Naturally Happy



Many people are on a journey to find happiness, but are walking the journey without direction.Host dr. Vidya Reddy teaches everybody she knows how to make your own roadmap from her background as Naturopathic doctor and iniated and ordained Guru. Dr. Vidya believes every human being is worthwhile and will do everything in her power to empower humanity.Join her on her journey and learn the wisdom and techniques to create your roadmap to become happy naturally.


  • Are You a Morning Person?

    03/12/2020 Duration: 14min

    In this episode, let’s dive into what’s your relationship to mornings. I have just one question for you: are you a morning person? But more importantly what’s your relationship to mornings? This week, I’d like to welcome you to morning therapy corner with Dr. Vidya. Are you a morning person? I wasn’t for the longest time. I resisted creating a morning ritual, hate to admit it, until only recently-ish. I struggled with mornings for a long time, there was a kind of resistance to starting the day, even when there was sooo much JOY in my life. And, I’ve known that mornings are significant to how the rest of my day or even how my entire life unfolded. So, I decided to take a deeper psychological look and this shifted everything for me, with a little help from my spiritual master. Essentially, I created my own therapeutic approach. In this episode, I’d like to share what shifted and what worked to make a night owl like me into morning person.

  • FINALLY, Learn The Secrets of Manifestation - Once and For All

    19/11/2020 Duration: 30min

    Finally, The Real Secrets of Manifestation! I'd like to congratulate you for being here and to deeply honor you. I really have deep respect for your willingness to allow the time and the space that it requires, to envision your future to be brave enough to ask yourself: what do I want, how do I want to manifest all of my goals, dreams, wishes and desires. It really is a very exciting time to be alive. I'm curious, if you are really excited to consciously create their reality and live the life of their wildest dreams? What if I told you that according to a study in psychology today that over 98% of you, listening today and people around the world will likely die with unfulfilled dreams. This reminds me of a beautiful quote from the late great dr. Wayne Dyer - who I had the pleasure of studying with - Dr. Dyer, who wrote, “do not die with your music still, inside you.” The great news about that, is that I can help you with this, to overcome this very depressing statistic, and I have two very powerful intentions

  • What is The Soul? Faces of The Soul – Episode 2

    05/11/2020 Duration: 25min

    Episode 2 of the Seven Faces of the Soul. This episode of the podcast is, from excerpts from a weekend seminar that I did on the Soul's Path. What is the Soul? The Soul is a being - living and vibrant - and it is so much more.  It has several specific Faces - seven of them to be very precise. And your Soul is with you from the moment of death to the moment of birth, and all the time in between. And each of these faces comes to you and gives its many gifts to you. Not necessarily by vocally expressing itself but by communicating in their way - through the cracks and crevices of our life, in the silences, in the stillness, in the cherished moments, and in the enchanted times of your life, our Soul communicates all the information we need to know. Sadly, because the Soul is denied in our world and is given such few avenues of communication - because its particular tools have been turned into shams of silliness or of embarrassment - the communication to so many is very difficult. Because of the inbred chauvi

  • We've all Wondered, What exactly is The Soul? Faces of The Soul {PART 1}

    22/10/2020 Duration: 23min

    What is The Soul? Faces of The Soul – Episode 1 This podcast is, from excerpts from a weekend seminar that I helped facilitate with my guru on the Soul's Path. I am going to break down: what is the soul? The different faces of the soul into two episodes because it’s such a vast subject. So spend the next few episodes on the Soul’s journey - to be exact there are seven faces of the Soul-  this week, I’ll take you on stroll to discover the first three faces of the Soul - then next episode join to discover other four remaining faces of the Soul. Far from being some remote, untouchable concept, the Soul journeys with us through out our lives, appearing with us and to us as seven distinct energies – I called it the Seven Faces of the Soul. The first part of a two-part series, which gives you a brief overview of all of them, this episode covers the first three of the Faces, the ones we experience in our childhood. The Faces of the Soul, they have been talked of before, and many of you may know them already, or

  • How to Heal Your Life Using EFT - The Basic Tapping Recipe {PART 2}

    08/10/2020 Duration: 26min

    How to Heal Your Life Using EFT - The Basic Tapping Welcome to the tapping area, the second episode on EFT. In this episode, you’ll learn How to do the EFT Tapping Basics - The Basic Recipe, the centerpiece of EFT. Last week, I gave you the nut’s & bolts of EFT: the theory, the science and its uses and this week, let’s get into the actual practice of tapping. The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe is an easy to use healing tool that provides the very foundation for expanding your emotional freedom. It is the tapping procedure that we use in every round of EFT, it is easy to learn and easy to apply, which is why EFT has become well known as a tool that anyone can use. By itself, the EFT Tapping Basic Recipe can be applied to any issue you want, and although it is still only the first step to EFT’s full potential, it continues to provide results that range from encouraging to impressive. A recipe, of course, has certain ingredients which must be added in a certain order. If you are baking a cake, for example, you mus

