Adventures In Branding



The Adventures in Branding podcast is here to inspire you to find your brand magic. From business brand to personal brand, these Clusters of Awesomeness will talk you through about the good, the bad, and the ugly of being a human. Get ready to make the impact you were born to rock. Follow me, Melanie Spring, and my collection of hardcore co-hosts around the world as we share our experiences on the road of branding. The twists, the turns & everything in between - building businesses and living the adventures.This is the podcast for kickass humans who crave change, push limits, and light fires. Melanie is your Chief Inspiration Officer & its her job to spark the magic.


  • Creativity Is Power. Women Are Powerful.

    09/08/2017 Duration: 44min

    “Just do something every day.” - Caprece How many of us have had friendships lasting more than 30 years?! Goodness, I hope to find that kind of bond. Hanging at Mary’s studio in Baltimore,  Mary & I chatted with two icons of Baltimore’s artists scene: Caprece & Sehar. Upon meeting, I told Caprece I wanted hair like hers - I had to stop her from taking it off and giving it to me. These women were creative forces and were wearing it - literally. Caprece shares stories of her world travels, ambitions for her family, and how she keeps herself motivated. Sehar is a designer who has been molding and creating textiles for years as founder of Urban Masala, a globally-inspired wearable art company, and is finally learning the value of taking care of herself. Not only have these women seen each other grow and develop over 30 years of friendship, they still find ways to encourage each other to continue creating. They also make it a point to curate a thriving scene for other artists in their community and share a

  • Women Are The Movement. Keep Going.

    02/08/2017 Duration: 39min

    “We are natural born leaders.” - Felicia I love Baltimore - it’s a city with grit, fierce determination, and a history of diversity. Just 45 minutes away from DC, it has its own character - including incredible women with the same grit and determination. Mary & I wandered the Great Blacks in Wax Museum and snapped photos in Graffiti Alley before meeting at her natural light studio in an old factory building near Druid Hill Park. Much like Baltimore, the women we met had the same grit & determination. Our first set of women were two entrepreneurs and long-standing friends, Sarita and Felicia - what a way to kick off the conversations in this incredible city. Sarita is a owner of SparTea, a day spa for girls in Townsend, MD, mother of four, and breast cancer survivor. Felicia is a people-builder, public speaker, and entrepreneur coach. Sarita and Felicia lift each other up both as mothers, women, and entrepreneurs. Both lost their mothers at young ages, and although that gave them a significant bond, we

  • Gratitude, Relationships & Retro Phone Bills

    26/07/2017 Duration: 58min

    “Thank you is a powerful word.” - Maritza Lizama Raise your hand if you have a friend because you’re from the same area of the world. Isn’t it amazing how we can bond because we understand each other’s culture and speak the same language - figuratively and literally? Similar backgrounds can give us a deeper understanding of another person while also learning more about ourselves. Mary & I sat down in DC to chat with my dear friend, Maritza Lizama and her unstoppable friend, Pamela Nieto, to talk all things gratitude, relationships, and... retro phone bills?! Maritza and Pam met five years ago as industry colleagues and quickly gravitated toward friendship. They found their similarities extended beyond similar cultural background and industry peers. Their drive, determination, and spirituality bonded these two in a way that makes you want to hug their faces. Maritza and Pam are the epitome of what it means to build your tribe. These women lean on each other, support each other professionally and personally

  • You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose…

    19/07/2017 Duration: 56min

    “You know how in your life you have two special people? Yeah, my sister is like number one.” - Natalie Poitevien Sisters go one of two ways - they’re either SUPER close or not at all. There’s not usually a middle ground. Generations of my family’s sisters have shown me that, including my own. When my previous trainer, Natalie, said she was going to bring her sister on HERadventures, I was SO excited to hear about the closeness of the two of them. And it’s WAY more close than I expected. Natalie and Shaneya didn’t choose their bond, but they definitely chose (and choose daily) to embrace it. Even if their significant others end up in second place. These two have each other forever.   Mary & I chatted with Natalie and Shaneya in Washington, DC about their unconventional family tree, growing up in Brooklyn, and their hopes for the future. Natalie is a fitness coach and Shaneya is a senior stylist. This episode of HERadventures includes many laughs and a reminder that real sisters host “ugly face” competition

  • Get out there and seize your next adventure.

