Demio Discover

How to win in Ecommerce: Research Strategies to Understanding Real Emotional Intent



01:38 – Jon’s Journey 07:23 – Big Takeaways: the right mindset – Tenacity, Will and Determination to stick with it and Always be Testing to Find the Winners 10:04 – The Importance of Understanding the Emotional Intent 11:40 – How to Research Customers and Buying Habits 15:02 – Baby Steps and Thinking Bigger 18:56 – Investor Mindset and moving to Shopify 20:25 – Managing also the Backend: Customer Service and Fulfillment 22:25 – Customer Service in Stores vs Customer Service in Saas 24:55 – Segmenting Customers and Messaging 26:54 – Developing an Ecommerce Platform, Customer Validation and Pre-Selling 37:05 – Balancing Having a Grand Vision and Executing it: Patience 38:55 – Emotional Support Systems and Business Partners 40:04 – Key Lessons from the Journey so far: Patience and Craziness 41:40 – Q&A