  • What is EFT? Emotional Freedom Technique - A Refreshing New Use of An Established Process {PART 1}

    24/09/2020 Duration: 17min

    What is EFT? And how to use it heal your life.  Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT (often known as Tapping or EFT Tapping), is a universal healing tool that can provide impressive results for physical, emotional, and performance issues. EFT operates on the premise that no matter what part of your life needs improvement, there are unresolved emotional issues in the way. Even for physical issues, chronic pain, or diagnosed conditions, it is common knowledge that any kind of emotional stress can impede the natural healing potential of the human body. It often works where nothing else will. In many cases, EFT can be applied directly to physical symptoms for relief without exploring any emotional contributors. However, for the most powerful, longest lasting results with EFT, we do expect to identify and target related emotional issues. What is tapping? Millions of people are settling for lives filled with poor health and emotional baggage. Not knowing how to achieve the joyful and satisfying lives they desi

  • Responding to Troubled Times – A Spiritual Perspective

    10/09/2020 Duration: 21min

    Responding to Troubled Times – A Spiritual Perspective During this trying and turbulent time in the world, I’d like to share a message with suggestions of how to respond as the masterful magicians, future makers that we are.  A meditative suggestion is also included in order to help us temper the negative energies as well as bring in and augment more positive energy. These are confusing and troubling times. In the frenzy of global activity, in the chaos of the current increasing violence, and with the escalating threats of tragedy and terror, it is increasingly difficult to know where to turn or how to respond.  You are a magician, a masterful one at that, you are a future maker - but with all that's happening and with the speed with which these crises are unfolding, it is easy to lose sight of who you are, of why you are, and of how to be who and why you are. You ask for help, direction, guidance - you ask for something. I have spoken of the prevailing energies of this phase - of this current, turb

  • Learn all About Reincarnations and Parallel Lifetimes

    27/08/2020 Duration: 14min

    Learn all About Reincarnations and Parallel Lifetimes You know as a spiritual person, as metaphysicians, that our physical plane is an illusion. You know as astute, intelligent people - whether you're metaphysical or not - that reality is an illusion. Our scientists have demonstrated this so conclusively, so repetitively, so rigidly, that the only way you can pretend otherwise is to deny the truth. The metaphysicians and the scientists, who are usually at odds with one another, agree totally on this issue: Your reality is a product of thought. Your reality is a product of consciousness. Your reality is an illusion of light. Your reality is an illusion. Spiritual beings, metaphysicians from the beginning of time have said: Time is an illusion. Einstein demonstrated that time is an illusion. Subsequent quantum physicists have more than demonstrated and proved that time is an illusion, that it is a convenience we have created for ourselves. All things are simultaneous. Every lifetime you had is occurring now. Ev

  • The Power of Goddess Energy – How to Heal After Rejection

    13/08/2020 Duration: 25min

    Use the Power of Goddess to Heal from Rejection It is my sacred joy to share some tips and tools and hopefully helpful insights - that can support you in healing the wound of rejection. The rejection wound is so, so deep, I remember once reading an article, where some psychologists had done a survey and their findings show that of all the different kinds of pain - we can experience but the pain around rejection, people reported was deeper and more difficult to bear, then even the pain or grief. I don’t about you but I personally have experienced every form of rejection. So I really come from a place of experience, when I share this with you. And before I learned to cultivate, an empowered spiritual relationship with myself, where I could really focus on my self love, and that connection with the divine within - it was really devastating to experience any form of rejection, whether it was romantic or professional or in friendships or colleagues. I really know how difficult and painful this can be and from my p

  • Unlock the Secret of Your Sleep & The Ultimate Guide to Dream Interpretation

    30/07/2020 Duration: 24min

    Sleep & dream interpretation Your mind holds all the keys to reaching your fullest potential. Everything that you need to know about yourself can be found in the messages provided by your dreams. Dreams can reveal your unconscious thoughts, patterns, and opinions. They often contain symbols and metaphors that must first be unravelled before the meaning comes to light. Luckily, there’s a simple, 3-step process for interpreting your dreams so that you can access the hidden messages in your mind. One of the most important steps in this process is the one that most people skip. And that’s a big problem. Forgetting this one key step can cause you to interpret your dreams incorrectly and lead you down a false path. I’ll share what that step is, but first I’ll tell you why this is so important. Dreams are a Powerful Tool for Unlocking the Secrets of Your Mind. Using the interpretations of your dreams to uncover secrets about yourself or to guide your path is a common practice that’s been around a very long time.