    12/07/2017 Duration: 53min

    “Stand in the light that’s shining on me and through me” - Kimberly Y. Moore Not many of us get to manifest the human we’d like to work with only to have that person show up within 24 hours, but that’s the story of how Kimberly met me (Melanie). In the first episode of this season's HERadventures, you get to sit with me & Mary  in Washington, DC as we get to know Kimberly Y. Moore. We learn of the woman behind Go Together, a community building platform that matches carpooling services for students, and the adventure her life has been. It all begins with the fierce determination of a nine-year-old who changed her birth name. Then we learn about using a fashion show as a weapon against segregation along with finding the strength necessary to accept opportunities as they arrive - even in the form of jobs we are overqualified for. Kimberly’s journey has been one of growth, inspiration, and developing routines that remind herself she’s enough - and goodness, don’t we all need that?!  

  • Turn your mess into your message.

    19/04/2017 Duration: 43min

    How positivity, faith, and a little bit of sassiness can turn any situation around. “I’m not everybody’s cup of tea, but I’m somebody’s double vodka.” – Wilma Jones How often do we walk through life “dulling our shine” because we’re worried we’re too big of a personality? That we’re too loud or use too many swear words? How often do people tell us that we need to do less, be less, say less? Well you’ve heard me say it again and again: you are beautiful, you are loved, you are enough. You are not too much. When Wilma Jones walked into HQ, I knew she was a special person – she’s living her personal brand like nobody’s business. A mutual friend introduced us (Maritza Lizama, who will soon be coming to your ears in the next installment HERadventures) and man, am I glad she did. This woman is such a funny, positive force of energy and I can’t wait to sit down with her again. Wilma is not too much. As you’ll hear in her own words, Wilma is a big proponent of “positive psychology” and that above all, positivity bree

  • Creative isn't a fluffy word.

    12/04/2017 Duration: 39min

    Honoring the differences and embracing the value in creative tastes. What do you do if you’re stuck in a job that you love? You like your coworkers, you do meaningful, important work, and you’re really good at what you do. But you just feel… stuck. That’s exactly where Monica Kang, Founder & CEO of InnovatorsBox®, found herself about a year ago. She was pursuing an crazy-badass career, and she truly loved her job, but she felt like she had massive creative energy that wasn’t being expressed or put to use. Her situation isn’t unusual — as you’ll hear her share in the episode, a recent study found that 87% of professionals worldwide are feeling “stuck” and lacking a creative outlet in their jobs. What?! Why is that such a high number? It could have a little something to do with negative ideas surrounding “creative” or “creativity”. A lot of people think of it as a “fluffy” word that is somehow inferior or not characteristic of a “serious career”. Monica explains that simply isn’t true. Creativity isn’t just

  • Finding Uncomfortable (AGAIN)

    05/04/2017 Duration: 13min

    You can’t do epic shit when you’re sitting in a comfortable space. "All good things are wild and free." I saw that on a billboard on my way to the tattoo artist in Bali. I hadn’t been sure what to get on my arm, but I was literally given a sign that this should be the phrase. Not only did Bali shake up my physical self – #alltheyoga – it shook up my mindset. I came back from my trip feeling invigorated, fresh and ready for a big, big change. Shortly after I got home, my friend Kris made me realize something: For someone who always says “there is no box”, I’ve been living a pretty comfortable, boxed-in life. I love my job. I love my house. I love my dog (most of the time – he is a monster, after all). I have the best team and the best clients. I’m generally really happy with my life. And it’s exactly this “comfort” that’s put me in a box. Last year during the podcast’s “Finding” series, Rebecca and I talked about “Finding Uncomfortable”. How you can’t experience growth or development when you aren’t pushing an

  • There's no place like home.

    22/03/2017 Duration: 09min

    Let go and come back to your heart-space. One day last week, I really needed a hug. Nothing seemed to go right. Even tiny things felt like giant, annoying frustrations. Punching a wall was looking better and better. But suddenly I realized – I needed a hug. So I asked for one. Luckily, I work with the best humans, so Gisell and Cheney were on hand for a warm-and-fuzzy group hug. We all went back to our workspaces feeling just a little bit better about life, and it all came from the power of human contact. A simple human touch made all the difference in the world. I just needed to ask for it. Later that day, I got to talk to my friend Chris about what had been going on. He told me to come home – to get out of my own head. Of course I was having a crappy day – I was painfully homesick for my heart-space and wasn’t asking for the thing(s) I needed to get me home. So many of us don’t take the time to examine what we need on a daily basis. We get caught up in the anxieties of the day, whether it’s running a busine

  • I think we need a hug

    15/03/2017 Duration: 14min

    What the world needs now is love (sweet love). I had every intention of recording a very different podcast episode this week, focusing on Rock Your Talk (now rescheduled for June 15th). But when I pressed record, I couldn’t help but talk about the state of affairs between humans. Whether we admit it or not, none of us likes to be “wrong”. Wanting to be right, wanting to be the best is a part of the human genetic code. It’s harmless when we’re debating pop-culture facts or the answer to a math problem. But when we start applying the words “good”, “bad”, “right”, or “wrong” to race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, that’s when we need to take a step back and look inside ourselves.  What’s going on in our hearts that makes us want to take someone else’s down a peg? Recently it feels as if everyone is against everyone else. Fear and hatred keep seeping into the conversation like a poisonous slime. But it doesn’t need to be that way. I’ve found that there’s tremendous power in holding each other. Physicall

  • What's your pivotal moment?

