Demio Discover

6 Lessons from a serial entreprenuer on viral-lead generation and building a stress-free launch



01:35 Sunglasses Spark, Shutdowns and Side Project Plug In Success 09:30 “Everything was a lesson in itself” Mindset 11:33 Painful First Lessons Hiring Developers 14:55 Finding a Big Partner to Launch a Product 19:42 User Interface Design 23:00 Big Lessons from Launches: Prepping, Timing and Backing Up Everything 31:15 Multi Projects, Launches and Teams 32:25 Upviral Story 36:30 Shooting to the Moon but also being Realistic 38:45 How to Value/Price your Product 42:00 Getting into a Recurring Business and Long Term Vision 44:20 Finding and Hiring Developers: Trial Projects 46:08 Hiring and Company Culture 47:50 “If you launch something you’re proud of, you’re launching too late” 48:50 Staying Motivated when Products don’t take off 51:05 Running a Software Company from Europe