Naturally Happy

Shifting Paradigms in Our Current Time



Shifting Paradigms in Our Current Time Let us look again at the shift of paradigm that is taking place within the Great Awakening that unfolds all around us... Yes... I know, those words - paradigm shift - are ones with which you are more than familiar. I would suggest that despite their popular use, and at times overuse, you are in the midst of a profound evolution. You are in the midst of a massive paradigm shift that is called the Great Awakening. It is often spoken as a tri-polar energy that is attempting to become a uni-polar force in our universe and in our world. I think of it as an awakening of the domain of spirituality, the field of play of Earth, the physical place and the complexity of human individuality. I think of it as three powerful energies working together to become one - to become one incredible force that can catapult our world into becoming the New World it is now destined to be! To many, these words can seem as nothing more than hyperbole. Yet, these words of the New World can sound as