    08/03/2017 Duration: 11min

    Break up your story into bite-sized pieces. All stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end. But sometimes, when we tell them, we skip around, play with the timeline, or leave a few background characters out. When you share your story, you don’t need to make it a captain’s log of your life. You don’t need to tell people when you ate breakfast or how much butter you used on your toast. Share your story, not your inventory. To get the most out of telling your story, focus on the pivotal points. The supernovas. The lightbulb moments. Last week, I chatted with a client, Marshe’, who told me her story. Together we crafted a talk based on one particular pivotal moment in her life and focused on how that moment shaped everything that came after. People need to hear your story. The whole story, but not every little detail. This week, I discuss the key points in our lives and how they make the most impact when we share our stories with others. What’s your pivotal moment?

  • Wanna blend itineraries?

    01/03/2017 Duration: 13min

    Anything that could possibly be happening right now is happening. And it feels. Like. Shit. I woke up Sunday morning with a huge weight on my heart. I had a friend say something to me that stung, even though I know she meant nothing by it. I needed to work through it… so I did it on the podcast. Yep - I worked through my own muck, my own expectations, my own pressure on a public podcast for all the internet to hear. And now you get to listen and/or watch me find the truth on the other side of it all. Here’s what I discovered: We’re all on a journey. We all have our own journeys and our own spaces that we’ve been given. Unlike disgruntled people in a crowded airport, though, we’re all here to help each other. So, let’s not compare our journeys. Let's blend our itineraries and shoulder the burden of our baggage together. I recently received the book Rebirth from a close friend. In it was a conversation about why suffering is allowed. Why pain has a purpose. The book said that we may be asking the wrong question

  • Behind the Scenes of Adventures in Branding

    15/02/2017 Duration: 21min

    The lovely people behind the scenes typically don’t get enough thanks. This week we have Tony Porreco, our podcast producer on the show - and after the Crew saying “sorry, Tony” over and over, it was time to bring him in for an interview. All you kickass humans now get the chance to hear his voice! Although he was just as nervous as I was about starting the Adventures in Branding podcast, we realized how much we needed each other to produce the deliciousness you hear every week. And thanks to Tony, he always makes everything sound way better on the podcast and I never have to worry about how I record it, much to his chagrin. His production skills are on point.    Music is how Tony got started in podcast production. He used his guitar skills to put together the Adventures in Branding intro. He took my direction as “Approachable Badass” and created music that captures exactly that brand. Tony ended up bringing his guitar the day we recorded this to record the chorus of a Robbie Williams song. More on that soon.

  • Are you living life or just trudging through?

    08/02/2017 Duration: 29min

    How many people don’t start really living until something bad happens? They get cancer, a hard diagnosis, lose a parent or child, get a big scare.What if we learned from those who have dealt with all of that and started really living instead of waiting for something to happen? What if the people who have to deal with these hardships can teach us something bigger about living? Oh man, do I have a fun one for you. My little brother - an almost-30 6’5” youngest sibling - honored me with his life story this week. Ok, yes, I asked Cheney to email him and she sent him the most HILARIOUS formal email telling him I would blackmail him if he didn’t accept our request - but despite the threats, he happily showed up before work one morning and sat for a chat with me at my office. Andrew Harris shares his story of how he’s dealt with a life-changing diagnosis, huge transitions, and finding his path. He moved into Sisarina HQ early last year and lived on my fold-down couch while figuring out what he wanted to do with his

  • Are you afraid of your own brand?

    01/02/2017 Duration: 29min

    Everyone has a personal brand. Even if you don’t know what it is, it follows you around like a shadow. Most people have a tough time identifying their brand because they worry more about what other people think about them. Charleen McManus didn’t have that problem - she just wasn’t sure she wanted to own her personal brand - until it found her. You’ll remember Charleen from the Richmond HERadventures episodes - she’s the one who hosts incredible parties at her house (and yes, I’m waiting for my invitation). Since last May when Mary & I were on the road, she has put her entrepreneurial gig to the side and gone full-time with a South African company - and guess what?! She found her brand in the process! From creating a look of professionally artsy to walking out of meetings feeling like she knows her stuff now, Charleen is looking good, feeling good, and enjoying life like the kickass human she is. In case you’re trying to find yourself, this is what it looks like when you’re stepping up and owning your per

  • Sometimes it's not all about you.

