The Todd Herman Show

A call for actual diversity Episode 897



A call for actual diversity: Stop intellectual “in-breeding” of politicians. Respect real world expertise. Here’s an idea: for the next 15 years, the federal government is all done hiring people from Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Brown, NYU and Georgetown. Yep, it’s a diversity program. Hires will come from a diverse base of institutions. In fact, we will have college degree requirements for jobs where applicants can prove they have real world success in that field. Imagine what real diversity might yield. A CDC run by a doctor who saw patients last year and wants the CDC to simply prevent deadly disease from spreading rather than “blowing up” the healthcare system as a Fauci fan famously demanded we do--and have done or conning poor countries into killing girls with a Bill Gates vaccine. What if the next head of the FBI was a tough, hard, honest, humble sheriff of a large county in America? Do you think such a sheriff would be incapable of running the FBI as it is? That was a trick question, because of course he