Naturally Happy

The Power of Goddess Energy – How to Heal After Rejection



Use the Power of Goddess to Heal from Rejection It is my sacred joy to share some tips and tools and hopefully helpful insights - that can support you in healing the wound of rejection. The rejection wound is so, so deep, I remember once reading an article, where some psychologists had done a survey and their findings show that of all the different kinds of pain - we can experience but the pain around rejection, people reported was deeper and more difficult to bear, then even the pain or grief. I don’t about you but I personally have experienced every form of rejection. So I really come from a place of experience, when I share this with you. And before I learned to cultivate, an empowered spiritual relationship with myself, where I could really focus on my self love, and that connection with the divine within - it was really devastating to experience any form of rejection, whether it was romantic or professional or in friendships or colleagues. I really know how difficult and painful this can be and from my p