    25/01/2017 Duration: 31min

    When you walk into a room, you end up worried about what everyone else is thinking about you. And they’re worried what you’re thinking about them. The reality is - everyone is just thinking about themselves. So, why are we always caring about what everyone else is thinking about us when they really don’t care?    Nedra Davis was the poster child for best kid ever. She checked every box on the list of being an amazing kid and young adult until she was 25 and she became pregnant - unmarried and unplanned. She placed what she believed everyone else would think of her over her own happiness and found herself miserable. She didn’t even enjoy the first months of being pregnant because of the shame she was feeling. Until she got a response from her parents she never expected.    But even after that, she kept the loop cycling when she continued worrying about what everyone else would think about her and ended up married and unhappy. Raising her children and getting divorced, she started realizing what everyone else t

  • What Is Your Mount Everest?

    18/01/2017 Duration: 38min

    Sometimes you meet someone who makes you laugh like you’re old friends. Someone who just gets you and flawlessly blends with you in conversation. Hilarious banter, fond memories, feel good moments, and deep thoughts. That’s where we find ourselves on this episode of Adventures in Branding. You may remember Ingrid Black from the final episode of our first HERadventures series. She’s the South African beauty who kept us belly-laughing with her stories. Since then, she’s decided to take stand-up comedy classes and once you listen to this episode, you’ll know why. Ingrid and I got a chance to sit down for a one-on-one and although I’ve only spent a short amount of time with her, she shared her life with me and all of you kickass humans. I honestly can’t remember the last time I laughed this hard for 40 minutes. Filling her bucket list with vomit (seriously), Ingrid recently jumped out of an airplane in Australia and now wants to learn how to do aerial silks despite her motion sickness. Chit-chatting about hanging

  • Up in Smoke: Intentions, Goals & Lighting It On Fire

    11/01/2017 Duration: 25min

    Finally! An episode where Melanie is talking to another Melanie and it’s not herself. HA! Yes, I know. And happy new year to you, too! It’s 2017 and everyone’s all in a flutter to set (and forget) their resolutions. To kick off this year’s Adventures in Branding, I bring to you one of my personal favorite humans - Melanie Vracas. I promise you’ll love her as much as I do.    When Melanie V was just a little kid with big crazy hair, her mother would make her sit down to write her goals every year. She didn’t realize what a great idea that was until years later when she started writing down her intentions again. Now it’s a part of her own daily life when she picks up Angel Cards before she leaves the house.   She and I met in January 2016 when I spoke at a marketing association meeting about intentions. She was the one with the big gorgeous hair and infectious laugh who was talking about rainbows and unicorns and shitting glitter within ten minutes. Like long lost friends. And it was that night we realized how

  • Get off your couch & give it away

    21/12/2016 Duration: 20min

      “I like to help people get OFF the couch… and you’re giving people couches! We can still be friends.” – Kris Kaplan, K2 Coaching This past weekend, I was called by a girlfriend to meet her at an address and not ask any questions. We ended up putting on elf hats and delivered Christmas gifts to needy families in the DC area. One of the women had zero furniture in her home so I went back the next day and dropped off a couch and a lamp. I had just ordered a new couch and couldn't think of a more deserving & grateful human than this woman. During our mutual Q1 2017 planning meeting, Kris Kaplan and I were talking about gifts for clients, gifts for family and my elving this weekend. Kris does outstanding gifting including sending pink bubble wrap to a friend who flipped over his bike so we wanted to share our thoughts with you. Instead of "selling" with swag, doing something nice for someone else reminds them of you more than your logo on a mug. While you're in the midst of your holiday spirit, don't forget

  • Belly-Laughing Business Women in Richmond

    14/12/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    “Go where you’re celebrated, not tolerated.” Ingrid kicks off our final episode with the pivotal moment she decided to quit her job. Our final stop in Richmond, VA led Mary and me to a wine shop for portraits and then the back room of Elements Beauty Store to chat with three kickass ladies. It was our last day heading back to DC and although we were exhausted from the five day journey, we ended up belly laughing our way through this episode. We had a roundtable with Ingrid Black, Charleen McManus, and Christina Dick learning about what motivates them, keeps them energized, and ahead of the curve. These ladies are kicking butt and taking names - any way they need to. Ingrid has a strong belief that the Universe takes care of her - job, move, relationship. Charleen’s network kicked ass for her and got her a ton of new clients who believe in her without any marketing. Christina networks with her clients in a leotard while she’s doing adult gymnastics. They kept us laughing the whole conversation. Grab some tissu

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