretending boys are girls, racism is not racism, kindergarteners need to learn how to masturbate is a nation that cannot have a solid footing in anything, let alone finance. The soft kink porn that just occurred in the white house lawn--in the name of “Pride”, a huma

  • 5 Minute Focus: U2’s Bono & Fellow Climate Swindlers try to steal South Dakota farmland & Zach Joins Ep_898

    16/06/2023 Duration: 08min

    U2’s Bono & Fellow Climate Swindlers try to steal South Dakota farmland from South Dakota families. . . and Zach Abraham on what just happened in the markets: is math making a comeback?4Patriots Protect your family with Food kits, solar generators and more at 4Patriots. Use code TODD for 10% off your first purchase. Alan’s Soaps Use coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price. BiOptimizers Use promo code TODD for 10% off your order. Bonefrog Enter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital Find out how Bulwark Capital Actively Manages risk. Call 866-779-RISK or vist Healthycell Protect your heart with Healthycell! Use promo code TODD for 20% off your first order. My Pillow Use code TODD for BOGO on the new MyPillow 2.0 Patriot Mobile h

  • Crumbling Highways and Cultural Revolution. When morals crumble infrastructure goes with them Episode 896

    15/06/2023 Duration: 50min

    Crumbling Highways and Cultural Revolution: When morals crumble the infrastructure goes with them. PS: Send this to Paul Ryan, pleaseCulture is destiny. But, Paul Ryan, former House Speaker and current FOX “Pride Month” News board member says he’s “not a ‘culture war’ guy”, he is “concerned about debt.” Paul Ryan’s morality is stored in the macros of a spreadsheet. Build all the spreadsheets you want, Paul. Culture runs countries, not numbers and our culture is being murdered by spiritual captives. The Cultural Revolution being pressed down upon America is turning our Country into a place where all fleshly sin is celebrated and subsidized, simply notice the fact that New York City ran out of drugs in their drug vending machines in one day, while just down the road, Philadelphia freeways have crumbled. Witness the fake woman flashing his fake boobs on the lawn of the white house where a meth-addicted presidential son is said to live so he can evade being served a series of court summons for child support. Paul

  • A call for actual diversity Episode 897

    15/06/2023 Duration: 52min

    A call for actual diversity: Stop intellectual “in-breeding” of politicians. Respect real world expertise. Here’s an idea: for the next 15 years, the federal government is all done hiring people from Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Brown, NYU and Georgetown. Yep, it’s a diversity program. Hires will come from a diverse base of institutions. In fact, we will have college degree requirements for jobs where applicants can prove they have real world success in that field. Imagine what real diversity might yield. A CDC run by a doctor who saw patients last year and wants the CDC to simply prevent deadly disease from spreading rather than “blowing up” the healthcare system as a Fauci fan famously demanded we do--and have done or conning poor countries into killing girls with a Bill Gates vaccine. What if the next head of the FBI was a tough, hard, honest, humble sheriff of a large county in America? Do you think such a sheriff would be incapable of running the FBI as it is? That was a trick question, because of course he

  • 5 Minute Focus: Paul Ryan’s morality is a spreadsheet and Paul Ryan is the Republican Party. Ep_895

    15/06/2023 Duration: 08min

    Paul Ryan’s morality is a spreadsheet and Paul Ryan is the Republican Party. The former house speaker says he’s not a “culture war” guy--meaning, he’s entirely unaware that culture is destiny. Men like him are one reason we need real diversity--I said REAL diversity. 4Patriots Protect your family with Food kits, solar generators and more at 4Patriots. Use code TODD for 10% off your first purchase. Alan’s Soaps Use coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price. BiOptimizers Use promo code TODD for 10% off your order. Bonefrog Enter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital Find out how Bulwark Capital Actively Manages risk. Call 866-779-RISK or vist Healthycell Protect your heart with Healthycell! Use promo code TODD for 20% off your first order. My Pillow https

  • A debate about extremism in Republican politics. Gregory Graf joins Episode 893