  • Shifting Paradigms in Our Current Time

    16/07/2020 Duration: 22min

    Shifting Paradigms in Our Current Time Let us look again at the shift of paradigm that is taking place within the Great Awakening that unfolds all around us... Yes... I know, those words - paradigm shift - are ones with which you are more than familiar. I would suggest that despite their popular use, and at times overuse, you are in the midst of a profound evolution. You are in the midst of a massive paradigm shift that is called the Great Awakening. It is often spoken as a tri-polar energy that is attempting to become a uni-polar force in our universe and in our world. I think of it as an awakening of the domain of spirituality, the field of play of Earth, the physical place and the complexity of human individuality. I think of it as three powerful energies working together to become one - to become one incredible force that can catapult our world into becoming the New World it is now destined to be! To many, these words can seem as nothing more than hyperbole. Yet, these words of the New World can sound as

  • What is Meditation? It is the Power of Conscious Awareness

    02/07/2020 Duration: 35min

    This episode is about meditation, this episode is about pain and this episode is about compassion. I am going to tie these three areas together. I’ve given 100’s of classes and courses in meditation - and one of the things I've noticed - which I'm sure you've noticed too, is that many people have a view about meditation. People often think it's like shutting yourself down and a lot of people struggle, unnecessarily, when they meditate because they try to clear their mind. And that phrase clear your mind is sort of thrown around, a lot - clear your mind, clear your mind, clear your mind - and of course, you're sitting there trying to clear the mind and the mind is screaming! And so people are struggling to clear their mind, to switch off their thoughts. I think people are struggling because the whole concept is not helpful - trying to sort of go into a blank state, is more like trying to become unconscious - it's like being in a coma. I think meditation has nothing to do with clearing the mind - it has nothing

  • No BS - Finally Learn Exactly What is Manifestation

    18/06/2020 Duration: 27min

    I knew to surrender myself to a higher power. Let's start with the first question - what exactly is manifesting? And what would I say to people that believe that this is bunk? The act of manifesting is the awareness – it’s the conscious awareness, that we get to create our reality based on our thoughts and our feelings. So there are so many instances that naturally happen either in science or nature, where we can see that every action has a reaction and this is essentially manifesting because we live in this beautiful vast universe, where every thing is based on intention and feedback. So you set an intention and it comes back to you. You think of a thought, it then is executed in a specific way and this essentially is the core essence of manifestation. It’s not as simple as that, is it? You don’t just think a thought and that which you want comes to you. Well, the beauty of manifestation is that it is simple and effortless - and that most people, especially in the personal development industry - over complic

  • Here's How to Fix Your Flawed Money Mindset

    04/06/2020 Duration: 36min

    Let me begin with a question about your money mindset, I am going to ask you a question, some of you may know the answer - what is the number one thing, couples fight about in the world? The biggest thing that couples fight about, even billionaire couples is money!  So, here's the second question, since almost every couple is going to fight about money - how right you do you think it is, that you heard your parents say things like: we can't find the money, I don't know where to get the money, I can't afford it, money doesn't grow on trees, you're wasting money, I don't want that, we can't afford that, we're not those kind of people... If you think you must have heard something, somewhere in your life, that affected your relationship with money - raise your hand. Even though, you are listening to this episode and I can’t really see you see but I am certain that almost all of you have your hand raised. You see, I knew this because I witnessed my cousins, little girl say to her mother, in front of me recent

  • Learn The Secret to Abundance

    21/05/2020 Duration: 31min

    This is the number one topic that I get asked about: what is the secret to Abundance. Finally, Learn the REAL Secrets & Tools: How to Attract Abundance! In this episode, I talk about 24 abundance blocks and then I take you through an abundance energy clearance, don't miss it! How many of you have ever tried to manifest something and something crazy happened, where it just didn't show up? It could be love, money, it could be in anything - and no matter what it is that you are wanting to manifest and it can be incredibly frustrating. So, when my intuition developed, I decided because, let's be honest, when your intuition develops, people want you to, kind of, be the circus act. They're like, "Tell me my future, Tell me what's going to happen." And, what would happen is, I'd look deeply into a person’s essence and I'd be like, "Oh, gosh they're going to keep creating the same exact thing over, and over, and over, and over again. How do I help them fix that?" I will to give you, my cliff-notes in this episode

  • What's Your Destiny & How to Work With It.

