The Todd Herman Show

U2s Lead Singer is funding fellow climate swindlers trying to steal South Dakota farmland using Eminent Domain Episode 899



U2’s Lead Singer is funding fellow climate swindlers trying to steal South Dakota farmland using Eminent Domain. Brandei Schaefbauer, South Dakota State Representative joins us.In the name of the Climate Cult, and on behalf of a huge cartel called Summit Climate Solutions, over 100 hundred family farms in South Dakota are at risk of being condemned--read: stolen--using Eminent Domain. “Republican” donors and office holders are actively involved in this attempted theft, and South Dakota’s governor, Kristi Noem who ran on property rights has refused to do anything to stop Summit Climate Solutions from stealing farmer’s land. But, she likes to go to D.C. to talk about property rights. This entire swindle is to steal farm land to build a pipeline to run carbon dioxide--the gas we exhale, the gas plants use as fuel--across several states to sequester it in rock. The people behind this are some of the richest in the world and some of the most tyrannically leftist. For instance, according to documents I obtained fro