    14/06/2023 Duration: 01h24min

    A debate about extremism in Republican politics. Gregory Graf joins. Gregory Graf and I agree on being agreeable, about the Second Amendment and about keeping people’s kids out of political battles. We share a Christian faith. Gregory and I differ profoundly on other topics, like whether globalist forces are trying to take America down--you know my view, that they are--and on topics like Ranked Choice Voting, which I consider both a tool of the Left and forced speech. We also disagree about some people, as Gregory is no fan of some friends of mine. Today, we discuss “extremism” both in general and in Republican politics. We will go deep on some Idaho issues by way of staging the debate and broad on some national and international issues. I think the Podcast family will disagree with Gregory on much, I hope you will celebrate a man willing to politely debate his views rather than retreating into bubble-land--I know I appreciate it What does God’s Word say? It’s not an exact match--”come, let us reason togethe

  • The Party says there are too many people Episode 894

    14/06/2023 Duration: 47min

    The Party says there are too many people--what does God say?It’s there are way too many of “us” but just enough of “them.”, while “they” need to keep doing what they have always done. But, what does God’s Word say? He suggests they are partly responsible for the huge increase in health problems in our kids, including autism. Meanwhile, the they have been given by the EU. What does God’s Word say about health? and one of their goals was to create a virus and a “vaccine” that would protect their popula

  • 5 Minute Focus: A debate about extremism . . . and then, a show about the extremists Ep 892

    14/06/2023 Duration: 07min

    A debate about extremism . . . and then, a show about the extremists who want 6.5 billion fewer people and how they appear to be getting there.4Patriots Protect your family with Food kits, solar generators and more at 4Patriots. Use code TODD for 10% off your first purchase. Alan’s Soaps Use coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price. BiOptimizers Use promo code TODD for 10% off your order. Bonefrog Enter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital Find out how Bulwark Capital Actively Manages risk. Call 866-779-RISK or vist Healthycell Protect your heart with Healthycell! Use promo code TODD for 20% off your first order. My Pillow Use code TODD for BOGO on the new MyPillow 2.0 Patriot Mobile Get free activation today

  • 3 Young Women have more bravery than all of FBI leadership and most of the GOP combined Episode 890

    13/06/2023 Duration: 47min

    Three young women have more bravery than all of FBI leadership and most of the GOP combined, how many of the Canadian fires are from arson? George Stephanopoulos play-acts for the FigureHead. Oh, the bravery. This weekend, many of us watched three young women--and three time national college baseball champions--put their future careers at risk with their beautiful testimonies for Christ. That was brave. The Cultural Revolutionaries will seek to punish them just as they are punishing a Catholic Family farmer who simply reminded other Catholics that June is the Month of the Sacred Heart of Christ. Ugh. The News. We have watched three FBI agents come forward to reveal the degree to which the FBI has become an enforcement arm of the masters of the Cultural Revolution with which America is being assaulted. That was brave. They paid a price and still are paying it as the FBI bosses seek to ruin the men. But, did we just see an act of bravery from an FBI leader or was it an act of reluctant honesty? From Revolver.Ne

  • 5 Questions About Pride Month, 5 truly difficult questions Episode 891

    13/06/2023 Duration: 55min

    5 Questions About Pride Month . . . 5 truly difficult questions. This is such a hard thing for many of us. We deeply and dearly love our friends and family who are same-sex attracted, just as we love our friends and family who may have committed adultery or who wrestle with other sin problems. Love requires kindness and kindness requires honesty. Today, I ask 5 questions about Pride Month (decade, century). It’s not meant to hurt, it’s meant to reveal. - Is there anything shameful happening in Pride events? Sex in public? S&M? Sex in front of children? Public masturbation and urination? Men dressed as dogs being led around on leashes by leather men? If you find these acts shameful, how do you defend drawing the line there? - Why is it possible for people to--quote--”discover” they are same-sex attracted and we are to celebrate that, but when people “discover” they don’t want to embrace their same-sex attraction and want to, instead, embrace heterosexuality that is the result of evil pressures? - Why is i

  • 5 Minute Focus: Three Young Women show more bravery than the FBI’s bosses . . . and 5 questions about Pride Month Ep_889

