Adventures In Branding



The Adventures in Branding podcast is here to inspire you to find your brand magic. From business brand to personal brand, these Clusters of Awesomeness will talk you through about the good, the bad, and the ugly of being a human. Get ready to make the impact you were born to rock. Follow me, Melanie Spring, and my collection of hardcore co-hosts around the world as we share our experiences on the road of branding. The twists, the turns & everything in between - building businesses and living the adventures.This is the podcast for kickass humans who crave change, push limits, and light fires. Melanie is your Chief Inspiration Officer & its her job to spark the magic.


  • Stop Being Embarrassed About Who You Are - an interview with Isang Udokwere

    28/06/2016 Duration: 33min

    When Isang sent in a cartoon for his application video, we knew he fit Sisarina’s core values to the T. From the day he walked in the door, he’s been innovating and jumped in as our social strategist taking on the Sisarina brand voice like it was his own. Isang tells us about being embarrassed about who he really was, how learning how to listen by almost kissing his teacher was a turning point, and how Apple doesn’t sell you technology. This self-proclaimed hipster nerd wears floral shirts and kickass shoes while also learning how to focus in order to show off who he was really meant to be. In this episode, you’ll find out how to embrace your inner nerd and find a place to work that fits you instead of just a job.

  • It’s OK Not To Be Perfect - an interview with Cheney Williams

    21/06/2016 Duration: 32min

    When Cheney Williams applied with an infomercial instead of a resume, we were busting up laughing. Now we get to keep her forever (insert evil laugh). She’s Sisarina’s Girl Friday and my own personal assistant and her job is to keep me laughing on a daily basis. Cheney tells all about how her dad dressed up as a fairy princess, why I’m not really the boss of her, and even what she’s named her badass. This woman has heart, guts, and a fear of imperfection - and she’s not afraid to admit it. She’s learning how to overcome her fears and reminds you that it’s ok to mess up. In this episode, you’ll find out what keeps Cheney ticking, how she figured out her personal brand AND the grossest thing she (and I) have ever eaten.

  • Find Your Brand Magic - The lies of bootstrapping, scrappiness, and entry-level

    14/06/2016 Duration: 44min

    The Sisarina Crew works hard AND plays hard - together. We talk and laugh so much that we have to schedule 3 hours of quiet time every day to get shit done in silence (We call it Sisa-Shh…). When I asked them to join me on the podcast as a team, they jumped at the chance to share their branding knowledge. Rebecca talks about how she’s beaten the bootstrappy label and found her dreams were bigger than she realized. Isang shares his feelings on what entry-level really means AND how much he hates wearing suits. Cheney admits to not being perfect, although we don’t really believe she’s not. In this episode, you’ll get a conversation about branding, what brand is and how you can find your own in your personal AND professional life. We promise you’ll want to come hang at Sisarina HQ with us.

  • Manifest That Shit

    07/06/2016 Duration: 11min

    When you show up as yourself, in your purpose, some people just can’t handle that. You were put here to do something no one else was put here to do. But what happens when you’re too much? Wearing your awesome can come with consequences - but who cares?! Jim Rohn says, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Who are you spending your time with? Do you want to be the average of those people? Start making space for incredible people to help you show up even bigger. When you wear your awesome, you start manifesting the things you say. As for what you want, it will start showing up. Be careful what you think and what you focus on - because that’s what shows up - good or bad. In this episode, I’ll share the 5 things you can do to wear your awesome & manifest that shit. My hope for you is that you’re super freaking amazing. Go manifest THAT!

  • Redefine Your Labels & Make Waves

    31/05/2016 Duration: 11min

    Your whole life, you’ve been given labels. Some you made up yourself, others have been placed on you. These labels have kept you from dreaming bigger because you have allowed them to shape who you are. Gal Gadot turned down the role of Deadpool’s girlfriend because she wanted a lead role leaving her open to take the kickass role of Wonder Woman in Batman vs. Superman. Every day, we’re offered roles that will make us or break us. It’s up to us to take the ones that will push us forward. When you choose to be inspired, inspiration shows up. When you decide you want to make ripples, you end up creating waves that you’ll never see. Getting rid of those labels will allow you to be the truest version of you. In this episode, I’ll share some recent stories of real people who are in the currently in the transformation process and we’ll keep moving toward that vision you really want for your life.

  • Set a Vision for Your Life

    24/05/2016 Duration: 18min

    Where do you want to be a year from now? You deserve anything you can possibly imagine for yourself. But most people don’t take the time to think about the vision they have for their lives. And few write it down. I sat down and wrote down where I want to be in 5 years. Every 6 months when I write it down again, I dream bigger every time. I want more for my future self than I did the last time I wrote it down. When you get a chance to dream for yourself, you tend to keep going bigger every time. Mastery is 10,000 hours of practice. Figure out the vision you have for your life and go pick up the book, The One Thing, to come up with what you need to focus on in order to accomplish your vision. I know my One Thing and what I need to do to accomplish my big goal (btw, I finally tell the world what my big vision is for my own life). In this episode, you’ll identify what you can do for the next 30 minutes that will help you get where you want to be 5 years from now. Grab a blank piece of paper or download the Create

  • Rip Up Your Resume & Rewrite Your Life

    18/05/2016 Duration: 11min

    What if you got to redo it all? What if you got a chance to rip up your resume and write it all over again in crayon? Leave your car on the side of the road and quit commuting to a job that doesn’t make you happy anymore. Write down exactly how you want to feel from now on. You get to do everything you could ever possibly dream of. Think about what you can do to make enough money while also making you happy to live the life you’ve always dreamed of. Think about what you can give back to the world AND what makes you happy. In this episode, we’ll put your life into 4 quadrants and figure out the purpose, where you’re going, and what you need to do to get started heading in that direction. Grab a blank sheet of paper OR print the Find Your Purpose Worksheet at

  • Melanie's Crazy Insane Journey

    11/05/2016 Duration: 19min

    The Adventures in Branding Podcast Has Launched! And it's all about Melanie's journey. Sometimes we’re pushed to do something that wasn’t what we were meant to do. Other times we fall into it. In 2012, I jumped in my car and drove 7000 miles in 3 weeks on the Live Your Brand Tour. I interviewed 18 businesses on how they lived their brands and all of the stories were published in Entrepreneur Magazine. Although this started me on the adventure of changing my business, the stop at the Grand Canyon gave me an epiphany for my personal life that was even more profound. Sometimes you have to jump off the cliff and hope for the wings to catch you. You’ll hear about my life of cliff-jumping (figuratively, of course), but I have to say that starting a podcast was one of the biggest, most treacherous cliffs I’ve faced. Because it was my most authentic. The best way to find yourself is to get clear on what you want to do for others. Find the light inside of you and you’ll shine a light on others. I know this, because I’

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