Naturally Happy

How to Heal Your Life Using EFT - The Basic Tapping Recipe {PART 2}



How to Heal Your Life Using EFT - The Basic Tapping Welcome to the tapping area, the second episode on EFT. In this episode, you’ll learn How to do the EFT Tapping Basics - The Basic Recipe, the centerpiece of EFT. Last week, I gave you the nut’s & bolts of EFT: the theory, the science and its uses and this week, let’s get into the actual practice of tapping. The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe is an easy to use healing tool that provides the very foundation for expanding your emotional freedom. It is the tapping procedure that we use in every round of EFT, it is easy to learn and easy to apply, which is why EFT has become well known as a tool that anyone can use. By itself, the EFT Tapping Basic Recipe can be applied to any issue you want, and although it is still only the first step to EFT’s full potential, it continues to provide results that range from encouraging to impressive. A recipe, of course, has certain ingredients which must be added in a certain order. If you are baking a cake, for example, you mus