    12/06/2023 Duration: 07min

    4Patriots Protect your family with Food kits, solar generators and more at 4Patriots. Use code TODD for 10% off your first purchase. Alan’s Soaps Use coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price. BiOptimizers Use promo code TODD for 10% off your order. Bonefrog Enter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital Find out how Bulwark Capital Actively Manages risk. Call 866-779-RISK or vist Healthycell Protect your heart with Healthycell! Use promo code TODD for 20% off your first order. My Pillow Use code TODD for BOGO on the new MyPillow 2.0 Patriot Mobile Get free activation today with offer code HERMAN. Visit or call 878-PATRIOT. RuffGreens Get your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff

  • DOJ cancels Attorney-Client Privilege and Equal Protection, because: Trump Ep_886

    12/06/2023 Duration: 50min

    DOJ cancels Attorney-Client Privilege and Equal Protection, because: TrumpWhen the DOJ steals Equal Protection of one man, they have stolen it from all of us. When the DOJ gets a judge to steal Attorney-Client Privilege for one man, they have stolen it from all of us. Using the remarkably corrupt techniques and others, like the unconstitutional J6 committee, Garland’s DOJ will seek pretrial detention for Trump. Probably not in MAL case but definitely for Jan 6 indictment in DC, and an FBI agent who House Republicans said was a whistleblower has been suspended. Meanwhile, Marjorie Taylor Greene posted a video: “I just read the FBI’s FD-1023 form implicating Joe Biden in a political bribery pay-to-play scheme. Here’s what the American people deserve to know” and a reporter actually asked FigureHead Biden about that: Reporter: "Bribery allegations. Congresswoman Nancy Mace says there's damning evidence in an FBI file that you sold out the country. Do you have a response?" BIDEN: "Where's the money? I'm joking. I

  • Why censorship attempts are hilarious and bound to fail-a deep dive Episode 887

    12/06/2023 Duration: 45min

    Why censorship attempts are hilarious and bound to fail: a deep diveThe DHS wanted social credit scores like Communist China. We weren’t supposed to find out -- but, here we are. The utterly corrupt FDA wants to “stop the spread of misinformation”, but they couldn’t even stop us from learning about their lies. Apparently, FOX News wants Tucker Carlson silenced until 2025, but there’s his Twitter show with ~150 million views. It’s all hilarious because it all points to the fact that the would-be censors have no idea they are trying to stop the wind, sun, rain and truth. What does God’s Word say? John 14:6 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.Episode 887 Links:DHS Sought To Assign Social Credit Style “Risk Scores” To Social Media Users; Newly-obtained documents revealThe FDA Pledges to ‘Stop the Spread’ of Misinformation.Wow. South Dakota farmer Jared Bossly, one of 80+ landowners in the state facing eminent domain lawsuits for a carbon captur

  • 5 Minute Focus: DOJ cancels equal protection and attorney-client privilege. . . . and the reality of the doomed-to-fail censors Ep_885

    12/06/2023 Duration: 07min

    4Patriots Protect your family with Food kits, solar generators and more at 4Patriots. Use code TODD for 10% off your first purchase. Alan’s Soaps Use coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price. BiOptimizers Use promo code TODD for 10% off your order. Bonefrog Enter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital Find out how Bulwark Capital Actively Manages risk. Call 866-779-RISK or vist Healthycell Protect your heart with Healthycell! Use promo code TODD for 20% off your first order. My Pillow Use code TODD for BOGO on the new MyPillow 2.0 Patriot Mobile Get free activation today with offer code HERMAN. Visit or call 878-PATRIOT. RuffGreens Get your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff

  • Trump Indicted: Bonus Mini-Episode Ep 884

    09/06/2023 Duration: 19min

    4Patriots Protect your family with Food kits, solar generators and more at 4Patriots. Use code TODD for 10% off your first purchase. Alan’s Soaps Use coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price. BiOptimizers Use promo code TODD for 10% off your order. Bonefrog Enter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital Find out how Bulwark Capital Actively Manages risk. Call 866-779-RISK or vist Healthycell Protect your heart with Healthycell! Use promo code TODD for 20% off your first order. My Pillow Use code TODD for BOGO on the new MyPillow 2.0 Patriot Mobile Get free activation today with offer code HERMAN. Visit or call 878-PATRIOT. RuffGreens Get your FREE Jumpstart Trial Bag of Ruff Greens, si

