The Todd Herman Show

Crumbling Highways and Cultural Revolution. When morals crumble infrastructure goes with them Episode 896



Crumbling Highways and Cultural Revolution: When morals crumble the infrastructure goes with them. PS: Send this to Paul Ryan, pleaseCulture is destiny. But, Paul Ryan, former House Speaker and current FOX “Pride Month” News board member says he’s “not a ‘culture war’ guy”, he is “concerned about debt.” Paul Ryan’s morality is stored in the macros of a spreadsheet. Build all the spreadsheets you want, Paul. Culture runs countries, not numbers and our culture is being murdered by spiritual captives. The Cultural Revolution being pressed down upon America is turning our Country into a place where all fleshly sin is celebrated and subsidized, simply notice the fact that New York City ran out of drugs in their drug vending machines in one day, while just down the road, Philadelphia freeways have crumbled. Witness the fake woman flashing his fake boobs on the lawn of the white house where a meth-addicted presidential son is said to live so he can evade being served a series of court summons for child support. Paul