Adventures In Branding

Up in Smoke: Intentions, Goals & Lighting It On Fire



Finally! An episode where Melanie is talking to another Melanie and it’s not herself. HA! Yes, I know. And happy new year to you, too! It’s 2017 and everyone’s all in a flutter to set (and forget) their resolutions. To kick off this year’s Adventures in Branding, I bring to you one of my personal favorite humans - Melanie Vracas. I promise you’ll love her as much as I do.    When Melanie V was just a little kid with big crazy hair, her mother would make her sit down to write her goals every year. She didn’t realize what a great idea that was until years later when she started writing down her intentions again. Now it’s a part of her own daily life when she picks up Angel Cards before she leaves the house.   She and I met in January 2016 when I spoke at a marketing association meeting about intentions. She was the one with the big gorgeous hair and infectious laugh who was talking about rainbows and unicorns and shitting glitter within ten minutes. Like long lost friends. And it was that night we realized how