Naturally Happy



Many people are on a journey to find happiness, but are walking the journey without direction.Host dr. Vidya Reddy teaches everybody she knows how to make your own roadmap from her background as Naturopathic doctor and iniated and ordained Guru. Dr. Vidya believes every human being is worthwhile and will do everything in her power to empower humanity.Join her on her journey and learn the wisdom and techniques to create your roadmap to become happy naturally.


  • Learn How to Have Fun and Create WILD Success

    27/02/2020 Duration: 33min

    The Two Major Focuses of Every Lifetime. When I was in India, with my Guruji, who often spoke of Life Focuses. He used to always say that people have seven of them in every lifetime and life focuses. Varying from person to person and from lifetime to lifetime - depending upon what they want to be doing any particular time. There are two focuses, however, that are part of every lifetime we have: they are - Learning To Have Fun and Learning To Consciously Create Success.. These two life focuses are always part of every incarnation. Learning To Have Fun "What is the purpose of life? What is my task? Why am I here? Why am I physical? What is my mission?" You are haunted by this desire to know. Deep within our brain stirs the thought that if we just knew the answer to one of these questions, then everything else would make sense. our heart echoes with feelings that a satisfactory answer would make everything - absolutely everything - all right. Our purpose, our mission, our task - or, as I prefer to say, our

  • Dynamism of Forgiveness

    13/02/2020 Duration: 25min

    This is a very personal episode, I take you on my inner journey to heal the pain of my daddy issues. There were very powerful questions that arose on my inward quest for forgiveness. I will not only ask these profound questions but also attempt to answer the insights that I discovered on my journey to self healing. I knew deep in my heart what I struggled with all those years: why my father didn’t fight to have me in his life. Forgiveness is such a powerful tool. And it is only recently that I have come to realize that it is far more powerful than I thought. We often think of forgiveness as the proper thing to do and we have all heard the clichés about the importance and beauty of it. It's the Christian thing to do or the spiritual thing to do. And it is. I mean, those thoughts are correct. But it is soo much more than that, too. It is truly a powerful technique that can profoundly and instantly change our reality. That is why the title of this episode is The Dynamism of Forgiveness. Dynamism describes a proc

  • What is and How to Use Creative Visualization?

    30/01/2020 Duration: 21min

    Creative visualization is the technique of using your imagination to create what you want in your life. There is nothing at all new, strange, or unusual about creative visualization. You are already using it every day, every minute, in fact. It is your natural power of imagination, the basic creative energy of the universe, which you use constantly, whether or not you are aware of it. Most people in our culture have become cut off from their awareness of their spiritual essence. We have temporarily lost our conscious connection with our souls and, thus, have lost our own sense of power and responsibility for our lives. In some inner way, we have a sense of helplessness; we feel basically powerless to make real change in our lives or in the world. This inner feeling of powerlessness causes us to overcompensate by striving and struggling very hard to have some degree of power or control in our world. Sometimes people who have studied Eastern philosophy or are on a certain spiritual path feel a hesitation about

  • Ayurveda – How to Improve Digestive Agni & Learn the Secret to Restful Sleep

    16/01/2020 Duration: 22min

    Welcome to the second episode dedicated the expansive wisdom of ancient healing art of Ayurveda. Last week, I spoke about the fundamentals of ayurvedic healing. This episode is dedicated to crux of healing science: practices to strengthen the DIGESTION agni and how to get restful sleep.  The healing tradition of Ayurveda teaches that health and well-being depends upon our ability to digest everything we take in from the environment. This includes not only tangible substances like food and drink, but also our experiences, emotions, and the impressions we take in via our sensory portals, namely our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin. Agni is the Sanskrit term for the “digestive fire” that breaks down the food and other things we ingest from the environment, assimilating what is useful, and eliminating the rest. When I was in India studying Ayurveda, one of professors made the most powerful statement that still stays with to this day...and that if you don’t proper sleep, you have nothing. How to Get Restful

  • Why Modern Science Needs the Ancient Miracle of Ayurveda

    02/01/2020 Duration: 33min

    My knowledge is vast and my experience far-reaching. I was very, very fortunate to travel to India to study Ayurveda in the state of Kerala in South India at Kottakkal - known as the birthplace of Ayurveda. So it is with profound happiness and reverence that I’d to share the basics of this incredible healing modality. What is the key to perfect health? In the past decade, personalized medicine has emerged as one of the most promising developments in modern healthcare, offering an approach that tailors medical care and treatment to an individual’s unique characteristics, including a person’s molecular and genetic profile. Advances in scientific research have increased our ability to predict which therapies and treatments will be safe and effective for each person – and which will not. From the perspective of conventional Western medicine, personalized medicine is a relatively new field, yet an individualized approach to healthcare has been a cornerstone of Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Learning ab

