Demio Discover



Uncover the Journeys from the Top SaaS Founders Across the World. Join David Abrams from Demio as he interviews the leading CEO's and Founders on their journeys LIVE on Demio. The journey to building a SaaS company is not easy, it's paved with a thousand bumps and hurdles, but we're looking to find the winning secrets to help you shortcut your journey to success. Interested in Joining Demio Live on the call? Join us live at


  • 6 Lessons from a serial entreprenuer on viral-lead generation and building a stress-free launch

    26/04/2017 Duration: 54min

    01:35 Sunglasses Spark, Shutdowns and Side Project Plug In Success 09:30 “Everything was a lesson in itself” Mindset 11:33 Painful First Lessons Hiring Developers 14:55 Finding a Big Partner to Launch a Product 19:42 User Interface Design 23:00 Big Lessons from Launches: Prepping, Timing and Backing Up Everything 31:15 Multi Projects, Launches and Teams 32:25 Upviral Story 36:30 Shooting to the Moon but also being Realistic 38:45 How to Value/Price your Product 42:00 Getting into a Recurring Business and Long Term Vision 44:20 Finding and Hiring Developers: Trial Projects 46:08 Hiring and Company Culture 47:50 “If you launch something you’re proud of, you’re launching too late” 48:50 Staying Motivated when Products don’t take off 51:05 Running a Software Company from Europe

  • How to win in Ecommerce: Research Strategies to Understanding Real Emotional Intent

    12/04/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    01:38 – Jon’s Journey 07:23 – Big Takeaways: the right mindset – Tenacity, Will and Determination to stick with it and Always be Testing to Find the Winners 10:04 – The Importance of Understanding the Emotional Intent 11:40 – How to Research Customers and Buying Habits 15:02 – Baby Steps and Thinking Bigger 18:56 – Investor Mindset and moving to Shopify 20:25 – Managing also the Backend: Customer Service and Fulfillment 22:25 – Customer Service in Stores vs Customer Service in Saas 24:55 – Segmenting Customers and Messaging 26:54 – Developing an Ecommerce Platform, Customer Validation and Pre-Selling 37:05 – Balancing Having a Grand Vision and Executing it: Patience 38:55 – Emotional Support Systems and Business Partners 40:04 – Key Lessons from the Journey so far: Patience and Craziness 41:40 – Q&A

  • Build your life balance to win in business by first getting unbalanced

    05/04/2017 Duration: 58min

    02:38 Matt’s Journey: Born an Entrepreneur, Crashing and Starting Over 11:35 Mindset Shifts: Doubts and Focus with an Entrepreneurial Mind 14:00 Looking Inward to Find Your Own Path 17:15 Key Lessons: the Goal should be figure out how to get life balance but to get there you start by getting unbalanced 20:15 Habits: “Miracle Morning”, Routines and Mind Hacks 30:00 Matt’s Software Startup Journey 33:10 Trusting and Upgrading yourself and Life Inventories 34:20 Measuring Growth and Life Visions 40:40 Q&A

  • 3 Sales Training Keys and the magic words when selling to a small business owner

    29/03/2017 Duration: 59min

    01:18 Kevin’s Story 07:12 “Back to the wall” Moments and Outcomes 09:40 Finding your Big Goal and the 3 Reasons people become entrepreneurs 14:25 Sales Training Keys – Details, Results and Promises 20:35 Baselines, Trials and Conversion Rates 21:10 What Exactly to say when selling to a small business owner 25:00 Kevin’s Ninja Trick to gain immediate Trust from a business owner 27:00 Struggles, Wins and Computer Geeks 29:35 The importance of the right people in place to carry your vision/idea and ways to incentivize them 31:50 How to change the mindset “I’m saving the money by doing it all myself” and the Dangers of Burnout 37:50 Q&A

  • Building a software business by going deeper with your customers and using a USP that makes a splash

    17/03/2017 Duration: 59min

    03:15 Joe’s Story and his Why 10:38 Service business and Software business 13:55 Finding the right pain points to solve and understanding the marketing angles 15:42 The need for a USP that makes a splash so you’re not a “me too” 20:55 Big takeaway: stay focused on serving the same tribe 22:16 Big takeaway: go deeper with your customers 24.40 Building systems & processes so you can keep inventing as an entrepreneur 26:03 A process to role out a new offer 34:00 Q&A

  • How to convert and retain high end clients and other secrets of the top ad agencies

    08/03/2017 Duration: 01h53s

    01:45 Zach’s Story 03:57 Past lessons applied to the new business and Scaling with Confidence 09:58 Recommendations for Testing Budgets 14:13 Zach’s insights on campaigns and landing Pages and Benchmark Metrics 19:55 How to best market FunnelDash benefits if you are an ad agency or freelancer consultant 23.30 Dashboard Templates design and business strategy 38:00 A big lesson learned from their first client 40:30 Q&A

  • Marketing lessons from 7 figures consulting to the exciting and booming SaaS business - Proof

    01/03/2017 Duration: 01h05min

    02:50 Dave’s Story 09:15 How LinkedIn changed all for Dave and the big lesson: “Be where your market is” 11:08 The reality of starting out and the need for niching down 13:30 Doing work for free to build skills and feedback 15:20 How Dave got into software and building Proof 19:30 Developing products based on internal needs and software as a business 20:09 The marketing lessons Dave brought from his consulting experience to his software business and the importance of having a great product for longevity 25:42 The Agile Methodology: MVP and learning from users 33:00 Q&A

  • The true power of validation using Minimal Viable Products and Minimal Viable Funnels

    22/02/2017 Duration: 01h05min

    01:40 Kyle’s Story 06:15 How Kyle’s Dad planted in him Entrepreneurial Seeds 11:30 Thinking vs Action, Morning Routines and Tasks List vs Outcomes List 22:40 Validating: Minimal Viable Product and Minimal Marketing Funnel 35:40 Q&A

  • Million Dollar mindsets that Luke Maguire used to go from $0 to the #1 JVZoo seller online

    09/02/2017 Duration: 59min

    03:20 Luke’s Story 09:43 “Money is a By-product of Value” 10:55 Mindset during Scaring Periods and “that car” 13:43 The Importance of Mentorship Early On 14:36 Mental Shift: Fear of Failure vs What Happens if I Succeed 15.40 The Learning Bubble vs Going Out and Taking Action 16:50 Trait: Commit to Something and Actually Finish It. 18:47 “The Confidence Gap” book and Mental Fears 20:05 Perseverance as an Entrepreneurial Trait 22:40 Core Values, Goals and Dreams 25:40 Age is just a Mindset Block 27:30 More Value You Provide, More Financial Return You Get 33:55 The Advise Luke would Give to Himself Earlier On 40:10 Q&A

  • Growing top digital agencies through Networks and Return On Relationships (ROR)

    02/02/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    2:00 – Los’ Story 5:25 – Why and How Los got into webinars 12:00 – Big takeways from Los’ story 15:03 – The need for Mental Perseverence in entrepreneurs 16:00 – The Comparison Complex and identifying your Why 18:20 – The Mindset Upgrade needed for entrepreneurs and what David’s reading at the moment 21:00 – What advise would Los give to himself if he was starting out – Content Creation 22:00 – Building Relationships and Return On Relationships (ROR) 22:54 – One marketing and sales system that Los is doing right now and you can apply in your business 27:30 – Tricks from Los and David for people starting with webinars 29:45 – The one thing Los is excited for 2017 32:27 – “Perfectionism is the enemy to action” Q&A Session

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