The Todd Herman Show

The lady who called our military “moronic, gun-toting rednecks,” and other tales from two-days in CA Episode 882



Talk about being in two-worlds . . . I was honored to attend the Broken Science Initiative's meeting in conservative Aromas, California last weekend. Greg Glassman, the Founder and former CEO of CrossFit started the Initiative to help rescue the practice of scientific rigor from con artists and politicians. This particular meeting was held on the Castro family Ranch. Known in CrossFit communities simply as “The Ranch”, it where the first CrossFit Games were held in 2008. It was a joy for me to get to see the Ranch, talk with the Castro brothers, meet the many cops and former elite military there and watch Greg and Dr. William Briggs talk about fixing broken science. But, it was what I observed off the Ranch that informs this Episode. While Aromas is conservative and hard-working, I spent most of my time in Santa Cruz, a weekend get-away spot for many San Francisco liberals. Believe it or not. I encountered masked-people still terrified of the unmasked, saw people obviously startled by my beard and general loo