  • Ho'oponopono: A powerful Hawaiian Prayer of Forgiveness

    19/12/2019 Duration: 23min

    Have you heard of Ho'oponopono and the Hawaiian therapist who cured an entire ward of criminally insane patients, without ever meeting any of them or spending a moment in the same room? It’s not a joke. He reviewed each of the patients’ files, and then he healed them by healing himself... The amazing results seem like a miracle, but then miracles do happen when you use this method. I had the pleasure of attending a NLP course where we started and ended each of our training with the Ho'oponopono prayer, about a year ago and started practicing immediately. Why would it affect anything “out there”? The secret is there is no such thing as “out there” – everything happens to you in your mind. Everything you see, everything you hear, every person you meet, you experience in your mind. You only think it’s “out there” and you think that absolves you of responsibility. In fact it’s quite the opposite: you are responsible for everything you think, and everything that comes to your attention. If you watch the news, ever

  • Finally, Learn Exactly What Kundalini is!

    05/12/2019 Duration: 24min

    I'm often asked, what Kundalini is? Here’s the simplest answer I give is: it is an ancient name given to an energy, that lives inside us. This energy has been known since the most ancient of times, it has been known through ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia Indus Valley. Everywhere, wherever you see symbols like serpents or coiled serpents dancing, or coming together on an acorn or a pinecone, wherever you have seen these symbols, this energy called the Kundalini Kundalini is an energy, that sits at the base of your spine. It comes in when you are gestating in your mother's womb and gives you, your consciousness - and once it has done its job - this Shakti or divine, feminine energy called Kundalini comes and sits at the base of your spine. Awakening your Kundalini, is like playing a musical flute... I want you to imagine that your spinal cord is like a musical instrument and you have seven key notes along this instrument... that each has a different tone and a different color and a different vibration and these are

  • The Gift of Magical Choice

    21/11/2019 Duration: 28min

    This week, I want to explore choice, the gift of mystical choice. I would suggest that because you make choices - make choices all day long - it is easy to assume that you know all you need to know about choice. And I also suggest that amid the many choices you make every day, there is a mystery. And within that mystery, there are both power and magic. So I talk of choice, but I do not talk of it in the ways with which you are most familiar. I do not talk about setting goals, creating a plan, making decisions, or following through. You have heard such talks often enough ... maybe too often. Let us continue. The Mystery You Know The mystery of choice lies within space-time. It is located within the forms and within the formation -- the patterns of those forms -- that is your reality. It is located within the awareness, understanding, and meaning, and within the conceiving and perceiving that you give to and receive from your reality every day of your life. You already know much of the mystery. Thank you, Vidya

  • Has Stress Become Unbearable? Try these Essential Oils to Combat Stress

    07/11/2019 Duration: 25min

    Stress can wear you down… Make you sick… And drain all of your energy… But you don’t have to let it. And you don’t have to resort to medications to help you feel calmer, more relaxed, and at ease. Ancient and indigenous cultures have long known the power that herbs and plants can have in healing your body. Today, one of the best uses for essential oils is coping with stress. Scents are powerful - a simple smell can immediately trigger a powerful memory, place, or person. Scents have power to evoke emotions and memories instantly and can directly impact our bodies through our nervous system. I want you to live long, happy, fulfilled lives, so I’m going to help you combat this stress with essential oils. They’re a natural alternative to medications. In this episode, you will learn which oil can help regulate your emotional responses, which can help relieve your pain, and which oil may help reduce your blood pressure... which are all keys to helping you feel less stressed, and much more. In Peace, Love and Grati

  • Reiki Healing

    27/10/2019 Duration: 30min

    You have arrived here for a reason. Whether you’re unfamiliar with Reiki, the Infinite ultimate Healer, or looking for how to do Reiki on yourself, or are a seasoned Reiki Master in need of a refresher, this episode is to give you the foundational principles of Reiki Healing. Because - every healer needs some help from time to time along the path to mastery. There are just so many things to learn. This is an episode and a guide for YOUR journey. From Novice to Master, we’re all looking to get better - so we can experience the life changing gifts of Reiki. And the key to experiencing these gifts is understanding the system… So I'll be talking a little bit about The System - this is the same system used by Reiki founder Dr. Mikao Usui. Through this system I have not only experienced a profound improvement in my personal health and spiritual well-being, I have also witnessed remarkable changes in my patients and students over the years. You may be surprised to know that variants of this system have been used wor

