The Todd Herman Show

5 Questions About Pride Month, 5 truly difficult questions Episode 891



5 Questions About Pride Month . . . 5 truly difficult questions. This is such a hard thing for many of us. We deeply and dearly love our friends and family who are same-sex attracted, just as we love our friends and family who may have committed adultery or who wrestle with other sin problems. Love requires kindness and kindness requires honesty. Today, I ask 5 questions about Pride Month (decade, century). It’s not meant to hurt, it’s meant to reveal. - Is there anything shameful happening in Pride events? Sex in public? S&M? Sex in front of children? Public masturbation and urination? Men dressed as dogs being led around on leashes by leather men? If you find these acts shameful, how do you defend drawing the line there? - Why is it possible for people to--quote--”discover” they are same-sex attracted and we are to celebrate that, but when people “discover” they don’t want to embrace their same-sex attraction and want to, instead, embrace heterosexuality that is the result of evil pressures? - Why is i