  • The lady who called our military “moronic, gun-toting rednecks,” and other tales from two-days in CA Episode 882

    09/06/2023 Duration: 52min

    Talk about being in two-worlds . . . I was honored to attend the Broken Science Initiative's meeting in conservative Aromas, California last weekend. Greg Glassman, the Founder and former CEO of CrossFit started the Initiative to help rescue the practice of scientific rigor from con artists and politicians. This particular meeting was held on the Castro family Ranch. Known in CrossFit communities simply as “The Ranch”, it where the first CrossFit Games were held in 2008. It was a joy for me to get to see the Ranch, talk with the Castro brothers, meet the many cops and former elite military there and watch Greg and Dr. William Briggs talk about fixing broken science. But, it was what I observed off the Ranch that informs this Episode. While Aromas is conservative and hard-working, I spent most of my time in Santa Cruz, a weekend get-away spot for many San Francisco liberals. Believe it or not. I encountered masked-people still terrified of the unmasked, saw people obviously startled by my beard and general loo

  • Instagrams Child Rape supporting business model, we may have actually killed Bud Light Episode 883

    09/06/2023 Duration: 52min

    Instagram’s Child Rape supporting business model; we may have actually killed Bud-Light, and why Zach Abraham started crying todayZach Abraham joins for our regular Friday discussion. With Memorial Day sales numbers in, we started with a question about Bud-Light and what is apparently the destruction of $28 BILLION in market value, post Dylan Mulvaney. Can that brand even survive? We was discussed the car company Barack Hussein Obama stole from secured creditors and investors and gave to the unions, GM. The CEO of GM announced there is no way their electric vehicle line will see any profits until the end of THIS DECADE. How do they compare to Tesla? Zach had not yet read the Wall Street Journal’s piece on how Instagram didn’t just allow pedophile to meet-up and seek victims, the Meta (read: Facebook) owned company actually PROMOTED these pedophiles to one another. This piece PROVES aspects of #PizzaGate and I got to see our Brother react to that news live-time, you will hear how it hits him. But, it was a que

  • 5 Minute Focus: Three tales from California and Current stories from the Chaos Economy. Episode 881

    09/06/2023 Duration: 05min

    Three tales from California and Current stories from the Chaos Economy.4Patriots Protect your family with Food kits, solar generators and more at 4Patriots. Use code TODD for 10% off your first purchase. Alan’s Soaps Use coupon code ‘TODD’ to save an additional 10% off the bundle price. BiOptimizers Use promo code TODD for 10% off your order. Bonefrog Enter promo code TODD at checkout to receive 10% off your subscription. Bulwark Capital Find out how Bulwark Capital Actively Manages risk. Call 866-779-RISK or vist Healthycell Protect your heart with Healthycell! Use promo code TODD for 20% off your first order. My Pillow Use code TODD for BOGO on the new MyPillow 2.0 Patriot Mobile Get free activation today with offer code HERMAN. Visit or call 878-PATRIOT. RuffGreens https://r

  • The tools of the Cultural Revolution in America, how to spot them and stop them_unless of course you are Nikki Haley Episode 879

    08/06/2023 Duration: 50min

    The tools of the Cultural Revolution in America, how to spot them and stop them . . . (unless, of course, you are Nikki Haley who has only one thing on her political mind.)Cultural Revolutionaries are trained to look at systems of power to find any leverage points they can exploit. They have found the mother lode with the scam of DEI, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity -- or, as I call it, Division, Insanity and Exclusion. It seems Target has been owned by DEI racists who munich longer than many people considered and their agitating extends beyond grooming kids, they have spent money pushing to de-fund the US Military. The reason DEI is so potent for Cultural Revolutionaries is because people placed in those positions are often there to be black, same-sex attracted and/or gender defiant; how can a person fail in a job like that, on what grounds could they be fired? When they do work at their jobs,their “deliverables” are to force people to do things to stay employed and to spend the company’s money with other DE

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