  • Causes and solution for Depression

    11/10/2019 Duration: 33min

    Before I dive into weeks topic, I want to take a moment here and be really vulnerable and share that I am not one of those people, as I’ve shared in a previous episode that I’ve struggled with my weight on and off in my 20’s & 30’s and I’ve also dealt with depression and anxiety throughout my life and I when I was approaching 40, I knew that I needed to not only finally look at my unhealthy relationship with food BUT also the underlying issues in my life that lead me down the rabbit hole of depression and anxiety. So I become my own patient and begin not only a regime of clean eating but also cleaning out my emotional closet, and finally began a healthy love affair with my self, and my sense of worthiness. The suggestions I offer in episode are by no means the be-all, end-all for dealing with anxiety and depression. If your symptoms are not manageable with these spiritual tips and techniques, I suggest you work closely with your medical professional or your therapist to create a protocol that works specif

  • Transcending fear

    12/09/2019 Duration: 31min

    In todays episode Dr. Vidya Reddy will be discussing the ability to transcend fear and the value of trusting the human vehicle. Which is the most divine miraculous piece of technology that exists, in this universe. On her journey towards healing and recovering from things like depression, anxiety, self-doubt, codependency and more importantly fear, she began to investigate this concept of fear, because she realized that fear had the ability to knock out any capacity, your divine body has, to overcome what you believe.

  • The disease to please

    30/08/2019 Duration: 42min

    When a person believes that they “need” to please another person, especially to gain his/her love and approval, the initially balanced relationship quickly changes from inter-dependent to co-dependent. In this extreme form, the trap of people-pleasing can even lead to maintaining unfulfilling or abusive relationships, as well as submitting to or performing self-defeating behaviors such as self-starvation, substance abuse, sexual acting out, etc... So how do we combat the dangerous consequences of perpetually putting others first? Here are a few strategies for getting your emotional health back on track? Listen to todays episode in which Dr. Vidya Reddy divulges to break through this pattern.

  • Fear of success

    16/08/2019 Duration: 29min

    One has heard so often in our world about fears of failure... and it was presented awhile ago as this revelatory understanding that there is also what is known as the fear of success. And it became something of a catch phrase, something of a buzzword...that we heard so often "Your problem is you have fear of success." And it's true for many people. Ironically, for many people the fear of success is much bigger than the fear of failure... You have learned through conditioning, from the time you were a very tiny infant, to cope with and deal with failure... Everyone has faced failure many, many times. You can and do cope with failure... and Likewise, you have come to face success as well. However, the "conditioning" to deal with and cope with success is never as thorough or as frequent... Therefore, truly so, success is more frightening than failure is.

  • Energy Medicine

    02/08/2019 Duration: 29min

    Since the earliest times, the laying on of hands, vibrational healing has been used to help restore individuals to a state of health and, harmony on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Energy healing promotes healing by enhancing energy flow and correcting disturbances in the “human magnetic energy field” or “aura” which permeates and surrounds the body, in this episode Dr. Reddy talks about how the the flow of energy in the energy field supports the self-healing capacity of the body and teaches you one of the techniques she likes to use wither patients.

  • Crystal Healing

    11/07/2019 Duration: 33min

    Created over the millennia, healing crystals harness the life giving elements of the Earth and the universe. Harnessing the energy of the Sun, the Moon, and the oceans, semi-precious stones connect us to Earth as soon as we come into contact with them. Many people wonder if crystals have healing powers, and while there are many anecdotes describing the curative effects of healing stones, it really depends on your own experience.. It takes a conscious effort to open your heart and mind to the power of crystal healing, but once you begin, the journey is studded with beautiful, mysterious, and unique crystals that will rock your world

  • Habits of Happiness

    04/07/2019 Duration: 43min

    In this episode, Dr. Vidya Reddy asks one simple question, what makes you happy, what do you do that are your daily habits. Well this is the million-dollar question, how do you explain why people can and can't change habits. Sometimes habits happen easily, sometimes they vanish overnight, sometimes you try so hard to form a habit and you can't, sometimes it's like it seems effortless. So now, I’d like share what makes me happy.

  • Empowering your imagination

    28/06/2019 Duration: 38min

    As said by Dr. Reddy, there is so much to be gained, not from the fantasy, though that can sometimes be a lot of fun,  but from the fantasia, from the truth that is revealed from the Unknown, of course, visualization is important, but you also need to enhance, strengthen, and empower your own imagination so that those fantasias, those wonderful truths and realizations, can be as vivid and as vital and as powerful and as empowering as your own imagination is becoming. 

  • What is Manifestation

    13/06/2019 Duration: 34min

    Manifesting is the conscious awareness, that we get to create our reality based on our thoughts and our feelings. Dr Vidya explains the principle that happens naturally all the time in nature and science, as it follows the principle that every action has a reaction. These rules apply to us, because we live in this beautiful vast universe, where every thing is based on intention and feedback. In other words, you set an intention and it comes back to you. You think of a thought and then it is executed in a specific way and this essentially is the essence of manifestation.

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