    07/05/2020 Duration: 19min

    What's Your Destiny & How to Work with It There's almost nothing more mysterious: Destiny, even sounds as if it is imposed from without, having nothing to do with our conscious choice. In fact, there is destiny that is given and destiny which is chosen. Destiny is a complex of Fate, Fortune, Forces and the Inevitable, with a magical Empowered Destiny emerging when we consciously work with the Forces of Destiny. And in the midst of life in which destiny already operates, we can place programs in our destiny, knowing that anything placed within its umbrage and radiance will come to pass. Destiny is a really powerful concept, and I used to think that it was in contradiction to the ideas of conscious reality creation. I was thinking of it in the old consensus ways and in the ways of religions from earlier in the twentieth century and in the century before... The paradox: If something is destined to be, then how can you say you consciously create your own reality? If something is destined, how can you say time

  • Chakra Healing: 101

    23/04/2020 Duration: 35min

    What are Chakras and Learn How to Balance them You are a being of light and energy. Imagine each day waking up feeling healthy and physically well. Is there anything more satisfying than this? Well – yes, it’s much more satisfying to know in your heart that you’re following your life’s purpose -  so that you feel balanced and spiritually connected to the world and people you love. I used to work everyday with dozens of dozens people to heal the main energy centers that power their bodies - the Chakras. I know more than a few things about energy healing and I’m going to share my system with you now... But before I do, you should know that you don’t need to be a master level healer to start seeing results. You just need a process for improving your energy flow. I call this process “Chakra Balancing”. And Here’s how it works - Your Chakras are swirling cone shaped vortexes that allow Life force Energy to flow into and out of your system. Your body, mind and emotions rely on this energy to function properly

  • What is Aura Cleansing and How to do it?

    09/04/2020 Duration: 27min

    Open your minds and hearts and kick your skepticism out the window, my friends - oh yeah, it’s time to talk about auras. Aura is the subtle manifestation of everything that you are! If you look at one’s aura, you clearly know his/her physical health, mental health, his/her karmic structure - and in a way, even know his/her past and present. Aura is a certain manifestation of yourself. The aura has long been described as an electromagnetic energy field that surrounds people - like an egg-shaped ball of energy that encompasses the body. The aura consists of seven levels/layers/auric bodies, also known as the physical aura, astral aura, lower aura, higher aura, spiritual aura, intuitional, and absolute planes. Each one of these subtle bodies that exists around the physical body, has its own unique frequency. They are interrelated, and each body affects the others. They also affect a person’s feelings, emotions, thought patterns, behavior, and overall health. Just like with chakras, a state of imbalance in one of

  • How to Use - Gratitude as Medicine

    26/03/2020 Duration: 35min

    I’ve had unending love affair, all through out my life - Gra.tit.ude. Before I get into the philosophy of gratitude and why I think that gratitude is in fact not just a something you but why I think it actually medicine, I’d like to first start this episode by sharing a beautiful exercise that I practice everyday and I would also like to share a 10 minute guided meditation on gratitude in this episode. This is s topic that’s close to my heart as trained naturopathic doctor. What is Gratitude? I’d like to say it’s a recognition that there’s goodness in our lives, gifts or benefits that we enjoy and which we might often take for granted. This goodness is often due to the actions of another person. When we’re grateful, we recognize the intention and effort that went into those actions on our behalf, and the benefits they gave us. How Can Gratitude Help Us? Over the past two decades, studies have consistently identified strong benefits of gratitude for our minds, bodies, and relationships. Gratefulness increases

  • Want to go Beyond Your Need to Control- Here's How!

    12/03/2020 Duration: 28min

    You love. Absolutely, you do. You have grown, you have changed, you have evolved. And you do love. You feel love with your Unseen Friends and with your Inner Child and Inner Adolescent. You feel love outside in your illusion, in this physical realm. Oh yes, you do. But, you see, you also feel the need to control, and that control robs you of the intensity, the depth, the beauty, and certainly the power of that love. And through the decades you've become so conditioned to that control that it is like the drone of a fan: It's only when it stops that you realize, "Oh, my gosh." It's only when the control is gone that you start feeling what love can really be, what power it really has. And when you do, you no longer have to settle just for the words, just for the poetry that for so long you've had to settle for. You actually experience that love far more deeply, far more richly than you ever have. Love really is all there is. It really is everything people say it is, and oh, it is so much more. Of course you do l

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